Page 7 - aua traveller july 17
P. 7

Betonbouw is developing new office building
VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne in St. Maarten

LAW FIRM VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne will get a new office building in               On behalf of Betonbouw, Dirk-Huib Kleijn says: “In pleasant cooperation, VanEps
                                                                                   Kunneman VanDoorne and Arcade arrived at this design in the past year, and we
St. Maarten. Managing partner Focco Lunsingh Scheurleer and senior partner         are proud to be able to consider a firm that sets high standards in every respect
Randolph van Eps signed an agreement to this effect with the Betonbouw Group       to be our client. We look forward to the continuation, when we will realize this
on Friday 10 July.                                                                 design.”

The new building will be at Harbor View, just like the current building. Higher
up the slope, the building will offer magnificent views of Philipsburg, Great Bay
and Great Salt Pond. The building will be built on columns, so that the
space underneath the first floor will be a covered parking. This
optimally opens up the unique view. The use of glass
emphasizes this effect, giving the new office
building a modern appearance as well. The
building will be equipped with high-quality
facilities, such as a roof terrace accessible
by elevator, a library, and several adjust-
able conference rooms with a maximum
capacity of 40 persons in a theater setup. As
a consequence, meetings such as the legal
seminars VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne
regularly offers can partly be organized in
its own office from now on.

The design of the new building offers the
option to rent out two offices, separately
accessible from the lobby. The rent includes
use of all facilities, such as the spacious
parking, security, video conferencing and
a receptionist.

Managing partner Focco Lunsingh
Scheurleer says about this step: “Meeting
the demand on the market, our team in
St. Maarten is growing. This resulted, for
instance, in the decision earlier this year to
permanently post an extra partner, Michiel
Gorsira, in St. Maarten. Additional require-
ments for our accommodation formed
another consequence. We are glad to have
found a partner in the Betonbouw Group
that will deliver a turnkey building tailored
to all our wishes.”

Partner Kamla Besançon, attorney with
VanEps Kunneman Van Doorne in St.
Maarten, “In the past four years, VanEps
Kunneman VanDoorne has become a
leading and permanent player on the St.
Maarten market. The design of the new
building is modern and spacious, and suits
our progressive vision. I look forward to
opening it mid-2016.”

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Friday, July 17 2015                                             7LOCAL
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