P. 4
Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Young immigrants shout down Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi
Associated Press access. She was sched-
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — uled to appear Monday
Nancy Pelosi, the top Dem- afternoon in Sacramento
ocrat in the U.S. House, was for a similar event.The pro-
shouted down Monday by tests appeared aimed at
young immigrants at an Pelosi’s recent engage-
event in her hometown of ment with Trump on the
San Francisco to drum up future of the Deferred Ac-
support for legislation that tion for Childhood Arrivals
would grant immigrants program, which gives tem-
like them legal status. porary legal protections to
The protesters were an- immigrants brought to the
gered by Pelosi’s recent United States illegally as
talks with President Don- children or by parents who
ald Trump about the fed- overstayed visas. Trump
eral program that shields said in early September he
from deportation hundreds will halt the program in six
of thousands of young months if Congress does
immigrants.“We are immi- not act to continue it.
grant youth, undocument- Last week, Pelosi and Dem-
ed and unafraid,” sev- ocratic Senate Leader
eral dozen young people Chuck Schumer met with
chanted as they overtook U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi tries to talk as protesters demonstrate during a press Trump twice and discussed
the event.After smiling conference on the DREAM ACT on Monday, Sept. 18, 2017 in San Francisco, Calif. Several dozen a deal to extend the pro-
and occasionally trying to young immigrants shouted down Pelosi, the top Democrat in the U.S. House, on Monday during an gram. Schumer and Pelosi
speak through much of the event in San Francisco, following her recent conversations with President Donald Trump over the said they reached a deal
protest, an aggravated future of a program that grants many of them legal status. with the White House that
Pelosi told the protesters (Lea Suzuki /San Francisco Chronicle via AP) did not include funding for
to “just stop it now,” shortly the room.She was appear- Reps. Barbara Lee and Track San Francisco, a pro- Trump’s promised border
before she was led out of ing with Democratic U.S. Jared Huffman at College gram to expand college wall. q
GOP eyes popular tax breaks to finance overhaul
By MARCY GORDON homing in on two popular deduction for state and lo- interest from their income cent IRS tally, nearly 44 mil-
AP Business Writer deductions that are woven cal taxes popular in Demo- taxes, a deduction Realtors lion people claim the de-
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- into the nation’s fiscal fab- cratic strongholds. and homebuilders argue is duction for state and local
publicans straining to find ric — the mortgage interest About 30 million Americans, a catalyst to home owner- taxes in 2014, especially in
about $1 trillion to finance deduction that millions of or about 20 percent of tax- ship in the United States. the high-tax, high-income
sweeping tax cuts are homeowners prize and the payers, deduct mortgage According to the most re- states of California, New
York, New Jersey and Con-
Republicans are deter-
mined to overhaul the na-
tion’s tax code after more
than three decades, de-
livering on a top legisla-
tive priority for President
Donald Trump. Highlight-
ing items that have been
modernized since 1986,
the last year the tax code
was overhauled, Speaker
Paul Ryan, R-Wis., made a
pitch for reform, saying on
Monday, “Just like the ro-
tary phone of the 80s, the
American tax code is seri-
ously outdated.”
The two deductions are in
the cross-hairs as Republi-
cans look to slash the cor-
porate and individual tax
rates, according to con-
gressional aides and strong
hints from some lawmakers.
The aides spoke on condi-
tion of anonymity because
they weren’t authorized to
speak publicly. The deduc-
tions point up how what’s
seen by some as a special-
deal loophole is embraced
by others as a revered mid-
dle-class touchstone. q