P. 23
TECHNOLOGY Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Intel, Waymo, Atlanta tests self-driving
expand self-driving
car collaboration vehicle in heart of the city
NEW YORK (AP) — Intel says Norway and Switzerland.
it is expanding its relation- Scientists calculated the
ship with Google spinoff share of deaths from ex-
Waymo in the develop- cess diesel emissions as part
ment of self-driving cars. of the overall total, saying
The world’s largest com- Monday they account for
puter chipmaker said Mon- 4,560 deaths a year.
day it will take on a more The risk is greatest in ar-
collaborative role with eas with high concentra-
Waymo’s new self-driving tions of diesel cars, such as
Chrysler Pacifica minivans. northern Italy, according to
Intel will continue to supply researchers at the Austria-
technology for the autono- based International Insti-
mous driving project. tute for Applied Systems
Waymo’s Chrysler Pacifica Analysis, the Norwegian
fleet is fit with Intel Corp. Meteorological Institute
technology for sensor pro- and Chalmers University of
cessing, general comput- Technology in Sweden.q
ing and connectivity.
No financial details of the Saudi authorities
deal between Intel and pressure Snapchat
Waymo were announced. to block Al-Jazeera
Waymo spun off from DUBAI, United Arab Emir-
Google late last year and is ates (AP) — Snapchat has A Transdev EZ10 autonomous vehicle was deployed Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017 at a City of Atlanta
an independent company blocked Al-Jazeera’s Dis- Smart City Project launch to demonstrate the city’s efforts to employ high-technology sensors and
cameras to guide AV’s to improve traffic safety.
owned by Google parent cover channel in Saudi Associated Press
Alphabet Inc. Arabia amid an ongo-
Intel, based in Santa Clara, ing dispute between Gulf
California, recently ac- states and Qatar, where By The Associated Press along. Tesla was not of- safer.The group and the
quired Israel’s Mobileye, a the media network is head- ATLANTA (AP) — The city ficially involved with the city have analyzed root
leader in software that in- quartered. of Atlanta tested a self- test. causes of road safety is-
tegrates autonomous car Al-Jazeera said Snapchat’s driving vehicle on one While driving an Associ- sues, and hope to use
sensors. BMW, Intel and decision to block its cu- of its busiest streets Thurs- ated Press reporter, the that data to reduce
Mobileye announced an rated Discover Channel is day. The test on North driver made minimal hu- crash rates.
autonomous vehicle part- “deplorable”, “alarming” Avenue in the city’s man interventions while THE TECHNOLOGY:
nership last year.q and amounts to “censoring bustling Midtown area monitoring the traffic Devices and sensors in-
media content”. The Ara- meant that Atlanta has data. The test was not for stalled along North Av-
Study: 4,500 deaths bic Snapchat channel was become one of the larg- complete autonomous enue could enable ve-
a year from high launched in May, a month est urban areas to test driving but was instead hicles to communicate
Europe diesel emissions before Saudi Arabia and autonomous vehicles, intended to test the sen- with traffic signals and
three other Arab states cut joining Sao Paulo and sors that had been in- warn self-driving cars of
BERLIN (AP) — Research- ties with Qatar. Shanghai. Here’s a look stalled along the street red lights or treacher-
ers say there have been The quartet accuse Qatar at some of the key as- and gather data. ous conditions such as
more than 4,500 premature of using Al-Jazeera to pro- pects of the test and the THE GOAL: snow or ice, city docu-
deaths annually in Europe mote its policies, and have issues involved: Improving safety was ments show. Cameras
because diesel cars emit- moved to block access to
ted higher levels of pollu- the channel locally. THE TEST: among the key goals could provide live video
tion than claimed. Snapchat, which is wild- The test was aimed at of the project.The North of traffic, and comput-
The study comes two years ly popular among Saudi showing how an auton- Avenue Corridor had ers could analyze data
after Volkswagen was youth, said Monday the omous vehicle would a crash rate more than on road conditions, con-
caught cheating on emis- company works to comply navigate in real-world 200 percent worse than certs or other events like-
sions tests in the U.S. The tiny with local laws where it op- traffic. the statewide average ly to clog streets.
particles emitted are haz- erates. It says Saudi authori- On Thursday, a Tesla ve- for similar thoroughfares SECURITY CONCERNS:
ardous to human health ties asked for Al-Jazeera’s hicle made multiple trips in 2014, according to To- Security is a prime con-
and contribute to 425,000 channel to be removed along an approximately gether for Safer Roads, cern with driverless
estimated annual prema- from the app locally be- 1-mile-long (1.6-kilome- one of the city’s partners cars, which are heav-
ture deaths from air pollu- cause it violates internet ter-long) route as mem- in redesigning the city’s ily reliant on computer
tion in the European Union, laws.q bers of the media rode streets to make them technology.q