Page 5 - TTC 9 JULY 2015
P. 5
Pagina 28 Diahuebs 09 Juli 2015
Solo di Pueblo... Noticia Local.....
Playa Linda’s new Director of Room Divisions Rolando de Cuba Roosje Roos promove pa Front Office and
Reservations Manager
A lifetime of hospitality leads to career strides
Rolando De Cuba is assistant chief engineer, opportunity to be at my a comenta, kende su Linda ta un lugar great pa
among the several very best,” comments ascenso di nivel di traha. E ta mi cas leu di
success stories at the but his ability to problem Rolando. “At the Playa principiante na front cas."
Playa Linda Beach Linda, I have benefitted desk te na un posicion
Resort, where local solve, understand from colleagues who gerencial, e mes ta On both Roosje’s and
residents, who have share their knowledge, mir'e, den parti, danki Rolando’s continuing
studied abroad, have guests’ needs and with skills and expertise, na e resultado di tur e contributions to the resort,
returned and enriched and who hold the same sosten cu el a haya di Playa Linda General
the island’s tourism an eye for upholding passion, commitment, su coleganan miembro Manager Steven Marra
product through their goals and values.” di ekipo y personal. remarks, “I am confident
talent and dedication. guest standards, he was "Atrabes di e añanan, that they will help us to
After 17 years on the Entre e coleganan ey, mi a siña y desaroya drive service results to
job at the Playa Linda soon tapped to be the su sucesor cu ta tuma mi habilidadnan, cual a the next level to ensure
and with a career of high su puesto, Roosje Roos, yuda mi logra metanan di Playa Linda will always
points, Rolando recently reservations manager. kende similarmente a carera profesional. Playa be the best timeshare in
expanded his duties, with distingui su mes denter di Aruba.”
his new appointment as While fulfilling duties Front Office, y cu awor a
the resort’s director of ked promovi como front
room divisions. of both front office & office and reservation
manager. Despues di
reservations manager, traha cu e resort pa 14
aña, e ta sigui marca
he helped lead the resort pasonan den su carera,
demostrando un talento
to its current, enviable pa traha cu huespednan
cu dedicacion
status in holding both the insacudible.
Gold Crown from RCI as "Un di mi logronan cu
mas mi ta orguyoso di
well as its Premier Level dje, te ainda, tabata gana
e premio di Supervisor
from II, denoting the Playa di Aña. Den aumenta
e entrada pa camber
Linda as a top timeshare y percentahe total di
ocupacion, e tabata tin
resort. He also obtained un impacto cu a beneficia
tanto e compania den su
“It has always been my individual recognition for totalidad, como tambe
nos team," asina Roosje
goal to play a positive role his outstanding customer
in the growth of Aruba’s service, winning the RCI
tourism industry. After Diamond Award, for two
completing my BS in straight years in 2012
hospitality management and 2013. As the director
at FIU and working at of room divisions, he
Hyatt, it was at the Playa oversees the Front Desk
Linda where I found both and Reservations, as
career challenges and well as the departments
rewards,” comments of Housekeeping and
Rolando. “We are one Concierge.
big family here, with one “For the last several
years, I have done a wide
common goal, and that variety of things. I have set
my goals and continually
is for everyone to feel at moved forward. There
are challenges, but I look
home, when away from at each day as a new
Rolando first started out
at the Playa Linda as the