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             Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
            Restrained Trump calls for UN reform                                                     French envoy at UN: Discord is

            By JONATHAN LEMIRE           vision means for the future  mendous potential.”            at highest level since Cold War
            DARLENE SUPERVILLE           of the world body.           Trump  more  recently  has    By EDITH M. LEDERER
            Associated Press             Trump  riffed  on  his  cam-  praised a pair of unanimous   Associated Press
            UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  paign  slogan  when  asked  U.N. Security Council votes       UNITED  NATIONS  (AP)  —  Dissension  and  conflict  are
            President  Donald  Trump  to preview his central mes-     to  tighten  sanctions  on    at their highest levels since the Cold War and coop-
            used  his  United  Nations  sage  to  the  General  As-   North Korea over its contin-  eration among nations has become more difficult in a
            debut on Monday to prod  sembly, saying: “I think the  ued nuclear weapons and          world that is more interdependent than ever, France’s
            the  international  organiza-  main  message  is  ‘make  ballistic missile tests.       top diplomat said Monday as global leaders gathered
            tion  to  cut  its  bloated  bu-  the  United  Nations  great’  The  annual  gathering  of   at the United Nations.
            reaucracy  and  sharpen  its  —  not  ‘again.’  ‘Make  the  world  leaders  opens  amid   French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told a news
            ill-defined  mission.  But  he  United Nations great.’”   serious  concerns  about      conference that heads of state and government were
            pledged U.S. support for the  “Such  tremendous  poten-   Trump’s priorities. For many   coming together for their annual meeting at the Gen-
            world body he had excori-    tial,  and  I  think  we’ll  be  world leaders, it will be their   eral Assembly at “a critical moment” that is witnessing
            ated as a candidate, and  able to do this,” he added.     first  chance  to  take  the   “a worrying degradation of the international environ-
            his criticisms were more re-  But  even  as  the  president  measure  of  the  president   ment.”
            strained than in years past.  chastised  the  U.N.,  he  in  person.  The  president    What is worse, he said, is that some countries are in-
            “In recent years, the United  pledged  that  the  United  on  Monday  praised  U.N.     creasingly  questioning  the  role  of  working  together,
            Nations  has  not  reached  States  would  be  “be  part-  Secretary-General   Anto-    “and with a temptation of withdrawal out of fear or
            its full potential due to bu-  ners in your work” to make  nio  Guterres,  who  said  he   selfishness.”  He  gave  no  examples  but  appeared  to
                                                                                                    be pointing to growing nationalism in the United States
                                                                                                    and some European countries.
                                                                                                    The  ministerial  session  starts  Tuesday  with  a  state  of
                                                                                                    the world speech by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio
                                                                                                    Guterres. U.S. President Donald Trump and French Pres-
                                                                                                    ident  Emmanuel  Macron,  both  making  their  debuts
                                                                                                    at the global gathering, will address the 193-member
                                                                                                    world body soon after.
                                                                                                    Le Drian cited the increasing number of global crises:
                                                                                                    fighting  terrorism;  resolving  conflicts  from  the  Middle
                                                                                                    East  to  Africa;  tackling  North  Korea’s  escalating  nu-
                                                                                                    clear program; and addressing the flight of more than
                                                                                                    400,000  Rohingya  Muslims  from  Myanmar  to  Bangla-
                                                                                                    France’s  priority  is  to  work  on  concrete  solutions  be-
                                                                                                    cause these crises affect European security and “jeop-
                                                                                                    ardize the international order,” he said.
                                                                                                    “In view of this degraded situation, France has a spe-
                                                                                                    cific responsibility because it has the means, and be-
                                                                                                    cause its voice is heard, and because France is per-
                                                                                                    ceived as a balancing power,” he added.
                                                                                                    Fighting the Islamic State extremist group and finding
                                                                                                    the political conditions to ensure Syria’s stability are es-
            President Donald Trump listens to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a meeting at   sential, Le Drian said.
            the Palace Hotel during the United Nations General Assembly, Monday, Sept. 18, 2017, in New   What’s been tried since 2011 hasn’t worked, he add-
            York.                                                                                   ed,  and  France  has  proposed  the  establishment  of
                                                                            (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)   a contact group including the five permanent veto-
                                                                                                    wielding members of the U.N. Security Council — the
            reaucracy  and  misman-      the  organization  a  more  shared Trump’s vision for a    United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — and
            agement,” Trump said. “We  effective  force  for  peace  less-wasteful  U.N.  that  will   key players and affected countries.
            are not seeing the results in  across the globe.          “live up to its full potential.”   One  stumbling  block  has  been  whether  Iran  should
            line with this investment.”  He praised the U.N.’s early  The  U.S.  has  asked  mem-   be included. Le Drian wouldn’t answer, saying this is-
            The  president  urged  the  steps  toward  reform  and  ber  nations  to  sign  a  dec-  sue and others would be discussed later Monday at a
            U.N.  to  focus  “more  on  made  no  threats  to  with-  laration  on  U.N.  reforms,   closed ministerial meeting on Syria.
            people  and  less  on  bu-   draw  U.S.  support.  The  and  more  than  120  have      He  stressed  that  the  fragmentation  of  Syria,  which
            reaucracy” and to change  president’s more measured  done  so.  True  to  form,  the    could spawn “other forms of terrorism,” must be avoid-
            “business as usual and not  tone stood in sharp contrast  president  also  managed      ed, and there must be humanitarian access through-
            be beholden to ways of the  to the approach he took at  to  work  into  his  speech  a   out the country. He added that France remains com-
            past which were not work-    NATO’s new Brussels head-    reference  to  the  Trump-    mitted  to  bringing  those  behind  chemical  weapons
            ing.”  He  also  suggested  quarters  in  May,  when  he  branded  apartment  tower     attacks to justice.
            the  U.S.  was  paying  more  scolded  member  nations  across  First  Avenue  from     On another hotspot, Macron has taken the lead in try-
            than  its  fair  share  to  keep  for not paying enough and  the U.N. His speech began   ing to bring the rival governments in Libya together,
            the New York-based world  refused to explicitly back its  a busy week of diplomacy      and Le Drian said the country cannot be left “in such
            body operational.            mutual defense pact.         for Trump, who is scheduled   a state of instability,” which affects its neighbors and
            The  short  remarks  at  a  fo-  While  running  for  office,  to  meet  separately  with   all of Europe. “That’s why we’re supporting the Libyan
            rum  on  U.N.  reforms  were  Trump had labeled the U.N.  more  than  a  dozen  world   people to face the challenges they have to face —
            a  precursor  to  Tuesday’s  as weak and incompetent,  leaders along the sidelines      eradicate terrorism on its own territory, control migra-
            main  event,  when  Trump  and  not  a  friend  of  either  of  the  U.N.  In  his  first  bilat-  tory flows, thwart all kinds of trafficking and restore the
            will  address  the  U.N.  Gen-  the  United  States  or  Israel.  eral  meeting,  with  Israeli   political unity of the country for security and stability,”
            eral  Assembly  for  the  first  But  he  has  softened  his  Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-  he said. All these issues will be discussed at a meeting
            time,  a  speech  nervously  message  since  taking  of-  tanyahu,  Trump  declared     chaired by Guterres on Wednesday.
            awaited  by  world  leaders  fice, telling ambassadors at  that  they  “are  giving  it  an   On North Korea’s escalating nuclear and ballistic mis-
            concerned about what the  a  White  House  meeting  in  absolute  go”  on  Middle       sile program, Le Drian strongly opposed military action
            president’s  “America  first”  April that the U.N. has “tre-  East peace talks.q        when asked about Trump’s threats.q
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