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A6   U.S. NEWS
             Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
              Man charged in 1992 slaying of Massachusetts teacher’s aide

            By ALANNA RICHER             tody  in  Connecticut  and  Gulluni  said.Ziegert,  of  dence  taken  from  Zieg-      ert,  Gulluni  said.  Schara,
            Associated Press             charged with the abduc-      Agawam, was raped and  ert’s  body,  Gulluni  said.  48, had fled to Connecti-
            BOSTON (AP)—A man has  tion,  rape  and  killing  of  stabbed  after  she  disap-      he  district  attorney  said  cut  and  attempted  to
            been  charged  with  the  24-year-old  Lisa  Ziegert,  peared from her night job  troopers  attempted  earli-       kill  himself,  Gulluni  said.
            1992  killing  of  a  middle  Hampden  District  Attor-   at  a  card  and  gift  store.  er this month to find Scha-  Authorities  found  Schara
            school teacher’s aide af-    ney  Anthony  Gulluni  told  Her  body  was  found  in  ra,  who’s  been  a  person  at  a  Connecticut  medi-
            ter testing confirmed that  reporters.“Through the de-    a  wooded  area  4  miles  of interest since 1993, but  cal facility, where he was
            his  DNA  matched  evi-      termined and skilled work  away  four  days  later.       he wasn’t home.The next  taken  into  custody  on  a
            dence found at the crime  of many investigators, we  Schara’s  arrest  came  af-       day,  a  person  close  to  fugitive-of-justice  charge.
            scene,  authorities  said  have arrested the person  ter authorities decided to  Schara  contacted  police  He  appeared  in  a  Con-
            Monday.                      responsible for the heinous  circle  back  to  persons  of  with  information  about  necticut  court  Monday
            Gary  Schara,  of  West  acts  committed  against  interest in the case whose  handwritten  documents  and  waived  extradition
            Springfield,    Massachu-    Lisa and the 25-year-long  DNA  profiles  had  never  in  which  he  admitted  to  Massachusetts,  local
            setts,  was  taken  into  cus-  search for answer is over,”  been  run  against  evi-  raping  and  killing  Zieg-  news outlets reported. q

             Student shot by officer had called 911 before encounter

            By KATE BRUMBACK                                                                                                    shooting,  Schultz  could
            Associated Press                                                                                                    have  received  treatment
            ATLANTA (AP) — A Georgia                                                                                            and gotten better, Stewart
            Tech  student  who  was  fa-                                                                                        said.
            tally shot by campus police                                                                                         “The mentally ill are looking
            had called 911 to report an                                                                                         for a way out when they’re
            armed and possibly intoxi-                                                                                          having  a  full  breakdown,
            cated  suspicious  person                                                                                           and  there’s  no  way  you
            fitting  his  physical  descrip-                                                                                    should  be  able  to  use  a
            tion.                                                                                                               police officer to take your
            Campus police killed Scout                                                                                          life  when  that  person  isn’t
            Schultz,  21,  who  they  said                                                                                      threatened,” Stewart said.
            was advancing on officers                                                                                           Stewart  says  he  plans  to
            with a knife. Schultz refused                                                                                       sue over the shooting.
            to put down the knife and                                                                                           Authorities  have  not  iden-
            kept  moving  toward  of-                                                                                           tified  the  officer  who  shot
            ficers  late  Saturday,  the                                                                                        Schultz  nor  have  they  re-
            Georgia  Bureau  of  Investi-                                                                                       leased  the  audio  of  the
            gation said in a statement.                                                                                         911  call,  which  came  in
            “Officers provided multiple                                                                                         around  11:17  p.m.  Satur-
            verbal  commands  and                                                                                               day, according to the GBI.
            attempted  to  speak  with                                                                                          Georgia  Tech  on  Monday
            (Schultz)  who  was  not  co-                                                                                       refused  to  release  person-
            operative  and  would  not                                                                                          nel  or  disciplinary  reports
            comply  with  the  officers’   In this photo taken Sept. 17, 2017, a mourner sets out flowers at a memorial for Georgia Tech   involving  the  officers,  say-
            commands,”  the  agency      student Scout Schultz in Atlanta, Ga. Schultz was a 21-year-old who was shot and killed during a   ing  such  information  is
            said in a statement. Schultz   confrontation with police on campus Saturday, Sept. 16.                              exempt  from  Georgia’s
            “continued to advance on                                            (Steve Schaefer/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP)  open  records  law.Schultz
            the officers with the knife.”  the person as a white male,  dorm room.                 blade on the tool was not    was president of Pride Alli-
            Investigators  have  deter-  with  long  blonde  hair,  Investigators  recovered  a  out.  Flanked  by  Schultz’s   ance at Georgia Tech. The
            mined that Schultz was the   white T-shirt and blue jeans  multi-purpose  tool  that  in-  parents  earlier  Monday,   fourth-year  computer  en-
            one  who  called  Georgia    who is possibly intoxicated,  cluded a knife at the scene  Stewart said the officer who   gineering student used the
            Tech police to report a sus-  holding  a  knife  and  pos-  but  didn’t  find  any  guns,  shot Schultz overreacted.  name  Scout,  rather  than
            picious person on campus,    sibly armed with a gun on  Miles said.Chris Stewart, an  Schultz was having a break-   the given name Scott, and
            GBI  spokeswoman  Nelly      his hip,” Miles said, adding  attorney  for  Schultz’s  par-  down and was suicidal but   preferred  the  pronouns
            Miles  said  in  an  emailed   that  three  suicide  notes  ents  said  Monday  the  GBI  if the officer had used non-  “they”  and  “them”  rather
            statement Monday.            were  found  in  Schultz’s  confirmed  to  him  that  the  lethal  force  rather  than   than “he” or “him.” q
            “In the call, Shultz describes
             Cops: Ammo, manifesto seized in school shooting suspect home

            By NICHOLAS K. GERANIOS      other  students,  accord-    provide details about what  Thursday  and  Friday  af-    face, the documents said.
            Associated Press             ing  to  court  documents  was written in the manifesto  ter  authorities  said  Sharpe  The teen then walked down
            SPOKANE,     Wash.     (AP)  filed  in  the  case.Investiga-  discovered  in  a  notebook.  brought  a  handgun  and  a  hallway,  firing  at  or  into
            —  Guns,  ammunition,  a  tors last week also found a  Another  notebook  had  a  an  assault  rifle  to  school  the  ceiling  and  wounding
            Molotov  cocktail  and  a  “manifesto” in the home of  list of chemicals. The Molo-    Wednesday in a duffel bag  three  female  students,  au-
            school  yearbook  with  pic-  15-year-old  Caleb  Sharpe,  tov cocktail was described  he  had  carried  onto  his  thorities  have  said.  Sharpe
            tures of faces marked with  said the documents made  as a “practice” incendiary  high school bus.                   told  police  that  he  had
            X’s  were  seized  by  police  public Friday that emerged  device but the documents  The  assault  rifle  jammed  been  bullied  by  the  boy
            from the home of a Wash-     in the media Monday as stu-  provided no more details.    when  he  tried  to  load  it  who died but did not target
            ington  state  high  school  dents returned to Freeman  The  school  near  the  small  inside  the  school  and  he  him  specifically.Some  stu-
            sophomore  accused  of  High School for the first time  town  of  Rockford  near  pulled out a pistol and shot  dents  walked  arm-in-arm
            fatally  shooting  a  class-  since  last  week’s  shooting.  Washington  state’s  bor-  the  15-year-old  classmate  as they showed up for their
            mate and wounding three  The  documents  did  not  der with Idaho was closed  in the abdomen and in the  classes on Monday. q
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