Page 9 - ATD19September2015
P. 9

                                                                                                                          Saturday 19 September

Europeans shut borders, block bridges, to halt migrant surge 

Migrants crowd to board a train at the station in Tovarnik,            this high-stakes game         the reception of these dis-    gen treaty, which allows
Croatia, Friday, Sept. 18, 2015. Croatia declared it was               of hot potato were the        placed persons.”               people to travel freely be-
overwhelmed and began busing migrants in convoys                       masses of miserable men,      Most migrants don’t want       tween 26 European coun-
back to Hungary and closing its border crossings with Ser-             women and children who        to stay in Croatia — only      tries without showing their
bia.                                                                   have found their way to       one woman with children        passports. Slovenia and
                                                                       the wealthier European na-    has requested asylum, the      Hungary are treaty mem-
                                          (AP Photo/Petr David Josek)  tions they wish to settle in  country’s foreign minister     bers and say they are pro-
                                                                       blocked at every turn.        said. Instead, they are try-   tecting Europe’s borders.
                                                                       “We are seeing the result     ing to reach Western Euro-     Events in the Balkans have
                                                                       of haphazard policies,”       pean countries like Germa-     underscored the failures of
                                                                       said Maurizio Albahari, a     ny that have said they are     the EU’s common asylum
                                                                       social anthropologist at the  welcome.                       policy, which calls for a
                                                                       University of Notre Dame      While Croatia is happy to      “joint approach to guaran-
                                                                       and author of “Crimes of      let people pass through,       tee high standards of pro-
                                                                       Peace: Mediterranean          Hungary and Slovenia say       tection for refugees.”
                                                                       Migrations at the World’s     allowing the migrants to       Though the  EU  says “asy-
                                                                       Deadliest Border.”            cross their borders would vi-  lum must not be a lottery,”
                                                                       “The situation is largely     olate European Union rules.    scenes from Croatia on Fri-
                                                                       due to the lack of a coor-    Croatia is part of the EU but  day showed it isn’t working
                                                                       dinated approach toward       not a party to the Schen-      out that way.q

DANICA KIRKA                     ister Zoran Milanovic de-
D. STOJANOVIC                    clared that his nation of
Associated Press                 4.2 million could no longer
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) —           cope and the asylum-seek-
Thousands of migrants were       ers could not stay.
trapped Friday in a vicious      “What else can we do?”
tug-of-war as bickering Eu-      Milanovic said at a news
ropean governments shut          conference. “You are wel-
border crossings, blocked        come in Croatia and you
bridges and erected new          can pass through Croatia.
barbed-wire fences in a          But go on. Not because we
bid to stem the wave of hu-      don’t like you, but because
manity fleeing conflict and      this is not your final destina-
poverty in the Middle East       tion.”
and Africa.                      “Croatia has shown it has
Asylum-seekers who fled          a heart,” he said. “We also
westward after being beat-       need to show we have a
en back by tear gas and          brain.”
water cannon on the Hun-         Across eastern Europe,
garian-Serbian border just       barriers to the migrants’
days earlier found them-         passage were thrown up
selves being returned to         as nations tried to shift the
Serbia, where their ordeal       burden of handling the in-
began, after Croatia de-         flux onto their neighbors,
clared it could not handle       leaving asylum-seekers
the influx.                      ever more desperate and
The EU’s failure to find a uni-  confused.
fied response to the crisis      Croatia declared itself
left this tiny Balkan nation,    overwhelmed and began
one of the poorest in the        busing migrants to Hun-
European Union, squeezed         gary and closing its border
between the blockades            crossings with Serbia. Slo-
thrown up by Hungary and         venia halted rail service to
Slovenia and the unend-          Croatia and was sending
ing flood of people flowing      migrants back there, while
north from Syria, Iraq and       Hungary began building
Afghanistan.                     yet another razor-wire bor-
With more than 17,089 mi-        der fence, this time on its
grants arriving in just three    border with Croatia.
days, Croatian Prime Min-        Caught in the middle of
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