P. 5
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Charter bus barrels into NYC bus, killing 3 and injuring 16
NEW YORK (AP) — A charter happened at 6:15 a.m. in
bus owned by a company the Flushing neighborhood
with a record of safety of Queens, city officials
problems barreled through said at a briefing. The char-
an intersection, slammed ter bus was empty of pas-
into a city bus and then sengers at the time of the
plowed across a sidewalk crash.
and into a building Mon- Mayor Bill de Blasio said he
day, killing three people. was shocked by the “sheer
The wreck, which was cap- destruction.”
tured by a security camera, A building that houses a
ripped away the facade of number of retail stores, in-
a fried chicken restaurant cluding the restaurant, re-
and started a small fire. ceived substantial impact
The video appeared to from the crash, and experts
show the charter bus rac- were working to make sure
ing through the intersection it was secure, the mayor
without applying its brakes. said.
“The tour bus was flying,” Metropolitan Transporta-
Mike Ramos, a witnesses tion Authority Chairman
to the crash, told the Daily Joe Lhota said that al- In this photo provided by the NYPD’s 109th Precinct, officers respond to a collision involving two
News. “There was people though the investigation buses on Main Street in the Queens borough of New York, Monday, Sept. 18, 2017. The Fire Depart-
pinned under the front of has just begun, the evi- ment of New York said several been hurt, some of them severely, when a city bus and a tour bus
the city bus. A lady was dence indicates there was collided in the Flushing neighborhood.
crying and screaming, “an enormous amount of (NYPD’s 109th Precinct via AP)
‘Get me out! Get me out!’” speed.” immediate response to an and 36 people were in- A Yelp page for the compa-
he said. “We want to make sure email seeking comment. jured. ny is filled with complaints
One of the people killed we understand what hap- Federal Motor Carrier Safe- The company’s drivers have from motorists complaining
was a pedestrian on the pened and prevent this ty Administration records been cited several times about Dahlia buses speed-
sidewalk, identified by po- from ever happening show that a Dahlia bus over the past 12 months ing or driving dangerously.
lice as Henry Wdowiak, 68, again,” he said. was also involved in a fa- for safety violations, includ- Liljefors’ widow, Audris Lilje-
of Queens. The other dead Signage on the charter tal crash in Connecticut in ing failing to obey a traffic fors, told the New York Post
were the charter bus driver, bus showed it was from the February 2016. control device, speeding her husband was a secu-
Raymond Ming, 49, and a Dahlia Group Inc., which One of the company’s and unlawful parking in the rity guard on his way home
passenger on the Metro- has its depot a few blocks buses was driving through roadway. from a night job.
politan Transportation bus, from where the wreck hap- a snowstorm to reach the Federal regulators have “He was a good man. He
Gregory Liljefors, 55. pened. Mohegan Sun casino when flagged the company on was a good husband for
Sixteen other people were A person answering the it overturned on Interstate a public website of having 27 years. He was a good
hurt, some of them seri- phone there declined to 95 in Madison, east of New more infractions than simi- father to his two step-sons,”
ously, in the crash, which comment; there was no Haven. One person died, larly sized companies. she said. q
Officer in nurse arrest was reprimanded for sex harassment
By LINDSAY WHITEHURST lice confirmed allegations the Utah Highway Patrol in outlets as multiple investi- The detective had sup-
Associated Press that Detective Jeff Payne 1995 that resulted in a two- gations into the July 26 ar- port from his supervisor,
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A harassed a department week suspension without rest of nurse Alex Wubbels Lt. James Tracy, who said
Utah officer caught on vid- employee in a “severe and pay, according to the re- play out. Wubbels could be arrested
eo dragging a nurse from persistent” way in 2013. It cords. Her lawyers are looking if she didn’t allow the blood
a hospital and handcuff- included several incidents The documents didn’t into Payne’s history and draw.An investigation by a
ing her was previously rep- of unwanted physical con- details the complaint but how the city has dealt with civilian review board found
rimanded for sexually ha- tact and a disparaging said he violated the police prior incidents, said at- Payne had apparently be-
rassing a female co-worker, email, the records say. code of ethics on coop- torney Karra Porter. Wub- come frustrated after a
according to police docu- Payne’s lawyer, Greg Skor- eration with other officers bels hasn’t sued the city, long wait to perform the
ments released amid inves- das, said Monday that the and courtesy toward other though Porter has said that blood draw and ignored
tigations into the arrest that reprimand is a problem, agencies. could change. the nurse’s correct expla-
became a flashpoint in the but it’s only part of Payne’s The detective’s discipline Payne handcuffed the nation that she could not
debate over police use of decorated 27-year record history was released in re- nurse after she refused to allow it without a warrant
force. with the department. sponse to a public-records allow blood to be drawn or formal consent from the
Internal affairs investiga- Payne also faced a vehi- request from The Associat- from an unconscious pa- patient, who had been in a
tions by Salt Lake City po- cle-chase complaint from ed Press and other media tient, citing hospital policy. car crash.q