P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017

            Intel, Waymo,                                             Atlanta tests self-driving

            expand self-driving

            car collaboration                                         vehicle in heart of the city

            NEW YORK (AP) — Intel says  Norway and Switzerland.
            it  is  expanding  its  relation-  Scientists  calculated  the
            ship  with  Google  spinoff  share  of  deaths  from  ex-
            Waymo  in  the  develop-     cess diesel emissions as part
            ment of self-driving cars.   of  the  overall  total,  saying
            The  world’s  largest  com-  Monday  they  account  for
            puter chipmaker said Mon-    4,560 deaths a year.
            day  it  will  take  on  a  more  The  risk  is  greatest  in  ar-
            collaborative   role   with  eas  with  high  concentra-
            Waymo’s  new  self-driving  tions of diesel cars, such as
            Chrysler  Pacifica  minivans.  northern Italy, according to
            Intel will continue to supply  researchers  at  the  Austria-
            technology for the autono-   based  International  Insti-
            mous driving project.        tute  for  Applied  Systems
            Waymo’s  Chrysler  Pacifica  Analysis,  the  Norwegian
            fleet  is  fit  with  Intel  Corp.  Meteorological   Institute
            technology  for  sensor  pro-  and Chalmers University of
            cessing,  general  comput-   Technology in Sweden.q
            ing and connectivity.
            No  financial  details  of  the  Saudi authorities
            deal  between  Intel  and  pressure Snapchat
            Waymo were announced.        to block Al-Jazeera
            Waymo  spun  off  from  DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-
            Google late last year and is  ates (AP) — Snapchat has    A Transdev EZ10 autonomous vehicle was deployed Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017 at a City of Atlanta
            an independent company  blocked  Al-Jazeera’s  Dis-       Smart City Project launch to demonstrate the city’s efforts to employ high-technology sensors and
                                                                      cameras to guide AV’s to improve traffic safety.
            owned  by  Google  parent  cover  channel  in  Saudi                                                                            Associated Press
            Alphabet Inc.                Arabia  amid  an  ongo-
            Intel, based in Santa Clara,  ing  dispute  between  Gulf
            California,   recently   ac-  states  and  Qatar,  where   By The Associated Press     along. Tesla was not of-     safer.The group and the
            quired  Israel’s  Mobileye,  a  the media network is head-  ATLANTA (AP) — The city    ficially  involved  with  the  city  have  analyzed  root
            leader  in  software  that  in-  quartered.               of Atlanta tested a self-    test.                        causes of road safety is-
            tegrates  autonomous  car  Al-Jazeera said Snapchat’s     driving  vehicle  on  one    While  driving  an  Associ-  sues,  and  hope  to  use
            sensors.  BMW,  Intel  and  decision  to  block  its  cu-  of its busiest streets Thurs-  ated  Press  reporter,  the  that  data  to  reduce
            Mobileye  announced  an  rated  Discover  Channel  is     day.  The  test  on  North   driver made minimal hu-      crash rates.
            autonomous  vehicle  part-   “deplorable”,  “alarming”    Avenue  in  the  city’s      man  interventions  while  THE TECHNOLOGY:
            nership last year.q          and amounts to “censoring    bustling  Midtown  area      monitoring  the  traffic  Devices  and  sensors  in-
                                         media  content”.  The  Ara-  meant  that  Atlanta  has    data. The test was not for  stalled  along  North  Av-
            Study: 4,500 deaths          bic Snapchat channel was     become one of the larg-      complete  autonomous  enue  could  enable  ve-
            a year from high             launched in May, a month     est  urban  areas  to  test   driving  but  was  instead  hicles  to  communicate
            Europe diesel emissions      before  Saudi  Arabia  and   autonomous       vehicles,   intended to test the sen-    with  traffic  signals  and
                                         three other Arab states cut   joining  Sao  Paulo  and    sors  that  had  been  in-   warn  self-driving  cars  of
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  Research-   ties with Qatar.             Shanghai.  Here’s  a  look   stalled  along  the  street  red  lights  or  treacher-
            ers  say  there  have  been  The  quartet  accuse  Qatar   at  some  of  the  key  as-  and gather data.            ous  conditions  such  as
            more than 4,500 premature  of using Al-Jazeera to pro-    pects of the test and the    THE GOAL:                    snow  or  ice,  city  docu-
            deaths  annually  in  Europe  mote its policies, and have   issues involved:           Improving  safety  was  ments  show.  Cameras
            because  diesel  cars  emit-  moved to block access to
            ted  higher  levels  of  pollu-  the channel locally.     THE TEST:                    among  the  key  goals  could provide live video
            tion than claimed.           Snapchat,  which  is  wild-  The  test  was  aimed  at    of  the  project.The  North  of  traffic,  and  comput-
            The study comes two years  ly  popular  among  Saudi      showing how an auton-        Avenue  Corridor  had  ers  could  analyze  data
            after   Volkswagen     was  youth,  said  Monday  the     omous  vehicle  would        a  crash  rate  more  than  on road conditions, con-
            caught  cheating  on  emis-  company works to comply      navigate  in  real-world     200  percent  worse  than  certs or other events like-
            sions tests in the U.S. The tiny  with local laws where it op-  traffic.               the  statewide  average  ly to clog streets.
            particles  emitted  are  haz-  erates. It says Saudi authori-  On Thursday, a Tesla ve-  for  similar  thoroughfares  SECURITY CONCERNS:
            ardous  to  human  health  ties  asked  for  Al-Jazeera’s   hicle made multiple trips   in 2014, according to To-   Security  is  a  prime  con-
            and  contribute  to  425,000  channel  to  be  removed    along an approximately       gether  for  Safer  Roads,  cern     with     driverless
            estimated  annual  prema-    from  the  app  locally  be-  1-mile-long  (1.6-kilome-   one of the city’s partners  cars,  which  are  heav-
            ture  deaths  from  air  pollu-  cause  it  violates  internet   ter-long) route as mem-  in  redesigning  the  city’s  ily  reliant  on  computer
            tion in the European Union,  laws.q                       bers  of  the  media  rode   streets  to  make  them  technology.q
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