Page 17 - aua traveller july 17
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                                                                                                                                                                              approve a medical treatment
                                                                                                                                                                              that falls short of federal guide-

                                                                                                                                                       “This is
                                                                                                                                                      a terrible
                                                                                                                                                   condition. We
                                                                                                                                                   don’t have a
                                                                                                                                                    great way to
                                                                                                                                                      treat it,”

                                                                                                                                                   said Dr. Tony Cappello, the
                                                                                                                                                   board chairman, who high-
                                                                                                                                                   lighted an established federal
                                                                                                                                                   process for drug approvals.

COLORADO is known                          “We have                        lic Health Service review of        covers more than 90 percent of      The rejection showed the latest
                                          an absence                       research proposals is no longer     the 113,000 Coloradans on the       disconnect between voters and
for pushing boundaries on                  of scientific                   necessary because it duplicates     medical marijuana registry.         public officials on the issue.
marijuana, but health officials’         information,”                     a required review by the Food                                           When Colorado voters ap-
decision to reject pot as a treat-                                         and Drug Administration.            Many of those patients ask          proved recreational pot in
ment for post-traumatic stress           board member Rick Brown                                               pot-shop employees, known           2012, just one of the state’s
disorder shows the issue is far         said.                              Some people attending Wednes-       as “budtenders,” about using        100 lawmakers, Rep. Jonathan
from settled.                           Marijuana is illegal under fed-    day’s vote on PTSD noted that       marijuana to treat PTSD, not        Singer, endorsed the idea.
                                        eral law, and some scientists say  none of the medical conditions      their physicians, Sisley said.      Democratic Gov. John Hicken-
Voters have made marijuana              research has been stymied by       currently eligible for state medi-  “This just provides better ac-      looper remains cautious and
legal for both medical and rec-         government hurdles, including      cal marijuana cards, including      cess to different strains under a   says not enough is known about
reational use, but government           a declaration that marijuana is    AIDS, epilepsy and glaucoma,        physician’s guidance,” she said     legalization’s effect on young
officials at every level have           a controlled substance with no     has the kind of scientific back-    in favor of adding PTSD to the      people.
continually pushed back.                accepted medical use.              ing the board mentioned.            medical pot registry.
                                                                                                                                                   Singer, a Democrat, has said he
The state Board of Health voted         The Department of Health and       One physician recently awarded                                          would propose a bill next year
6-2 Wednesday against adding            Human Services made it a little    a state grant to study marijuana                                        to circumvent the appointed
PTSD to the list of ailments            easier last month for privately    use by veterans testified that                                          board and add PTSD without
eligible for treatment with             funded medical marijuana           PTSD sufferers are already us-                                          its approval.
medical marijuana. It came              research to get approved. The      ing pot to treat their symptoms.
despite a recommendation from           department said a federal Pub-     “People are going to use it         The state’s chief medical officer,  “We have to
Colorado’s chief medical officer                                           anyway,” said Dr. Sue Sisley,       Dr. Larry Wolk, told the board      balance our
and a panel of physicians.                                                 adding that PTSD sufferers          that adding PTSD would make         science and
Board members cited a lack                                                 can shop at recreational dis-       the registry more “honest.”         our humanity
of research, including medical                                             pensaries or get a doctor’s         Nine states consider it a quali-      together,”
trials.                                                                    recommendation for the broad        fying condition for medical
                                                                           category of “severe pain,” which    marijuana: Arizona, California,                he said.
                                                                                                               Connecticut, Delaware, Maine,
                                                                                                               Massachusetts, Michigan, New
                                                                                                               Mexico and Oregon.
                                                                                                               But the board, many of them
                                                                                                               physicians, said they couldn’t

ARUBA TRAVELLER - Friday, July 17 2015                                                                         17INTERNATIONAL
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