Page 3 - ATD19September2015
P. 3

                                                                                                                                  Saturday 19 September

Russian, U.S. military talks: Concerned over Syria

KEN DILANIAN                   Defense Secretary Ash Carter speaks during a news conference at the Pentagon. Carter spoke                                  culations. Russia has called
LOLITA C. BALDOR               with his Russian counterpart Friday, the first step in direct military talks proposed by Russia about                       for a broad coalition to
Associated Press               Moscow’s military buildup to support the Syrian government against the Islamic State group.                                 fight the Islamic State
WASHINGTON (AP) —                                                                                                                                          group and has indicated
American and Russian                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)  that helping Assad’s mili-
military chiefs began talks                                                                                                                                tary is the best way to do
Friday over Moscow’s           withU.S. Secretary of State    plan to defend and sup-      the Islamic State. The main                                     that. However,  U.S. policy
buildup in Syria, signaling    John Kerry, and Shoigu initi-  port the government of Syr-  focus of the phone call, ac-                                    has centered for the dura-
the  U.S. is resigned to Rus-  ated the call to Carter on     ian President Bashar Assad   cording to a senior defense                                     tion of the civil war in Syria
sia’s emerging plans but       Friday.                        could conflict with coali-   official, was to talk about                                     on the idea that Assad
anxious to avoid danger-       U.S. officials are increas-    tion airstrikes and other    how the fight against IS will                                   must step down to make
ous misunderstandings on       ingly worried that Russia’s    military operations against  go forward without miscal-                                      way for a new govern-
the battlefield.                                                                                                                                           ment. Until recently, Russia
A 50-minute phone call                                                                                                                                     had seemed to agree with
between U.S. Defense Sec-                                                                                                                                  that policy.
retary Ash Carter and Rus-                                                                                                                                 The  U.S. has been con-
sia Defense Minister Sergei                                                                                                                                cerned about how to re-
Shoigu marked the first                                                                                                                                    spond to Russia’s increased
military-to-military conver-                                                                                                                               support for Assad and how
sation between the two                                                                                                                                     to interpret the intent be-
countries in more than a                                                                                                                                   hind the delivery of tanks,
year. And it came as Russia                                                                                                                                helicopters and other mili-
continued to send aircraft,                                                                                                                                tary equipment to a base
troops and military equip-                                                                                                                                 in the coastal province of
ment into Syria and the                                                                                                                                    Latakia. A senior  U.S. offi-
U.S.-led coalition kept up                                                                                                                                 cial said Shoigu told Cart-
its assault against Islamic                                                                                                                                er that Russia’s increased
State militants.                                                                                                                                           military activities are de-
Russian Foreign Minister Ser-                                                                                                                              fensive in nature, and de-
gey Lavrov broached the                                                                                                                                    signed to honor Moscow’s
idea of direct talks earlier                                                                                                                               commitments to the Assad
this week in a phone call                                                                                                                                  government.q
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