P. 8

               Thursday 24 augusT 2017
            French leader presses labor rules in central Europe tour

            By KIRSTEN GRIESHABER        nent’s  eastern  nations,  so-  sisting  the  European  free  in Western countries where  abroad to up to one year.
            Associated Press             called “posted workers.”     market  isn’t  supposed  to  welfare  costs  are  higher.  “I have good hope that we
            BERLIN (AP) — French Presi-  Macron said after meeting  benefit countries that have  The  largest  number  work  will  be  able  to  keep  push-
            dent  Emmanuel  Macron  Austrian  Chancellor  Chris-      less   protective   workers’  in  construction,  but  many  ing  forward  on  that  issue”,
            on  Wednesday  pushed  tian  Kern  in  Salzburg  that  rights.                         also work as welders, elec-  he said.
            for  tighter  European  Union  France  and  Austria  “have  While   abroad,   posted  tricians or caring for the el-  Kern  stressed  that  Europe
            rules  to  protect  workers  in  the  exact  same  views  on  workers  continue  to  pay  derly.                    needs  to  tackle  the  issue
            France  and  other  prosper-  this issue.”                into  the  tax  and  social  se-  Macron  wants  to  require  together.
            ous  countries  in  Western  He said he considered the  curity systems of their home  companies  to  pay  posted  “We don’t want Europe to
            Europe from cheaper labor  current rules as a “betrayal  countries, allowing employ-   and local workers the same  get  split  up  into  old  and
            stemming  from  the  conti-  of  the  European  spirit”,  in-  ers to hire them for less than  salaries  and  limit  postings  new.”q

            Eurozone recovery ongoing as focus turns to Jackson Hole

                                                                                                   years. That may allay some  That’s  not  ideal  for  a  cen-
                                                                                                   recent fears that the rise in  tral  bank  which  is  aiming
                                                                                                   the euro over the past few  to  stoke  price  pressures
                                                                                                   months  was  sapping  ex-    in  the  economy.  The  ECB
                                                                                                   ports  by  making  eurozone  aims for an annual inflation
                                                                                                   products  less  competitive  rate  of  just  below  2  per-
                                                                                                   in international markets.    cent. In the year to July, it
                                                                                                   In  a  little  more  than  four  remained well short of that,
                                                                                                   months,  the  euro  has  ris-  at  1.3  percent.  “We  think
                                                                                                   en  more  than  10  percent  that improvements in infla-
                                                                                                   against the dollar, and ear-  tion  to  above  1.5  percent
                                                                                                   lier  this  month  it  breached  are unlikely for the coming
                                                                                                   the  $1.19  mark  for  the  first  months,  so  look  for  a  cau-
                                                                                                   time since the start of 2015.  tious  Draghi  at  the  end  of
                                                                                                   It’s  shown  similar  strength  the week,” said Bert Colijn,
                                                                                                   against the British pound.   senior eurozone economist
                                                                                                   The euro’s recent strength,  at  ING.  Draghi’s  upcom-
                                                                                                   which  has  been  based  ing  comments  have  add-
                                                                                                   largely  on  growing  signs  ed  resonance  because
                                                                                                   of  economic  momentum  they  will  be  made  just  a
                                                                                                   in  the  eurozone,  has  been  couple  of  weeks  before
                                                                                                   one reason why many ECB  the  ECB’s  next  scheduled
                                                                                                   watchers  think  the  central  policy  meeting  on  Sept.
            This Thursday, March 9, 2017 photo shows the President of the European Central Bank Mario Draghi   bank  will  tread  carefully  7. The prevailing view in fi-
            in Frankfurt, Germany. The eurozone economy is on course for another solid quarter of economic
            growth, a closely watched survey indicated Wednesday ahead of a keenly awaited speech from   in  reining  back  its  stimulus  nancial markets is that the
            the European Central Bank’s chief Friday.                                              measures, which has seen it  ECB  will  extend  its  stimulus
                                                                          (AP Photo/Michael Probst)  slash interest rates including  measures into next year but
            By PAN PYLAS                 company  IHS  Market  said  has continued through the  its main one to zero. It has  with some reduction of the
            Associated Press             its  purchasing  managers’  summer despite the recent  also sought to keep market  amount  in  monthly  bond
            LONDON (AP) — The euro-      index  for  the  19-country  appreciation  in  the  euro.  interest rates, which affect  purchases.
            zone economy is on course  single currency bloc rose to  The  survey  reinforces  mar-  the costs of loans and mort-  Neil  Wilson,  senior  market
            for another solid quarter of  55.8 in August from 55.7 the  ket  expectations  that  the  gages, low by flooding the  analyst at ETX Capital, said
            economic growth, a close-    previous  month.  The  slight  eurozone  will  for  the  sec-  financial system with newly  financial markets should be
            ly  watched  survey  indicat-  increase  was  unexpected  ond time in a row grow by  created  money.  The  ECB  wary  ahead  of  the  Jack-
            ed  Wednesday  ahead  of  —  most  forecasters  were  a  healthy  quarterly  rate  is  pumping  60  billion  euros  son  Hole  gathering  of  the
            a  keenly  awaited  speech  predicting a modest fall.     of  0.6  percent  in  the  third  ($71  billion)  a  month  into  world’s  central  bankers,
            from the European Central  Given that anything above  quarter of the year.             the economy.                 and not just about Draghi.
            Bank’s  chief.  In  the  run-up  50 indicates expansion, the  Particularly   encouraging  As well as potentially weigh-  Janet  Yellen,  the  U.S.  Fed-
            to Friday’s big speech from  survey  of  the  eurozone’s  was the fact that the man-   ing on exports, the high cur-  eral Reserve chair, will also
            ECB President Mario Draghi  manufacturing  and  ser-      ufacturing sector was able  rency  has  the  potential  to  be  at  the  event  and  she
            at  Jackson  Hole,  Wyo-     vices  sectors  suggests  that  to secure new export orders  keep  a  lid  on  inflation  by  could  lay  out  changes  to
            ming,  financial  information  the  region’s  momentum  at the fastest pace in 6 1/2  making  imports  cheaper.  the Fed’s intentions. q

            Britain says top EU court could still have role after Brexit

            By JILL LAWLESS              May’s  government  has  re-  The  reality  is  more  com-  over the treatment of their  and neutral.”
            Associated Press             peatedly said Britain will no  plex, and illustrates some of  citizens in the Britain.  In   a   paper   released
            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  Euro-  longer be bound by rulings  the  challenges  involved  in  Alexander  Winterstein,  a  Wednesday,  the  Depart-
            pean Union’s highest court  of  the  Luxembourg-based  disentangling  the  country  spokesman  at  the  EU’s  ex-   ment for Exiting the Europe-
            could  still  carry  weight  in  European  Court  of  Justice  from the EU.            ecutive  Commission,  said  an Union said a new com-
            Britain  after  Brexit  even  once  it  quits  the  bloc  in  The 27 other EU states want  Wednesday that the bloc’s  mittee  or  arbitration  panel
            though  the  country  will  2019.                         the  European  court  to  re-  position  was  “transparent  would have to be created
            leave  its  “direct  jurisdic-  May  said  Wednesday  that  tain authority over the inter-  and unchanged.”         to deal with disagreements
            tion,”  the  U.K. government  Britain’s  Supreme  Court  pretation  and  implemen-     The   British   government,  over the interpretation and
            said Wednesday.              “will be the arbiter” of Brit-  tation  of  the  Brexit  agree-  however, says the EU’s pro-  application  of  the  Brexit
            Prime    Minister   Theresa  ish laws.                    ment,  and  have  oversight  posal  would  not  be  “fair  deal.q
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