Page 4 - ATD19September2015
P. 4


 U.S. NEWSSaturday 19 September

Clinton ‘appalled’ by Muslim comment at Trump campaign event 

KEN THOMAS                    ing the White House should
Associated Press              “start behaving like a presi-
DURHAM, New Hampshire         dent, to show respect and
(AP) — Democratic presi-      to stand up for truth.”
dential front-runner Hillary  “He knew or he should
Rodham Clinton said Friday    have known that what that
she was “appalled” that       man was asking was not
Republican rival Donald       only way out of bounds, it
Trump declined to correct     was untrue, and he should
a questioner at a recent      have from the beginning
town hall meeting who in-     repudiated that kind of
correctly claimed President   rhetoric,” Clinton said fol-
Barack Obama is Muslim.       lowing a town hall meet-
Clinton told reporters that   ing at the University of New
Trump and anyone seek-        Hampshire.

                                                             Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at a campaign organizing
                                                             meeting, Friday, Sept. 18, 2015, in Portland, Maine.

                                                                                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)

                                                             Clinton has repeatedly           stage supported “defund-      while she served as secre-
                                                             sought to contrast her           ing Planned Parenthood        tary of state.
                                                             leadership style with the        and I vigorously disagree     Clinton spoke at a town hall
                                                             Republican billionaire, who      with that position.”          meeting at the University of
                                                             has built a lead in Repub-       Later, in Portland, Maine,    New Hampshire to outline
                                                             lican primary polls and at-      Clinton confronted a small    her campaign’s $350 billion
                                                             tracted large crowds to his      group of environmental        plan to make college more
                                                             rallies. Trump, the billionaire  activists who stood up dur-   affordable and reduce the
                                                             businessman, did not dis-        ing her organizing event      burden of student debt. It
                                                             pute the man’s comments          and held signs that read,     aims to reduce the cost of
                                                             at the Thursday night town       “I’m Ready for Hillary to     four-year public schools,
                                                             hall meeting in New Hamp-        say no KXL,” demanding        make two-year community
                                                             shire and said he had            she oppose the Keystone       colleges tuition-free based
                                                             heard others raise the issue     XL pipeline. Clinton has de-  on a similar proposal by
                                                             previously.                      clined to take a position     President Barack Obama,
                                                             “If that person had been         and expressed impatience      and cut student loan rates.
                                                             at my event, I would have        with the Obama admin-         She made no mention of
                                                             called him out on it,” Clin-     istration’s deliberations     her Democratic rivals like
                                                             ton said. “Not only is it out    over whether to approve       Vermont Sen. Bernie Sand-
                                                             of place and wrong, it is        the pipeline, which would     ers but said Republicans
                                                             totally factually untrue and     transport oil from Canada’s   had “taken aim” at higher
                                                             quit impugning the integrity     tar sands to refineries on    education and sought to
                                                             of the president.”               the Gulf of Mexico.           cut aid that makes school
                                                             The Democratic presiden-         “What I have said is you’ll   more affordable.
                                                             tial candidate declined to       hear from me shortly and      Clinton also signaled plans
                                                             speak specifically about         you will, but you’re not go-  to confront the “for-prof-
                                                             the debate performance           ing to hear from me today,”   it” college industry, “who
                                                             of Republican Carly Fiori-       Clinton said. “So don’t in-   have been preying on our
                                                             na, who confronted Trump         terfere with other people     young veterans. It’s outra-
                                                             during the televised event       being able to participate.”   geous what some of these
                                                             over comments he had             In declining to take a stand  places have done — they
                                                             made about Fiorina’s ap-         on the pipeline, Clinton has  entice young veterans to
                                                             pearance. But she said           said she doesn’t want to in-  join and then it’s a fraud.
                                                             all of the top Republican        terfere with a decision that  We’re going to crack down
                                                             candidates on the debate         was under consideration       on that.”q
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