P. 9
WORLD NEWS Thursday 24 augusT 2017
Swedish journalist’s torso found in submarine death mystery
By JAN M. OLSEN Madsen’s defense lawyer
Associated Press said her client still maintains
COPENHAGEN, Denmark that Wall died accidental-
(AP) — Journalist Kim Wall ly, and that the discovery
had reported on conflicts, of her torso doesn’t mean
crises and natural disasters he’s guilty of killing her.
around the world. Earlier “It doesn’t change my cli-
this month, she set out to ent’s explanation that an
sea from laid-back Copen- accident happened,” Beti-
hagen for a story about an na Hald Engmark told Dan-
eccentric Danish inventor ish tabloid BT.
and his home-made sub- “No matter what, we find
marine. it very positive that she
She never returned. On has been found now,” she
Wednesday, police con- added.
firmed that Wall’s headless Wall’s boyfriend alerted
torso had been found on authorities early on Aug.
a beach near the Danish 11 that the 40-ton, nearly
capital. The inventor, Peter 18-meter-long (60-foot-
Madsen, has been arrested long) sub hadn’t returned
on suspicion of killing her. from a test run.
Wall, 30, was last seen alive The Danish navy launched
on the evening of Aug. 10 a rescue operation, scram-
on Madsen’s submarine, Police search a waterway for body remains related to the ongoing Kim Wall murder investigation bling two helicopters and
named UC3 Nautilus. The at the west coast of Amager close to Copenhagen, Denmark, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017. The three ships for the search.
freelance journalist’s family investigation continues after the headless torso identified as that of missing Swedish journalist Kim The navy said the sub had
Wall, was found on a beach off Copenhagen.
says she was working on a (Jens Dresling/Ritzau via AP) been seen sailing, but sank
story about Madsen, 46, a “deliberately been cut off.” from Wall’s toothbrush and The investigator said marks shortly afterward. Madsen
celebrity entrepreneur and Copenhagen police inves- hairbrush, he said. on the torso indicated that was picked up by a private
engineer who dreamed tigator Jens Moeller Jensen Moeller Jensen said the someone had tried to press boat.
of launching a manned told reporters Wednesday torso “washed ashore after air out of the body so that it Police say they believe
space mission. that DNA tests had con- having been at sea for a wouldn’t float. Madsen deliberately scut-
Early the next day, Wall’s firmed the torso was Wall’s. while,” and was attached The cause of the journalist’s tled the submarine. Au-
boyfriend reported her Dried blood found inside to a piece of metal “likely death is not yet known, po- thorities later found it and
missing. Madsen was res- the submarine was also a with the purpose to make it lice said. They are still look- brought it onto land for
cued from his sinking ves- match to DNA obtained sink.” ing for the rest of her body. investigation.q
sel south of Copenhagen
hours later. Wall was no-
where to be found. Former Dutch minister to lead tainted egg probe
Madsen, who remains in
police custody on suspi- By MIKE CORDER farmers was around 33 mil- market for eggs from the lead an investigation into
cion of manslaughter, ini- Associated Press lion euros ($39 million), due Netherlands — banned all what happened.
tially told police he had THE HAGUE, Netherlands to sales bans and measures Dutch eggs, not just those “The investigation must
let Wall off on an island (AP) — A former Dutch jus- to clean up contaminated from affected farms. show what happened and
several hours into the trip. tice minister was appointed farms. The report said that, in to- what can be improved
Later, he said she had died Wednesday to lead an in- The true cost is likely much tal, 664 laying stalls at 258 so that lessons can be
accidentally and he had vestigation into the illegal higher. The report did not farms were banned from learned,” the government
“buried” her at sea. use of a pesticide on lay- gauge the economic im- selling eggs. Some of those said in a statement.
On Monday, a cyclist ing hens, which sparked a pact of indirect conse- affected have since been A criminal investigation and
discovered a torso on a food scare in Europe and quences such as the dam- cleared to resume sales. a probe by the indepen-
beach on Copenhagen’s beyond and led to the de- aged reputations of farm- The scandal started when dent Dutch Safety Board
southern Amager island, struction of millions of eggs. ers whose eggs were found Fipronil was found to have are already underway. A
near where Wall was be- According to a govern- to be tainted with the pesti- been illegally mixed into an group of Dutch lawmakers
lieved to have died. Co- ment-commissioned re- cide Fipronil and those with insect spray used to treat will interrupt their summer
penhagen police said port, the estimated direct unaffected farms. lice on chickens. recess to hold a debate
Tuesday that the body’s economic cost of the scan- Some supermarkets in Ger- Former Justice Minister Win- Thursday on the Fipronil
head, arms and legs had dal to affected Dutch egg many — the biggest export nie Sorgdrager will now scandal.q