P. 24

Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017 BUSINESS

               Another major deal in defense sector as global tensions rise

            FALLS CHURCH, Va. (AP) —  Korea.The  U.S.  military  on  carrying out airstrikes in Ye-  space   structures.Orbital  man,  Raytheon  Co.,  Lock-
            Northrop Grumman is buy-     Monday  flew  advanced  men since March 2015.             ATK  shareholders  will  re-  heed  Martin  Corp.  and
            ing  Orbital  ATK  for  about  bombers  and  stealth  jets  The  acquisition  of  Orbital  ceive $134.50 per share, a  Honeywell   International
            $7.8 billion, with a backdrop  over  the  Korean  Peninsula  would strengthen Northrop  22 percent premium to the  Inc., have reached unprec-
            of rising global tensions ac-  and  near  Japan,  three  Grumman’s       capabilities  company’s  Friday  closing  edented heights in 2017.
            celerating big deals in the  days after North Korea fired  in  military  aircraft  technol-  price of $110.04. The deal’s  Northrop  Grumman  Corp.,
            defense sector.              a  missile  over  Japan.Saudi  ogy  and  missile  defense.  total value is approximately  which  is  based  in  Falls
            Earlier  this  month,  United  Arabia has a pending deal  Orbital  ATK  makes  launch  $9.2 billion, including debt.  Church,  Virginia,  said  that
            Technologies  said  it  would  to  acquire  $500  million  in  vehicles  and  their  propul-  Shares of Orbital ATK surged  after the deal closes, Orbit-
            pay  $22.75  billion  for  de-  precision-guided   muni-  sion  systems,  missile  tech-  22  percent  at  the  open-  al ATK Inc., based in Dulles,
            fense   contractor   Rock-   tions from the U.S., part of a  nology,  defense  electron-  ing  bell  Monday  in  a  year  Virginia, will become a sep-
            well  Collins.Legislation  is  proposed $110 billion arms  ics,   precision   weapons,  when  the  stock  of  most  arate sector within its busi-
            expected  to  pass  easily  package to Riyadh, which  armament  systems  and  major  defense  contractors  ness operations.The boards
            Monday pumping $700 bil-     is enmeshed in a civil war in  ammunition.  It  also  builds  have  hit  all-time  highs  as  of  both  companies  have
            lion into the Pentagon bud-  Yemen.  A  Saudi-led  coali-  up  Northrop’s  space  op-  clashes escalate.            approved the deal and it’s
            get as the U.S. responds to  tion, which is supported by  erations with Orbital’s satel-  Rockwell  Collins  Inc.,  Boe-  expected  to  close  in  the
            growing hostility from North  the United States, has been  lites  and  advanced  aero-  ing  Co.,  Northrop  Grum-  first half of next year.q
            Fed likely to pare its bond portfolio even with outlook hazy

            By MARTIN CRUTSINGER                                                                                                roadmap,  and  there  is  re-
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 ally a sense of relief to final-
            WASHINGTON       (AP)   —                                                                                           ly get it started.”
            When the Federal Reserve                                                                                            In  June,  the  Fed  spelled
            meets  this  week,  it’s  sure                                                                                      out its plan for shrinking the
            to  take  account  of  the                                                                                          balance sheet: It would let
            economic  consequences                                                                                              a  small  portion  of  bonds
            of  two  devastating  hurri-                                                                                        mature  each  month  with-
            canes.                                                                                                              out being replaced.
            It  will  also  be  awaiting  an                                                                                      It  would  start  with  reduc-
            announcement,      possibly                                                                                         tions of $10 billion a month
            within weeks, about its own                                                                                         —  $6  billion  in  Treasurys
            leadership:  whether  Presi-                                                                                        and $4 billion in mortgage
            dent Donald Trump will ask                                                                                          bonds  —  and  raise  the
            Janet Yellen to remain Fed                                                                                          amount  quarterly  until  it
            chair  beyond  February,                                                                                            reached $50 billion a year
            when her term ends.                                                                                                 later.
            Amid  the  uncertainty,  the                                                                                        To  avoid  spooking  inves-
            Fed  is  considered  all  but                                                                                       tors, the process would be
            sure  to  announce  after  its                                                                                      so  gradual  that  the  Fed’s
            meeting ends Wednesday                                                                                              balance  sheet  would  re-
            that  it  will  begin  paring  its                                                                                  main above $3 trillion until
            enormous  bond  portfolio                                                                                           late 2019.
            — a process that’s likely to   In this Wednesday, June 14, 2017 photo, Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen speaks in Washing-  Some economists say they
            cause consumer and busi-     ton. The Federal Reserve wraps up a two-day meeting of its policymakers on Wednesday, Sept.   think the figure could end
                                         20, 2017.
            ness loan rates to rise grad-                                                               (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)  up  around  $2.5  trillion,  still
            ually over time.                                                                                                    far  above  the  $900  billion
            It is, in a way, a kind of mini                                                                                     the Fed held in its portfolio
            rate hike.                   ter the crisis struck to try to  Doing  so,  even  gradually,  pared for it.           in pre-crisis days.
            The  Fed’s  balance  sheet   ease  long-term  borrowing  will likely make some long-   “The  start  to  reducing    Still,  some  economists  say
            has reached $4.5 trillion —   rates, encourage spending  term loans, like mortgages,  the  Fed’s  balance  sheet    they  worry  that  while  the
            roughly  five  times  its  size   and  energize  an  anemic  costlier.                 is  an  action  the  markets   Fed’s early reductions to its
            before  the  financial  crisis   economy.                 Still,  the  Fed  has  tele-  are  ready  for,”  said  Diane   portfolio  might  not  cause
            erupted in 2008.             Now,  with  a  far  healthier  graphed   its   move   for  Swonk,  chief  economist  at   a stir, the cumulative sales
              Its  size  reflects  bond  pur-  economy, the Fed wants to  months,  and  investors  are  DS Economics.           could  eventually  unsettle
            chases  the  Fed  made  af-  begin shrinking its portfolio.  thought  to  be  well-pre-  “The  Fed  has  laid  out  a   markets. q
              US homebuilder sentiment falls in September

            By ALEX VEIGA                market remains positive.     rather than poor. The index  spective buyers also fell.   new-home sales figures are
            AP Business Writer           The National Association of  has  been  above  60  since  Sales of new U.S. homes are  due  out  next  week.Sales
            U.S. homebuilders are feel-  Home  Builders/Wells  Fargo  September last year.         running ahead of last year’s  stumbled this summer as a
            ing  less  optimistic  about  builder sentiment index re-  The latest index fell short of  pace, reflecting strong de-  supply crunch elevated av-
            their  sales  prospects,  re-  leased  Monday  slipped  to  analyst  predictions,  which  mand  for  homes  as  the  erage home prices nation-
            flecting  concerns  that  re-  64 this month. That’s down  called for a reading of 67,  economy has continued to  wide.  In  response,  builders
            building  efforts  following  three  points  from  a  down-  according to FactSet.     create jobs. Still, sales post-  are ramping up the supply
            hurricanes Harvey and Irma  wardly  revised  reading  of  Readings  gauging  build-    ed their biggest one-month  of new homes, providing a
            will  drive  up  costs  for  con-  67 in August.          ers’ view of sales now and  drop  in  nearly  a  year  in  crucial outlet. But the num-
            struction labor and materi-  Readings  above  50  indi-   over  the  next  six  months  July,  sliding  9.4  percent  to  ber of newly built properties
            als.Even  so,  builders’  over-  cate  more  builders  view  declined  from  last  month.  a  seasonally  adjusted  an-  available is still below histor-
            all  view  of  the  new-home  sales  conditions  as  good  A measure of traffic by pro-  nual rate of 571,000. August  ical levels.q
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