Page 12 - aua traveller july 17
P. 12

DAD JAILED                         GEORGE HW BUSH, 91, FALLS,



A western Pennsylvania

man has been jailed on
charges that he fractured
his 7-week-old son’s skull
by smashing the baby’s
head into a wall.

Tyler Duddy of Butler
Township was charged
Tuesday after a several-
week investigation of an
incident at his apartment
last month.

Police say Duddy told
them he smashed the
baby’s skull into the wall
because he was frustrated
and mad.

 The baby, Callen, is re-   A Maine hospital says 91-year-old former    Former President George H.W. Bush, at 91        of breath. He spent Christmas 2012 in
covering and has been       President George H.W. Bush is in fair       the oldest living former president, was be-     intensive care at the same Houston hos-
placed in foster care be-   condition after he fell and broke a bone    ing treated at a hospital early Thursday for    pital for a bronchitis-related cough and
cause the child’s mother    in his neck.                                a broken bone in his neck suffered in a fall.   other issues.
is hospitalized for an un-  The 41st president and oldest living        Bush, the 41st U.S. president, fell on          Bush, a Republican, served two terms as
specified reason.           former president fell on Wednesday at       Wednesday at his summer home in Ken-            Ronald Reagan’s vice president before
                            his summer home in Kennebunkport. A         nebunkport but was doing OK and was             being elected president in 1988. After
  Authorities               Bush spokesman says he’s doing OK and       wearing a neck brace, a Bush spokesman          one term, highlighted by the success of
say it’s likely             is wearing a neck brace.                    said.                                           the 1991 Gulf War in Kuwait, he lost to
 the boy will               A hospital spokesman said Thursday          «41 fell at home in Maine today and broke       Democrat Bill Clinton amid voters’ con-
 end up with                morning that Bush was taken to Portland’s   a bone in his neck,» spokesman Jim Mc-          cerns about the economy.
                            Maine Medical Center early Wednesday        Grath tweeted on Wednesday night. «His          Bush, the father of Republican former
  long-term                 afternoon. Spokesman Matt Paul would        condition is stable -- he is fine -- but he’ll  President George W. Bush, was a naval
health issues.              not release other details.                  be in a neck brace.»                            aviator in World War II and was shot down
                            The hospital says it’s premature to specu-  Bush was being treated at Portland’s            over the Pacific. He also was a former U.S.
Online court records        late about when he’ll be released.          Maine Medical Center, where a children’s        ambassador to China and a CIA director.
don’t list an attorney for  Bush has a form of Parkinson’s disease.     hospital is named for his wife. The medical     He has skydived on at least three of his
Duddy. He faces a pre-      He was hospitalized in Houston in De-       center confirmed his condition was stable       birthdays since leaving the White House.
liminary hearing July 23    cember for shortness of breath. He spent    but said it was premature to speculate          He celebrated his 90th birthday by making
on charges of aggravated    Christmas 2012 in intensive care there for  about when he’ll be released. It said he        a tandem parachute jump near his Ken-
assault, simple assault,    a bronchitis-related cough.                 would be there at least overnight.              nebunkport home. He celebrated a low-
endangering the welfare     The Republican served two terms as Ron-     Bush, who has a form of Parkinson’s             key 91st birthday with his family there.
of a child and reckless     ald Reagan’s vice president before being    disease and uses a motorized scooter or         During the winter, Bush and his wife,
endangerment.               elected president in 1988.                  a wheelchair for mobility, has suffered         Barbara Bush, live in Houston.
                            THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE.             other recent health setbacks.                   Another Bush son, Republican former
                            Check back soon for further information.    He was hospitalized in Houston in De-           Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, is running for
                            AP’s earlier story is below.                cember for about a week for shortness           president in 2016.

12 INTERNATIONAL                                                                                                                      Friday, July 17 2015 - ARUBA TRAVELLER
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