P. 29
PEOPLE/ARTS Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Women won big at Emmys, in front of and behind the camera
By FRAZIER MOORE For many of the winners walk into and wonder if
AP Television Writer as well as many fans who they say ‘no’ because it’s a
NEW YORK (AP) — The were cheering them on, show by or about a wom-
Emmy statuette depicts a the Emmycast unfolded en.”
winged woman, and this as a bracing rebuttal at a The answer, Moss said, is
year’s Emmy telecast cel- time when surveys contin- “not only women in front of
ebrated a TV season in ue to expose unfair repre- the camera but it’s women
which women, as never sentation by women in Hol- behind the camera.”
before, were able to soar. lywood. “Feud: Bette and Joan,”
Strong roles about strong “Let’s hope that this is the starring Susan Sarandon
women abounded. beginning of something and Jessica Lange in a
And they were rewarded. even better in our country robust saga of clashing
The winning drama series and the world,” said Louis- queens of the silver screen,
and limited series (“The Dreyfus, savoring her re- was a promising entry in the Ann Dowd, from left, winner of outstanding supporting actress
in a drama series, Elisabeth Moss, winner of outstanding lead
Handmaid’s Tale” and “Big cord-breaking sixth win as Limited Series category. actress in a drama series, and Alexis Bledel, winner of outstand-
Little Lies,” respectively) fo- Selina Meyer on “Veep.” ‘’I But “Feud” was edged out ing guest actress in a drama for “The Handmaid’s Tale” pose in
cused on issues of women think the world would be a by another woman-cen- the press room at the 69th Primetime Emmy Awards on Sunday,
— rather than defaulting to better place if more wom- tric drama, “Big Little Lies,” Sept. 17, 2017, at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
the male point of view — as en were in charge.””We’ve which followed a group of Associated Press
a vivid way to explore the made incredible prog- mothers who each have
human condition. “Veep,” ress, obviously,” said Elisa- secrets threatening to Indeed, two of the series’ They were complex,” she
which stars Julia Louis-Drey- beth Moss, who won the crash down upon her. executive producers were noted. “They were good
fus as the former president best actress Emmy for her The series collected eight Kidman and her co-star Re- and bad.”
of the U.S., won best com- starring role in “The Hand- Emmys also including best ese Witherspoon. “What was so wonderful,”
edy series. maid’s Tale” as one of the actress (Nicole Kidman), Backstage, Witherspoon said Kidman, “is that we
Women also made inroads few fertile women left in a best supporting actress voiced delight that “we had so many people, men
behind the camera, with world ruled by a totalitarian (Laura Dern) and best sup- created four roles for wom- and women of different
Lena Waithe winning best regime that treats women porting actor Alexander en, and all got nominat- ages, watching the show
comedy writer Emmy for as property. Skarsgard, who, in accept- ed.” that went far beyond what
“Master of None. But she added, “There’s still ing his trophy, thanked his The characters those wom- we expected. As much as
” She’s the first woman win- a lot of work to be done. colleagues for letting him en portrayed “were com- it was about women, it was
ner ever in that category. There are still meetings you be “one of the girls.” plicated. for everyone.”q