P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017

            Protesters make good on threat to disrupt St. Louis business

            By JIM SALTER                                                                                                       ering  broken  windows  into
            Associated Press                                                                                                    art.  Restaurants  and  shops
            ST. LOUIS (AP) — When a for-                                                                                        were busy with people who
            mer police officer was ac-                                                                                          “came in to shop and show
            quitted in the fatal shooting                                                                                       support,” he said.
            of a black suspect, protest-                                                                                        Protests  resumed  for  the
            ers vowed to show their dis-                                                                                        fourth straight day just after
            dain by disrupting business                                                                                         dawn Monday.
            in downtown St. Louis. They                                                                                         A  racially  mixed  crowd
            quickly succeeded.                                                                                                  of  roughly  150  people
            The  unrest  that  followed                                                                                         marched  silently  to  City
            Friday’s ruling closed large                                                                                        Hall for a rally, then to a city
            corporate    offices,   shut                                                                                        court  building  for  another.
            down restaurants and bars                                                                                           Police did not intervene.
            and even forced U2 to call                                                                                          It  was  a  far  cry  from  the
            off  a  concert  that  would                                                                                        scene hours earlier, when a
            have  drawn  50,000  fans                                                                                           small  crowd  left  over  from
            into  the  heart  of  the  city.                                                                                    an earlier peaceful protest
            And protest organizers may                                                                                          marched  into  downtown
            not be done.                                                                                                        late  Sunday.  Once  they
            The  demonstrations  en-                                                                                            started  breaking  windows
            gulfed  the  St.  Louis  region                                                                                     and throwing things at offi-
            after a judge acquitted Ja-                                                                                         cers, police reinforcements
            son Stockley of first-degree   People run after vandalizing as demonstrators march in response to a not guilty verdict in the trial   quickly  emerged  and  pro-
            murder in the 2011 death of   of former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley, Sunday, Sept. 17, 2017, in St. Louis. Stockley was   testers scattered.
            24-year-old Anthony Lamar    acquitted in the 2011 killing of a black man following a high-speed chase.             For  the  next  several  hours,
            Smith.                                                                                      (AP Photo/Jeff Roberson)  hundreds  of  officers  in
            Within     hours,    down-   Louis  Symphony  and  a  nomic cost.                      broken window will proba-    riot  gear  lined  downtown
            town  came  to  a  stand-    Shakespearean      Theatre  “But in the long term, there  bly cost him at least $2,000.  streets.
            still  as  marching  protest-  group  canceled  perfor-   are   greater   economic  Damage  to  merchandise  More than 80 people were
            ers  blocked  traffic.  The  mances too.                  impacts  from  the  racial  will  cost  him  about  $2,000  arrested,  including  onlook-
            demonstrations  went  on  Democratic        state   Rep.  disparity  and  the  mistrust  more.                      ers  who  refused  orders  to
            through the weekend, with  Bruce  Franks,  a  protest  or-  many  have  in  the  criminal  Joe Edwards, owner of the  disperse.  Among  those  ar-
            protest  crowds  swelling  to  ganizer,  said  making  the  justice  system,”  Reagan  Blueberry  Hill  restaurant  rested  was  reporter  Mike
            thousands  of  people  and  entire  community  uncom-     said. “This is not new to St.  and  concert  venue  and  Faulk  of  the  St.  Louis  Post-
            spilling  into  a  posh  area  fortable  is  an  important  Louis or unique to St. Louis,  many  other  Delmar  Loop  Dispatch, according to the
            of  restaurants  and  bars  in  part of the demonstrations.  but this is a challenge.”  businesses,  said  he  was  newspaper.
            western  St.  Louis,  the  hip  Franks  said  protests  would  Many  business  owners  are  particularly  frustrated  be-  The  cause  for  the  escala-
            Delmar Loop area of near-    continue,  but  he  did  not  dealing with more than lost  cause  much  of  the  dam-  tion was not clear. Protest-
            by University City and even  say when or where.           time  or  canceled  events.  age occurred at businesses  ers blamed police for show-
            into two shopping malls.     “Folks got to pay attention,  Police said nearly two doz-  owned by minorities.        ing  up  in  riot  gear.  Police
            More than 140 people were  right?” Franks said Monday.  en  businesses  were  dam-     “Forty-five  years  ago,  this  said  demonstrators  began
            arrested.                    “Do  we  just  say,  ‘Oh,  it’s  aged Saturday night in Uni-  street was in great decline  throwing things at them.
            The  protests  forced  U2  to  another case where an of-  versity City, mostly by hav-  and by embracing diversity  One  officer  suffered  a  leg
            cancel  a  concert  at  the  ficer’s found not guilty and  ing  their  windows  broken.  we  overcame  it,”  said  Ed-  injury  and  was  taken  to
            Edward  Jones  Dome,  St.  leave  it  at  that?’  No,  we  On Sunday, more windows  wards, who is white.            a  hospital.  His  condition
            Louis’ largest venue. Police  get  out  here  and  disrupt  were  broken  in  downtown  “Whoever    threw   rocks  wasn’t known.
            said they could not provide  and  make  our  presence  St. Louis, and several large  doesn’t  care.  They  just  “I’m  proud  to  tell  you  the
            normal protection because  felt.”                         decorative pots with plants  want anarchy.”               city of St. Louis is safe and
            of the unrest, the band and  Joe Reagan, president and  were smashed.                  But  Edwards  said  it  was  the police owned tonight,”
            concert promoter Live Na-    CEO of the St. Louis Region-  Chris  Rubin  de  la  Borbolla,  heartwarming   Sunday  interim  Police  Chief  Law-
            tion said in a statement.    al Chamber of Commerce,  owner  of  a  clothing,  jew-    when  artists  from  around  rence  O’Toole  said  in  an
            Singer  Ed  Sheeran  also  said  it’s  too  early  to  put  a  elry  and  accessories  store  the  region  turned  out  to  early morning video posted
            called  off  a  show.  The  St.  dollar amount on the eco-  in  University  City,  said  his  transform the plywood cov-  on Twitter.q
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