Page 12 - ATD19September2015
P. 12


WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 September

Puerto Rico:                                                                                                                                                Mexico arrests

Once-thriving mountain town faces economic abyss                                                                                                            cartel figure over
                                                                                                                                                              the missing 43

DANICA COTO                     blematic of the economic        ing agricultural center,                                      ture that tourism dropped     MEXICO CITY (AP) — Fed-
Associated Press                stagnation that is over-        producing about 20 per-                                       80 percent after it shut      eral authorities captured
LARES, Puerto Rico (AP) —       whelming Puerto Rico, and       cent of the coffee grown                                      down last year.               a suspected high-ranking
Ismael Rodriguez looked         those who live here believe     in Puerto Rico and was a                                      Agriculture was once Lar-     drug cartel member who
out on a nearly empty pla-      it is a warning sign of things  bedroom community for                                         es’ economic engine, pro-     has been implicated in last
za from the clothing store      to come across the island       people working in manu-                                       ducing surpluses of coffee,   year’s disappearance of
he opened in 1960, now          if it doesn’t emerge soon       facturing plants along the                                    plantains, oranges and        43 college students in the
hemmed in by padlocked          from a nearly decade-long       northern coast. It also had                                   bananas thanks to the 25      southern state of Guerrero,
businesses in this mountain     financial slump.                a prominent role in Puerto                                    to 40 sacks of free fertil-   officials said this week.
                                                                                                                              izer that farmers received    State prosecutor Miguel
Angelo Lopez, 74, stands in front of his fresh fruit store in Lares, Puerto Rico. Lares has become em-                        from the government. But      Angel Godinez Munoz an-
blematic of the economic stagnation that is overwhelming Puerto Rico, and those who live here                                 as government revenues        nounced the arrest of Gild-
believe the town is a warning sign of things to come across the island if the government doesn’t                              dwindled, officials instead   ardo Lopez Astudillo in a
emerge soon from its nearly decade-long financial slump.                                                                      gave each farmer $45,         statement, and National
                                                                                                                              which buys one sack of fer-   Security Commissioner Re-
                                                                                                 (AP Photo/Ricardo Arduengo)  tilizer, said Mayor Roberto   nato Sales later confirmed
                                                                                                                              Pagan.                        the detention.
town in northwestern Puer-      The town of some 30,000         Rican history, considered                                     “How is that enough to        Sales called Lopez Astu-
to Rico.                        people has lost more resi-      the birthplace of the inde-                                   make a living?” he asked,     dillo, 36, the “intellectual
“Junior: Fashion Dictator” is   dents than any other mu-        pendence movement and                                         noting that the number of     author” of the students’
the oldest business in Lares    nicipality in Puerto Rico in    the site of an annual com-                                    farms in Lares has dwindled   disappearance. He was
still run by its original own-  the last four years, and it     memoration of an 1868 up-                                     from nearly 1,500 to less     arrested Wednesday in
er, a feat in a town that is    has the island’s second-        rising against the Spanish.                                   than 1,000 in recent years.   the city of Taxco and is sus-
experiencing the deepest        highest unemployment            In more recent years, it had                                  As the economy continues      pected of involvement in
malaise of just about any       rate, at 22 percent. In the     become a tourist destina-                                     to contract in Puerto Rico,   drug distribution, extortion
community on this island in     past five years, more than      tion for people coming to                                     jobs have dried up, with      and organized crime.
the depths of an economic       25 percent of businesses        shop for crafts at its open                                   hundreds of manufacturing     In November, then Attor-
crisis.                         have closed and more            air market and to visit the                                   plants leaving the island or  ney General Jesus Murillo
“I have seen the destruc-       than a third of farms have      Lares Ice Cream Store, the                                    downsizing dramatically.      Karam said it was Lopez
tion of a town,” Rodriguez,     collapsed as families flee      most famous on the island.                                    Among those hit was the       Astudillo who informed his
67, said as he gestured to-     to the U.S. or to other more    The shop, now closed, fea-                                    once-thriving Eagle In-       drug gang boss, Sidronio
ward the plaza. “Look at all    prosperous parts of the is-     tured exotic flavors like                                     dustries plant in Lares that  Casarrubias Salgado, that
the shuttered stores.”          land.                           sweet plantains, garlic and                                   makes U.S. military and       rivals were causing trouble
Lares has become em-            Lares was once a thriv-         cod fish and was such a fix-                                  police uniforms. Some 300     in the city of Iguala. Casar-
                                                                                                                              people work there now,        rubias allegedly instructed
                                                                                                                              but Pagan said the factory    him to defend their turf.
                                                                                                                              sometimes closes for up to    The government’s investi-
                                                                                                                              two months at a time amid     gation maintains that lo-
                                                                                                                              economic fluctuations.        cal police in Iguala illegally
                                                                                                                              Businesses that managed       detained the students from
                                                                                                                              to stay open in downtown      the Rural Normal School
                                                                                                                              Lares and elsewhere con-      of Ayotzinapa on Sept.
                                                                                                                              tinue to struggle, with a     26, 2014, and turned them
                                                                                                                              shrinking number of cus-      over to the Guerreros Uni-
                                                                                                                              tomers who are watching       dos gang. Authorities say
                                                                                                                              their budgets.                they were killed and in-
                                                                                                                              “Ten years ago or more, I     cinerated at a garbage
                                                                                                                              used to sell thousands of     dump.
                                                                                                                              dollars a day,” Rodriguez     A recent report presented
                                                                                                                              said. “Now, I only sell may-  by a group of indepen-
                                                                                                                              be $100.”                     dent experts has discred-
                                                                                                                              As jobs and farms vanish, so  ited many aspects of the
                                                                                                                              have people.                  official inquiry, such as dis-
                                                                                                                                                            counting the possibility that
                                                                                                                                 Continued on page 27       the bodies were burned on
                                                                                                                                                            a giant pyre at the dump.
Venezuela military plane crashes by Colombia border                                                                                                         Authorities say they have
                                                                                                                                                            identified the remains of
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP)         crew members survived or        in the midst of a border cri-                                 maining bridge connecting     two of the missing students.
— Venezuela’s govern-           what caused the crash.          sis. Venezuela has closed                                     the two countries this week.  The identification of the
ment said Friday that an        The plane had detected          much of its border with Co-                                   Colombia accused Ven-         second victim, Jhosivani
air force jet has crashed       an “illegal aircraft” that      lombia and expelled more                                      ezuelan aircraft of at least  Guerrero de la Cruz, was
while monitoring an illegal     had entered Venezuelan          than 1,000 Colombians to                                      two incursions into its air-  announced Wednesday.
flight that had entered the     airspace near the north-        combat paramilitary activ-                                    space over the weekend.       A team of Argentine inves-
country near the Colom-         western border with Co-         ity and widespread smug-                                      Presidents of the two na-     tigators also working on the
bian border. The Defense        lombia, according to the        gling of goods that are sub-                                  tions were expected to        case said Thursday night
Ministry said the Sukhoi-30     military. Drug traffickers      sidized at home.                                              meet in Ecuador Monday        that “serious questions”
went down Thursday night.       frequently cross the border     President Nicolas Maduro                                      to discuss the deteriorating  remain about the origin of
It was not known if its two     and the countries also are      Maduro closed the last re-                                    situation.q                   samples that were tested
                                                                                                                                                            and that it does not con-
                                                                                                                                                            sider the identification a
                                                                                                                                                            definitive result.q
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