Page 24 - ATD19September2015
P. 24

A24                                                                                                                                                Household wealth
                                                                                                                                                                   reaches a new high
BUSINESSSaturday 19 September
                                                                                                                                                                     in US: $85.7 trillion 
Wall Street dips as investors mull Fed rate decision 
                                                                                                                                                                  C. S. RUGABER
BERNARD CONDON                    that has in the past typical-    crisis low. The Fed meets                                     the Fed cited low inflation,     AP Economics Writer
AP Business Writer                ly boosted stocks. But some      again next month and in                                       weakness in the global           WASHINGTON (AP) — Ris-
NEW YORK (AP) — Fears             investors, expecting the         December.                                                     economy and unsettled fi-        ing home values drove a
over slowing global growth        Fed would be confident           The Dow Jones industrial                                      nancial markets. Investors       modest increase in Ameri-
hammered stocks in the            enough to nudge rates            average ended down                                            have been on edge about          cans’ household wealth to
U.S. and Europe on Friday         up by at least a quarter         289.95 points, or 1.7 per-                                    a slowdown in China and          a new high of $85.7 trillion
                                                                                                                                 other emerging market            in the April-June quarter.
Trader Tommy Kalikas works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. Fears over slowing                                       nations since last month.        The Federal Reserve said
global growth hammered stocks in the U.S. and Europe on Friday and lifted prices of government                                   The S&P 500 index is down        Friday that Americans’
bonds and other assets seen as safer bets.                                                                                       about 8 percent from its re-     stock portfolios climbed
                                                                                                                                 cord close of 2,130.82 set in    $61 billion in value, while
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  May.                             housing wealth increased
                                                                                                                                 UBS strategist Julian Eman-      $499 billion. Total house-
and lifted prices of govern-      of a point, interpreted the      cent, to 16,384.79. The S&P                                   uel said a mix of other fac-     hold wealth is up from $85
ment bonds and other as-          stand-pat stance as a sign       500 slumped 32.12 points,                                     tors may have also fed the       trillion in the first quarter.
sets seen as safer bets.          that the global economy is       or 1.6 percent, to 1,958.08                                   selling Friday.                  Rising household wealth
The selling pushed down           dangerously weak.                and the Nasdaq compos-                                        Investors are worried about      can help boost growth by
major stock indexes in Eu-        “If growth in the strongest      ite shed 66.72 points, or 1.4                                 third-quarter corporate          making consumers feel
rope, before spreading to         economy — the United             percent, to 4,827.23                                          earnings, which are ex-          wealthier and more likely
the U.S. The Standard and         States — isn’t strong enough     Bonds rallied as investors                                    pected to drop 4 percent         to spend. Economists es-
Poor’s 500 index slumped          to raise rates even a quar-      sought safety. The bench-                                     for companies in the S&P         timate that consumer
to its biggest loss in more       ter of point, what does that     mark 10-year Treasury note                                    500, he said. Also, several      spending rises 3 to 5 cents
than two weeks as all 10 in-      say about the prospects          gained, pushing down its                                      dozen House Republicans          for every dollar increase in
dustry sectors of the broad       for global growth?” said Bill    yield to 2.13 percent. Gold                                   have said they won’t vote        wealth. Household spend-
market gauge fell. The drop       Strazzullo, chief strategist at  also gained.                                                  for a funding bill that in-      ing drives about two-thirds
was led by energy shares.         market research firm Bell        A gauge of investor fear,                                     cludes money for Planned         of the economy
Stocks slumped a day after        Curve Trading.                   the VIX index, shot up 7                                      Parenthood, raising the          Yet greater wealth doesn’t
the Federal Reserve de-           The Fed has kept its bench-      percent to 23. In early July,                                 specter of a government          necessarily benefit the typi-
cided to hold interest rates      mark rate close to zero          this measure of expected                                      shutdown next month.             cal family.
near zero. That means bor-        for almost seven years. In       swings in stock prices was                                    “When you add up the Fed,        The stock market has more
rowing costs will remain low      that time, U.S. stocks have      12.                                                           China, the cloudy earnings       than doubled since the
for a while yet, a prospect       tripled from their financial     In its rate decision Thursday,                                outlook and, and possibly        recession ended in June
                                                                                                                                 of government shutdown,          2009, which mainly benefits
                                                                                                                                 it’s not a surprise that the     richer households.
                                                                                                                                 market has had a defen-          Approximately 10 percent
                                                                                                                                 sive reaction,” Emanuel          of the wealthiest Ameri-
                                                                                                                                 said.                            cans own 80 percent of
                                                                                                                                 In Europe, Germany’s DAX         stocks, according to re-
                                                                                                                                 fell 3.1 percent while the       search by Edward Wolff,
                                                                                                                                 CAC-40 in France dropped         an economist at New York
                                                                                                                                 2.6 percent. Britain’s FTSE      University.
                                                                                                                                 100 ended the day 1.3 per-       The Fed’s figures aren’t
                                                                                                                                 cent lower.                      adjusted for population
                                                                                                                                 Among U.S. stocks mak-           growth or inflation. House-
                                                                                                                                 ing big moves, JPMorgan          hold wealth, or net worth,
                                                                                                                                 Chase fell $1.71, or 2.7         reflects the value of homes,
                                                                                                                                 percent, to $60.94 as in-        stocks and other assets
                                                                                                                                 vestors judged that lower        minus mortgages, credit
                                                                                                                                 interest rates for longer        cards and other debts.
                                                                                                                                 mean banks won’t be able         Americans also stepped up
                                                                                                                                 charge more for loans. Citi-     borrowing, a sign of confi-
                                                                                                                                 group slumped $1.36, or 2.6      dence in the economy.
                                                                                                                                 percent, $50.29. q               Total mortgage debt grew
                                                                                                                                                                  at the fastest level since
Universal Health Services buying Foundations for $350M                                                                                                            the recession ended in
NEW YORK (AP) — Universal         centers.                         Universal Health Services                                     from its acute care hospi-       Overall household debt,
Health Services, one of the       Universal Health Services        runs more than 200 hospi-                                     tals, surgical facilities and    which includes mortgages,
largest hospital operators        said the deal will speed its     tals.                                                         radiation oncology facili-       student loans, auto loans
in the U.S., said Friday it will  growth in treating addic-                                                                      ties.                            and credit card debt, in-
buy addiction treatment           tion and it praised Founda-        At the end of 2014 its                                      The majority owner of Foun-      creased at the fastest
facility company Founda-          tions’ marketing.                behavioral health  busi-                                      dations is the Pritzker family,  pace in a year.
tions Recovery Network for        The King of Prussia, Penn-       ness  ran 216 facilities in 37                                one of the wealthiest fami-      The jump in mortgage lend-
$350 million.                     sylvania-based company           around the U.S. and in the                                    lies in the U.S. Their holdings  ing reflects the fact that
Foundations provides treat-       said the Federal Trade           United Kingdom, and its                                       include Hyatt Hotels Corp.,      home sales are rising at a
ment for adults who have          Commission has approved          acute care  business  had                                     founded by Jay Pritzker in       solid pace, and that fewer
both addiction and mental         the purchase and it ex-          25 hospitals in six states                                    1957.  Business  executive       sales are being made to
health disorders. It has two      pects to complete it within      and Washington, D.C. Uni-                                     and philanthropist Penny         investors and wealthy in-
facilities in California, one in  a few weeks. Shares of Uni-      versal Health Services had                                    Pritzker, Jay Pritzker’s niece,  dividuals, who frequently
Northern Georgia and one          versal Health Services Inc.      $8 billion in revenue that                                    has been U.S. Secretary          pay cash for homes.q
in Memphis, Tennessee,            lost 78 cents to $138.23 in      year, with about half com-                                    of Commerce since June
along with eight outpatient       midday trading Friday.           ing from the behavioral                                       2013. q
                                                                   health  business  and half
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