P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Indian government says Rohingya Muslims are security threat
He said the government ters of what they call il- responsibility for recent at-
had evidence of the pres- legal immigrants or illegal tacks on police posts, the
ence of militants among migrants,” the government Arakan Rohingya Salvation
the refugees who fled a said in an affidavit. Army, says it has no links
crackdown by the Myan- Additional Solicitor General to outside jihadi organiza-
mar government. Tushar Mehta told the court tions.
The government said the that the government will The petition was filed after
decision on whether Ro- provide evidence of Ro- India’s junior home minister,
hingya refugees should be hingya links with extremist Kiren Rijiju, said last month
allowed to remain in the Islamic groups and illegal that state governments
country should be made transfer of money at the had been ordered to iden-
by the government. next hearing. tify and deport illegal immi-
“The court has no business A Rohingya insurgent group grants, including Rohingya
to interfere in such mat- in Myanmar which claimed Muslims. q
A Rohingya Muslim girl Yasmin Ara stands in front of her
shanty at a camp for refugees in Hyderabad, Monday,
Sept. 18, 2017. India’s government said Monday that it
has evidence there are extremists who pose a threat to
the country’s security among the Rohingya Muslims who
have fled Myanmar and settled in many Indian cities.
(AP Photo/Mahesh Kumar A.)
NEW DELHI (AP) — India’s ugees challenging a gov-
government said Monday ernment decision to deport
that it has evidence there the ethnic group from In-
are extremists who pose a dia.
threat to the country’s se- The lawyer representing
curity among the Rohing- the Rohingya said the de-
ya Muslims who have fled cision was discriminatory.
Myanmar and settled in “This is clearly a case of reli-
many Indian cities. gious discrimination and an
India’s Supreme Court was attempt to arouse an anti-
hearing a petition filed on Muslim feeling,” Prashant
behalf of two Rohingya ref- Bhushan said.
Boko Haram suicide attack kills
at least 15 in northern Nigeria
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria of the victims were evacu-
(AP) — A Nigerian rescue ated to medical facilities in
official says at least 15 peo- Maiduguri and Konduga.
ple have been killed and Bunu Bukar, Secretary of
43 others injured in a sui- the Hunters Association in
cide attack on Mashimari Borno State, said three sui-
village in Borno state. cide bombers staged the
Bello Dambatta, head of attack after gunshots got
rescue operations for the villagers to run. The village
Borno State Emergency is not far from the Manda-
Management Agency, rari Internal Displacement
said women were the ma- Camp that was attacked
jority of those killed in the in August, he said.
Monday morning attack Boko Haram has killed
and the toll is likely to rise. more than 20,000 people in
Dambatta also said most its eight-year insurgency. q