P. 14
Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Boardwalk Small Hotel’s Festive Housekeeping Week Celebrations
PALM BEACH - The House- hotel managers Kimberly ing classes at the teppan- colorful art pieces all par- tive donated a huge cake
keeping and Maintenance and Stephanie Rooijakkers. yaki grill, followed by a deli- ticipants could take home for all housekeeping staff to
team of Boardwalk Small The Housekeeping Week cious dinner. as a keep-sake. enjoy.
Hotel in Palm Beach, a total celebrations kicked off last On Tuesday night the team The festive Housekeep- For more information on
of eight staff members, re- week Sunday with a team headed to Sassy Screen ing Week concluded with Boardwalk Small Hotel Aru-
ceived warm words of ap- dinner at Benihana. Here Scrapbook for a creative a sweet treat from Martijn ba, visit boardwalkaruba.
preciation this week from the staff enjoyed fun cook- painting session, resulting in Trading, who’s representa- com. q
At Caribbean Palm Village Resort:
Housekeeping Week promotes Health, Safety and Beauty
NOORD – Caribbean Palm maintaining a cleaner, saf- body. A health screening
Village Resort Celebrates er, healthier environment with the White Yellow Cross
International Housekeep- every day. followed, and a lecture
ing Week annually in or- The program at Caribbean about Safety with Sergio
der to reward and pam- Palm Village Resort this year Wever. The beauty lecture
per 27 members of that focused on Health, Safety by Rafael de Cuba, includ-
hard working department. & Beauty and included di- ed mini massages and mini
International Housekeep- verse activities. manicures, with bingo in
ing Week, IEHA, observed Festivities opened on Mon- the cafeteria. Closing day
worldwide since 1981, is set day with a mini breakfast features some delicious
aside for all to focus atten- followed by a tee-shirt sweets, wrapping up the
tion and recognition on the giveaway. Then other festivities.
professional housekeepers events featured Rene Wild Pictured here the house-
working in hotels, resorts about healthy food, in re- keeping staff enjoying their
and other public facilities, lationship with a healthy week! q