Page 2 - aua traveller july 17
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Soon having a Visa to enter Aruba
from Colombia will no longer be required

MINISTER Otmar Oduber elaborated on the plans           them again. Some countries that have eliminated the          RONELLA TIJN ASJOE-CROES
                                                        Visa requirement are Holland, Curacao, Sint Maarten,
to eliminate the required Visa to travel from Colombia  Panama and many more.                                        The Colombian Visa will soon be eliminated and
to Aruba. Curacao and Sint Maarten have already         “However in Aruba we have a lot of Colombians                this will allow tourism from Colombia to grow and
eliminated the Visa requirement for Colombians.         residing here, meaning that eliminating the Visa             expand according to the CEO of ATA Mrs. Ronella
The Aruban government evaluated whether to imple-       requirement could receive major impulse from the             Tijn Asjoe-Croes.
ment this plan or not and have decided in favor of it.  Colombian residents in Aruba, so it could have a huge
Starting next year Aruba will no longer demand those    effect on Aruba. For this reason we are trying to get        “ATA was part of the process of deciding whether to
traveling from Colombia to Aruba to have a Visa.        the Visa demand eliminated.” The Minister said.              eliminate the Colombian Visa requirement or not. It
                                                                                                                     wasn’t an easy decision to make, because there were
“The reason for having the Visa requirements were       Minister Oduber thinks that this decision will be            many factors that had to be taken into account. One
similar to those of the rest of the world which is to   beneficial for our tourism and that an investigation         of them being Aruba’s’ initial reason for introducing
protect the country from entrance from a country        done by ATA proved that Aruba will get a lot of tour-        the Colombian Visa and should have a good reason
decaying, but that was the case 25 years ago. At that    ists from Colombia when the Visa requirement is             for eliminating it also, another factor is the security
time Colombia had an extremely high                                                                                  issue.” Ronella Tijn Asjoe-Croes said.
crime rate. However they are cur-                              eliminated because Aruba has invested a lot
rently one of the safest countries                                 in Colombia. The tourists will be affluent        These factors and reasons still need to be evaluated
in Latin America and the world.                                       Colombians and family members that             but the tourist factor is a strong deciding factor con-
They are advancing quickly and                                         have family living here.                      sidering that Colombia is a Latin America country that
their unemployment volume is                                                                                         is developing well economically.
decreasing fast.” According to                                           Minister Oduber concluded by saying:
Minister Oduber.                                                         “We didn’t eliminate the Visa require-      Ronella Croes says that ATA is ready to eliminate
                                                                         ment two months ago when the other          the Visa and hopes that it will double the amount of
The entire world has noticed                                             countries did it, but decided to wait till  tourists coming from Colombia to Aruba.
Colombia’s’ enormous ad-                                                next year so as to give the Government       “We need to remember family members that visit their
vancement and has start-                                               enough time to prepare the control that       family residing in Aruba, but we will not lose sight of
ed opening the                                                                                                       our main goal which is to attract more affluent tourists
doors to                                                                   will take place and to make sure they     to Aruba and Colombia can offer us that. That’s why
                                                                                    are complying with interna-      we at ATA think that it is a good decision to eliminate
                                                                                      tional standards.”             the Visa.” Ronella Tijn Asjoe-Croes said.

2 LOCAL                                                                                                              Friday, July 17 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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