Page 28 - ATD19September2015
P. 28


SCIENCESaturday 19 September

Captive snake with no male companion gives birth _ again 

JIM SALTER                    This 2015 photo provided by the Missouri Department of Conservation shows a female yellow-bellied water snake at the Cape
Associated Press              Girardeau, Mo., Conservation Nature Center that for the second time in two years has given birth without any help from a male
ST. LOUIS (AP) — For the      member of the species, conservationists say. 
second time in two years,
a captive snake in south-                                                                                                                                                                          Associated Press
east Missouri has given
birth without any interac-                                                                                          this species gives birth to    accounts of successful stor-
tion with a member of the                                                                                           live young rather than eggs
opposite sex.                                                                                                       that hatch.                    age as long as three years.
Officials at the Missouri                                                                                           Robert Powell, a biology
Department of Conser-                                                                                               professor and snake expert     “Long-term storage is un-
vation’s Cape Girardeau                                                                                             at Avila University in Kan-
Conservation  Nature  Cen-                                                                                          sas City, said the Brahminy    usual. When you run into sit-
ter say a female yellow-                                                                                            blind snake — a small bur-
bellied water snake repro-                                                                                          rowing animal native to        uations like this, you always
duced on her own in 2014                                                                                            southeast
and again this summer.                                                                                              Asia commonly known as         wonder, ‘Is that a possibil-
 The snake has been living                                                                                          the flowerpot snake — has
in captivity, without a male                                                                                        long been the only known       ity?’” he said.
companion, for nearly                                                                                               snake that routinely repro-
eight years.                                                                                                        duces without a male’s         “If nothing else, it’s an in-
An intern who cares for the                                                                                         contribution.
snake found the freshly laid                                                                                        In the Missouri case, it’s     teresting        phenomena.
membranes in July.                                                                                                  possible — but unlikely —
This year’s offspring didn’t                                                                                        that momma snake simply        Whether this is long-term
survive, but the two born                                                                                           stored sperm from her time
last summer are on dis-                                                                                             in the wild.                   storage or parthenogen-
play at the  nature  center,                                                                                        But Michelle Randecker,
about 100 miles south of St.                                                                                        a naturalist at the center,    esis, it’s cool. Just another
Louis.                                                                                                              said eight years is too long.
Conservation Department                                                                                             Powell agreed, saying a        sign that  nature  works in
herpetologist Jeff Briggler                                                                                         female snake usually can’t
said virgin births are rare                                                                                         store sperm for longer than    mysterious ways.”
but can occur in some                                                                                               a year, although there are
species through a process                                                                                                                          A.J. Hendershott, outreach
called parthenogenesis.
It occurs in some insects,                                                                                                                         and education regional su-
fish, amphibians, birds and
reptiles, including some                                                                                                                           pervisor for the conserva-
snakes, but not mammals.
Parthenogenesis is a type                                                                                                                          tion department,
of asexual reproduction
in which offspring devel-                                                                                                                          said there was some pride
op from unfertilized eggs,
meaning there is no genet-                                                                                                                         in having the first snake
ic contribution by a male.
It’s caused                                                                                                                                        of its species reproduce
when cells known as po-
lar bodies, which are pro-                                                                                                                         through parthenogenesis.
duced with an animal’s
egg and usually die, be-                                                                                                                           “This is the way you make
have like sperm and fuse
with the egg, triggering      This 2015 photo provided by the Missouri Department of Con-                                                          discoveries when you keep
cell division.                servation shows membranes that were laid by a female yellow-
The conservation depart-      bellied water snake at the Cape Girardeau, Mo., Conservation                                                         things in captivity,
ment said there are no        Nature Center. 
other documented cases                                                                                                                             ” Hendershott said. “You
of parthenogenesis by a                                                                           Associated Press
yellow-bellied water snake.                                                                                                                        learn things about what
Like other water snakes,
                                                                                                                                                   they’re capable of.”q
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