Page 14 - ATD19September2015
P. 14
LOCALSaturday 19 September
French Cuisine
Daily chef’s specials
Exclusive wines
Located at The Village (across from Radisson)
T: +297 586 5400 ||
Open daily from 5 pm – 10.30 pm
Continued from Page 13 Fall is one of Aruba’s most Film Festival, Caribbean
eventful times of year, with Sea Jazz Festival and high-
-Tell us a little about up- countless culinary, cultural ly-anticipated, first annual
coming Aruba events and and musical festivals. Restaurant Week, Sept. 28-
Upcoming events include Oct. 9. Boasting 60 partici-
festivals. Which of these the Aruba International pating restaurants, Aruba is
can you recommend?
increasingly revered as the taurant week offers food
“Ultimate Sand Bar Island,” critics, wine connoisseurs,
with 25+ bars/restaurants foodies and everyone in
conveniently located on between the opportunity
the water. to explore Aruba’s culinary
Options range from casual heritage.
decks overlooking the Ca-
ribbean sea to fine dining *This article was originally
toes-in-the-sand establish- posted on Carib Journal on
ments. Aruba’s new res- September 13th, 2015.