P. 22

22                                                                                                AWEMainta Dialuna, 21 Augustus 2017

       Heart-Centered                                    As a HCLF volunteer, I had the privilege of see-   Mi ta ‘encourage’ otro hende pa bin pasobra e ta

        Youth Program                                    ing the group of young people the first day at  cambia bo manera personal y bo ta ‘improve’ hopi
                                                         registration time and then again during gradua-
                                                                                                            con bo ta stima bo mes. Y pa bo stima otro, bo
                                                         tion after 4 days. The first day when they came  mester stima bo mes prome. Tur cos no ta perfecto
       a great success!                                  in, all seemed very timid, somewhat unsure and  y semper tin ‘room for improvement’. Lo ta great

                                          PG. 22 - 23    some even quite withdrawn. On the fourth day,  si e facilitador por papia Papiamento. Den Insight
                                                         however, when I met with them again, I could  bo ta siña con pa sali for di bo ‘comfort zone’.
                                                         literally see and feel the transformation in them.  Pero no tur mucha por sali for di nan ‘comfort
       HEART  Centered Leadership Foundation  Each one of them exuded a sense of immense joy,  zone’ den 4 dia asina facil. Tin cu por pero otro
       (HCLF) looks back with a deep sense of grati-     connection, hope, courage and happiness. They  no. Ami a siña hopi. E tabata un ‘amazing experi-
       tude and satisfaction to have contributed again  seemed much more present in their own bodies  ence’ pa mi. Mi tin mas ‘knowledge’ riba e tema
       to another positive transformational experience  and being more truly their own.                     di ‘self-growth’. Un cos cu mi ta tuma cu mi, ta
       for young people in Aruba. Last week 27 young                                                        ‘being able to be confident’ y wak tur e ‘qualities’
       people participated in the inspiring Youth Leader-  The seminar could not have been a reality, much  mi tin den mi ‘and bring those to light and sharing
       ship Program from HCLF, which ran four full days  less a success, without the sponsors as well as the  it with others’ ”. —Julien Duran
       at the beautiful conference room of San Nicolas’  many volunteers of the Heart Centered Youth
       Teresita Center.                                  Leadership program. HCLF wishes to express
                                                         their enormous gratitude for the sponsors WEB,
                                                         SUBWAY, KIWANIS ARUBA, QUOTA CLUB,
                                                         COMPRA, CAVELIER LOGISTICS, ALBO
                                                         ARUBA N.V., and FRASA as well as many pri-
                                                         vate donors. Also, if it were not for the tireless
                                                         dedication of the HCLF team, led by Siouxsie
                                                         Kock and HCLF project coordinator, Keyla Rojas,
                                                         before, during and after the seminar, as well as
                                                         the volunteer assistants who helped to support
                                                         the facilitation of the seminar during the four
                                                         full days, the event would not have delivered the  “ Mi motivacion pa bin ta cu mi a haci Insight
                                                         success as it did right now.                       kaba ora mi tabata mas jong. Pero mi no ta korda
                                                                                                            hopi mas. Awo cu mi ta mas grandi, mi a dicidi pa
       As HCLF’s founder/director and project leader,  To better capture the experience that the young  bin wak toch ki tipsnan e ‘Teen Insight’ por duna
       Siouxsie Kock, shares with us, it is the mission of  people had during the ‘Youth Leadership Pro-    mi, dor cu mi ta 25 aña, pues mi ta un tiki mas
       HCLF to help create new leaders who work from  gram’, I had the privilege of talking to seven (7)  grandi cu un teen. Dus mi a bin djis pa haya tips
       their heart. Siouxsie considers leaders to be not  participants and one (1) assistant who shared their  den mi ‘personal and emotional life’. Pero locual
       just people with a formal function in leadership,  personal experience. I can find no better way to  cu mi a ‘get out of it’ tabata hopi mas. Nan ta
       but also regular folks such as teachers, policemen,  honor their inner transformation, than by letting  confrontabo cu bo mesun refleho di bo spiel. Esey
       parents and young people who are looking to lead  them share their experience in their own words,  ta un chens cu bo no por skond’ie, bo no por core
       more conscious lives. She firmly believes that if  which are expressed in the following paragraphs.  bay. Bo no por pick cosnan di trabou, di skol of
       we work from our heart, that we will be more  (Please note that the young people were given  actividadnan diario.  Dus bo ta echt ‘confronted
       considerate, compassionate and take better care  the freedom to express themselves in whatever  with your true self and learn to be aware of it’.
       of each other as well as the environment, while  language felt best to them…..)                      Pues bo ta ‘come to terms with things that were
       taking responsibility for our lives and the deci-                                                    and’ kiko bo por hasi awor aki pa bo cambia nan,
       sions we make.                                    “ My mom did Insight and it helped her a lot, so  of con bo ta mas OK cu e persona cu bo ta awor
                                                         she suggested that my sister and I come. The first  aki. Dus esey ta loke Insight a duna mi tur e 4
       The ‘Youth Leadership Program’ was facilitated  day was really strange. It was about getting out  dianan aki. ‘The one BIG thing I take away from
       by Insight Seminars®. Facilitator, Alicia Stephany  of your comfort zone. But soon after everything  the seminar is’ cu riba mundo tur cos ta cambia,
       from the Venezuela & Colombia region, explains  changed and it truly made a difference for me. I  antobra hende ta bin y hende ta bay. E cos mas
       that Insight is an educational training that is de-  learned a lot about myself and feeling better about  importante ta ‘to live in the moment’. No wanta
       signed to support people in getting tools that will  myself. One thing I’ll do differently going forward  nada pasobra hopi biaha bo ta ‘regret’ e cu bo no
       allow them to create a life that they feel passionate  is that I’ll speak my mind more. Not be afraid to  a haya chens ‘toentertijd’ pa laga un hende sa con
       about and that they love. Participants learn how  say how I feel. My message to other young people  bo ta sinti. ” — Tatiana Peña
       to do the best with what they’ve got. They learn  is ‘come and be part of one of these seminars.
       to do more of what’s really working for them,  Trust me it will be the best experience you’ll have  “ My motivation to come here was that my cousin
       while checking the areas that are not working the  ever had’ ”. —Jonathan Croes.                     who had experienced it before in October, said
       way they would like to. They learn to be more                                                        to me ‘you’re going to the next one’.  I came and
       reflective and look within first to see what it is  “ Mi ‘experience’ tabata hopi educativo. Mi ta un  find it a really good experience. If you get the
       they can do about what isn’t going right in their  volunteer pa HCLF y Siouxsie y Keyla a ‘encour-   chance to do it, do it. It allowed me to awaken
       lives and take responsibility for it. The aim is to  age’ mi pa bin. Mi a siña hopi di e seminar. E ‘ex-  inside who I really am. I think everyone should
       help build young people who are accountable for  perience’ tabata hopi ‘encouraging’ pa ‘increase’  have this experience because it really helps you
       creating the results they want in their lives.    bo ‘self-growth and being more mindful’. E no  with your everyday life. You really get to know
                                                         tabata nobo pa mi pasobra mi a hay’e na skol.  who you really are and how to relate to others.
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