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Saturday 10 OctOber 2020 LOCAL

                                         Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA):

                                         Investing in Mental Health

                                         mental  illness  is  predicted  disorders often face stigma  closer  to  achieving  our  ate  the  needed  alliances
                                         to  cause  US$2.76  billion  in  and  discrimination,  limita-  goals, we need to continue  between governments, ac-
                                         lost economic output from  tion of human rights, abuse,  to  pledge  support  to  the  ademia,  civil  society  and
                                         2015-2030.                   neglect  and  inadequate  2007 Declaration of Port of  others,  to  help  to  shape
                                         This  year’s  World  Mental  access    to   community-    Spain:    Uniting  to  Stop  the  regional  and  country-level
            PORT  OF  SPAIN,  TRINIDAD  Health  Day,  on  10  Octo-   based treatment, care and  Epidemic  of  Chronic  Non-    policy  and  programs  that
            AND TOBAGO — In the Ca-      ber, comes at a time when  support  services.  Address-   communicable      Diseases,  address  the  issues  of  men-
            ribbean  and  worldwide,  lives  have  changed  con-      ing  stigma  and  discrimina-  and  the  Sustainable  De-  tal health disorders and to
            mental health disorders are  siderably as a result of the  tion  are  important  strate-  velopment Goal (SDG)  3.4  promote mental wellbeing.
            now recognized as the fifth  COVID-19  pandemic.    The  gies in programs for mental  which aims to reduce,  by

            major  non-communicable  campaign  focuses  on  in-       health disorders.            2030,  premature    mortal-  In  September  of  this  year,
            disease and a major threat  vestment in mental health.    Investing  in  interventions  ity  from  non-communica-   CARPHA     and   countries
            to  health  and  economic                                 designed     to   improve  ble  diseases  by  one  third,  across  the  Region  cel-
            development  in  the  21st  The     World    Federation  health  can  help  reduce  through  prevention  and  ebrated  Caribbean  Well-
            century.                     for  Mental  Health  states  the burden of these illness-  treatment and the promo-    ness Day. The annual event
                                         “Good  mental  health  is  es. There are cost-effective  tion  of  mental  health  and  was  geared  at  increasing
            According  to  the  World  critical to the functioning of  interventions  that  Carib-  well-being,”  said  Dr  Joy  St  awareness  and  promoting
            Health  Organization  one  society at the best of times.  bean countries can imple-    John,  CARPHA  Executive  activities  to  address  non-
            in four persons globally will  It must be front and center  ment to prevent and con-   Director.                    communicable diseases in-
            be  affected  by  a  mental  of every country’s response  trol mental illnesses. Scaled                             cluding mental health.
            disorder  or  neurological  to  and  recovery  from  the  up  treatment  for  mental  She  further  stated  that
            disorder in their lifetime and  COVID-19  pandemic.  The  health disorders are likely to  a  ‘whole  of  society  ap-  CARPHA urges everyone to
            450  million  are  affected  mental health and wellbe-    increase healthy life years,  proach’  is  essential  in  or-  engage in healthy lifestyles
            by  these  disorders,  such  ing of whole societies have  thus  avoiding  significant  der to prevent and control  like being physically active,
            as, depression, anxiety dis-  been severely impacted by  economic losses and social  mental disorders and other  engaging  in  healthy  eat-
            orders,  bipolar  disorder,  this crisis and are a priority  costs. Over a 15-year peri-  NCDs.  No one person, or-  ing;  if  you  smoke,  please
            schizophrenia,   dementia  to be addressed urgently.      od, scaling up treatment for  ganization  or  government  quit,  reduce  consumption
            and  substance  (e.g.  alco-                              mental  health  conditions  can do this. All members of  of  alcohol  to  the  recom-
            hol, nicotine) dependency.   The current COVID-19 pan-    in  Jamaica  would  result  in  society  need  to  play  their  mended  safe  quantities,
                                         demic is also affecting dif-  J$4.2  return  on  investment  role to achieve success.  get  annual  health  checks,
            Mental health disorders are  ferent  people  in  different  for every J$1 invested.2                                improve  your  personal  re-
            a leading cause of disabil-  ways, and is having a major                               CARPHA continues to work  lationships  with  family  and
            ity and a major contributor  impact on persons’ mental  “We  must  support  inter-     closely with the Caribbean  friends  and  take  care  of

            to the burden of non-com-    health  and  well-being  in-  ventions  and  investments  Community (CARICOM), In-     your mental health. During
            municable diseases (NCDs)  cluding those persons who  aimed  at  prevention  and  stitutions of the Community,  the pandemic be calm, be
            in  the  Region.  In  Jamaica  have  existing  mental  ill-  treatment  of  chronic  dis-  Member States and its pub-  safe,  and  seek  help  if  un-
            for example, the burden of  nesses. Persons with mental  eases.    So  that  we  move  lic  health  partners  to  cre-  able to cope.q
            Professional fishing guides in Aruba in world top 10 %

                                                                                                             ORANJESTAD — Four professional fishing guides
                                                                                                             in Aruba have been ranked in the top 10 % of
                                                                                                             fishing guides in the world by FishingBooker.

                                                                                                             The captains in question are:
                                                                                                             •   Milton Pichardo with Teaser Charters
                                                                                                             •   Marcelino De Jesus with Sunrise Charters
                                                                                                             •   Ryan C.f Jones with Aruba Bound Charters
                                                                                                             •   Eddy with J-String Charters

                                                                                                             The guides are thrilled to have received Fish-
                                                                                                             ingBooker's  Angler's  Choice  Award  2020,
                                                                                                             which is a recognition awarded to the top 10%
                                  Eddy                              Milton Pichardo, photo Credits Aruba
                                                                                                             of guides each year. The criteria for receiving
                                                                                                             this award are:
                                                                                                             •   At least 7 reviews from FishingBooker cus-
                                                                                                             •   An average review score of at least 4.5 out
                                                                                                                 of 5
                                                                                                             •   A “realization rate” of at least 70%, mean-
                                                                                                                 ing most of the guide's trips went ahead
                                                                                                             •   The  guide  responded  to  at  least  90%  of
                                                                                                                 their trip requests

                                                                                                             FishingBooker  is  the  world's  largest  booking
                                                                                                             platform for fishing charters, working with over
                                                                                                             5,000 fishing guides worldwide, including 19 in
                             Ryan C.f Jones                                 Marcelino De Jesus
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