Page 10 - ATD19September2015
P. 10


WORLD NEWSSaturday 19 September

Japan enhances military’s role as security bills pass 

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, waits at the lower house of the parliament in Tokyo,                                  defend its allies even when      cause of Japan’s wartime
Friday, Sept. 18, 2015.                                                                                                           the country isn’t under at-      aggression.
                                                                                                                                  tack — for the first time        “We demand that Japan
                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)  since the end of the World       genuinely listen to just ap-
                                                                                                                                  War II — and work more           peals from both at home
MARI YAMAGUCHI                 The upper house’s ap-          The legislation has sparked                                         closely with the U.S. and        and abroad, learning
Associated Press               proval in the early hours of   sizeable protests and de-                                           other nations. Japan will        from historical lessons and
TOKYO (AP) — Japan’s           Saturday makes the legisla-    bate about whether Japan                                            also be able to participate      adhering to the path of
parliament has approved        tion into law, reinterpreting  should shift away from its                                          more fully in international      peaceful development,”
contentious legislation that   Japan’s constitution and       pacifist ways to face grow-                                         peacekeeping, compared           Chinese Foreign Ministry
enhances the role of the       fundamentally changing         ing security challenges. Ral-                                       to its previous, mostly hu-      spokesman Hong Lei told
country’s military by loos-    the way it uses its military.  lies have spread across the                                         manitarian, missions.            a regular news briefing Fri-
ening post-World War II        Opponents say it violates      nation especially after the                                         “The legislation is necessary    day. Previous postwar gov-
constraints, as the ruling     Japan’s constitution and       ruling parties approved the                                         in order to protect the peo-     ernments had all made
bloc defeated opposition       puts the country at risk of    bills in July in the more pow-                                      ple’s lives and their peace-     the notion of collective
parties’ last-ditch effort to  becoming embroiled in          erful lower house.                                                  ful livelihood, and it is to     self-defense unconstitu-
block a vote.                  U.S.-led wars.                 Japan’s military can now                                            prevent a war,” Prime Min-       tional. But Abe’s Cabinet
                                                                                                                                  ister Shinzo Abe told report-    last year decided to allow
                                                                                                                                  ers after the passage of a       it by unilaterally adopting
                                                                                                                                  total of 11 bills — one relat-   a new interpretation of the
                                                                                                                                  ed to international peace-       constitution, instead of for-
                                                                                                                                  keeping and a package of         mally revising the charter,
                                                                                                                                  10 others designed to allow      saying it must be adapted
                                                                                                                                  Japan’s military to defend       to today’s increasingly
                                                                                                                                  its allies in an action called   challenging security envi-
                                                                                                                                  “collective self-defense.”       ronment. The constitutional
                                                                                                                                  Dozens of constitution           reinterpretation triggered
                                                                                                                                  scholars, lawyers and other      public criticism that Abe’s
                                                                                                                                  legal experts have joined        government undermined
                                                                                                                                  protests, saying the legisla-    democracy. In Washing-
                                                                                                                                  tion allowing Japan to use       ton, leaders of Senate
                                                                                                                                  force to settle international    committees overseeing
                                                                                                                                  disputes violates its U.S.-      U.S. defense and foreign
                                                                                                                                  drafted postwar constitu-        policy welcomed the leg-
                                                                                                                                  tion that renounces a right      islation’s passage, saying it
                                                                                                                                  to wage war.                     would contribute to inter-
                                                                                                                                  China  said it and other         national peace and secu-
                                                                                                                                  Asian neighbors are close-       rity and strengthen the U.S.-
                                                                                                                                  ly watching the vote be-         Japan alliance.q

China to respond firmly to any North Korea nuke test 

C. BODEEN                      remains its biggest trading    ranking Chinese officials in                                        fourth nuclear test explo-       to protest, and, according
Associated Press               partner and source of as-      Pyongyang. He snubbed a                                             sion. Either a nuclear test      to some indications, slowed
BEIJING (AP) — If North        sistance, is thought to have   prestigious military parade                                         or a satellite launch would      the flow of goods across
Korea launches a rocket        the most leverage of any       in Beijing earlier this month                                       violate U.N. resolutions, the    their border.
into space or conducts a       nation over Kim Jong Un’s      by instead sending an en-                                           latter because the rocket        A new nuclear test or rocket
nuclear test in the coming     authoritarian country.         voy, secretary of the ruling                                        technology needed can            firing could lead  China  to
weeks, as observers sus-       Yet the degree of that influ-  Korean Workers Party Choe                                           also be used to develop          enforce existing and future
pect it may,  China  is cer-   ence has long been ques-       Ryong Hae.                                                          long-range missiles.             sanctions more vigorously.
tain to respond angrily, and   tioned, particularly over      Now, North Korean officials                                         China’s  response to North       “China will strongly oppose
perhaps with an unprec-        the almost four years since    have signaled that they                                             Korea’s last declared nucle-     (a test or launch) and will
edented level of economic      Kim took power following       could mark the 70th an-                                             ar test, in the spring of 2013,  be sure to implement fu-
punishment. The question is    the death of his father, Kim   niversary of the founding                                           was considered something         ture United Nations resolu-
whether North Korea can        Jong Il, who visited  Chi-     of its ruling Workers Party                                         of a watershed in degree         tions even more resolutely,”
be swayed even by its most     na  repeatedly and main-       on Oct. 10 with a satellite                                         of harshness.  China  swiftly    said Zhang Liangui, a North
important ally.                tained close ties with Bei-    launch, and announced a                                             joined the international         Korea expert with the ruling
China, which fought on         jing. Kim the younger has      restart of atomic-fuel plants                                       community in condemn-            Communist Party’s main re-
North Korea’s side in the      yet to make a trip to  Chi-    that prompted speculation                                           ing the action, called in the    search and training institute
1950-53 Korean War and         na  or receive any high-       that it is preparing for its                                        North Korean ambassador          in Beijing.q
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