Page 15 - aua traveller july 17
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CAITLYN Jenner accepted the Arthur Ashe Courage          Jenner urged the crowd that included football, basket-    Little League baseball pitcher Mo’ne Davis called Jen-
                                                         ball, baseball and hockey superstars to remember what     ner “brave.”
Award at the ESPYs on Wednesday night while urging       they say and do is “absorbed and observed by millions     “She’s really brave to have the courage to get through
acceptance for others who are transgender.               of people, especially young people.”                      a lot of those things,” said the 14-year-old who won
She received a standing ovation from some of the         “My plea for you tonight is one join me in making this    best breakthrough athlete. “I know a lot of people
sporting world’s biggest stars after her 10-minute       one of your issues as well,” she said.                    give her a hard time about it, but just for her family to
speech during the annual awards honoring the year’s      Many in the crowd watched intently as Jenner spoke        give her thatFormer heavyweight champion Evander
top athletes and moments.                                with little reaction on their faces.                      Holyfield said, “I just know that’s Bruce Jenner and I’ll
“This transition has been harder on me than anything I   “If you want to call me names, make jokes and doubt       leave it at that.”
can imagine,” said Jenner, who revealed she was in the   my intentions, go ahead because the reality is I can reported Wednesday that Jenner’s
process of becoming a woman in a televised interview     take it,” she said. “But for thousands of kids out there  representatives approached ESPN suggesting the net-
with Diane Sawyer in April on ABC.                       coming to terms with the reality of who they are they     work give her the Ashe award in exchange for plugs
From the stage, Jenner thanked Sawyer, whom she          shouldn’t have to take it.”                               on her upcoming E! docuseries. ESPN and ABC are
called a friend.                                         A video narrated by “Mad Men” actor Jon Hamm traced       owned by Disney.
Noting her powerful celebrity platform, the 1976 Olym-   Jenner’s life from the time when she was known as
pic decathlon champion and current reality TV star       Bruce Jenner to her current transition. She mentioned     “That rumor is completely false,” ESPN spokesman
vowed “to do whatever I can to reshape the landscape     she once considered ending her own life with a gun        Josh Krulewitz said. “The Arthur Ashe Courage Award
of how transgender people are viewed and treated.”       she owned.                                                and ABC interview were never connected.”
Abby Wambach of the U.S. soccer team that won the        She was shown applying makeup, buttoning her blouse       Jenner’s publicist Alan Nierob called the report “utterly
Women’s World Cup presented the trophy to Jen-           in her closet and fastening the strap on her heeled       false” and had no further comment.
ner, whose voice broke as she thanked members of         shoes.                                                    Jenner’s selection to receive the Ashe award named for
her famous family, including stepdaughters Kim and       With her trembling hands clasped in front of her, Jen-    the late tennis player who died in 1993 after contract-
Khloe Kardashian. Tears welled in the eyes of Jenner’s   ner joked with the audience about her struggle to select  ing AIDS from a blood transfusion generated strong
younger daughter, Kylie, whose sister, Kendall, wiped    the cream gown she wore.                                  debate online.
a tear from her eye.                                     “OK girls, I get it,” she said, as the audience laughed.  “I met Arthur Ashe a few times. I know how important
“I never wanted to hurt anyone else, most of all my      “You’ve got to get the shoes, the hair, the makeup, it    education was to him,” Jenner said. “Learn as much as
family and my kids,” said Jenner, wiping her eye.        was exhausting. And the fashion police, please be kind    you can about another person to understand them as
She admitted that until earlier this year she had never  on me. I’m new at this.”                                  well as you can.”
met another transgender person.                          Jenner didn’t walk the red carpet outside the Microsoft   Online critics said college basketball player Lauren
The 65-year-old told the audience about trans teen-      Theater in downtown Los Angeles, and she didn’t ap-       Hill, who died of brain cancer in April, was deserving
agers who are bullied, beaten up, murdered or kill       pear backstage to talk with reporters, as most of the     of the Ashe honor.
themselves. Jenner mentioned two people by name          previous Ashe award recipients have done. ESPN said       But Hill’s mother, Lisa, attended the show and said her
whose deaths particularly touched her.                   Jenner wanted her onstage comments to stand.              daughter would not have welcomed the controversy
“Trans people deserve something vital, they deserve      Reaction among Jenner’s sporting peers on the red         and made no judgment of others.
your respect,” she said. “From that respect comes a      carpet was mixed.                                         Jenner’s series called “I Am Cait” debuts July 26.
more compassionate community.”
ARUBA TRAVELLER - Friday, July 17 2015
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