Page 11 - ATD19September2015
P. 11

                                                                                                                   Saturday 19 September

Pope plans to duck dissidents in Cuba, spawning criticism

Dissident Eliecer Avila, head of the opposition group Somos Mas, stands at the entrance of his                                thor of “The Great Reform-       tried to deliver a list of po-
home in Havana, Cuba. “It’s essential that the pope delivers a message to the government of                                   er: Francis and the Making       litical prisoners to Ortega
Cuba,” Avila said.                                                                                                            of a Radical Pope.”              during a July 4 party at the
                                                                                                                              Francis has a close relation-    residence of the top U.S.
                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Desmond Boylan)  ship with Cardinal Jaime         diplomat in Havana. The
                                                                                                                              Ortega, the archbishop           cardinal refused to accept
A. RODRIGUEZ                    country and may speak to        II nor Pope Benedict XVI                                      of Havana who has over-          it, telling reporters it wasn’t
M. WEISSENSTEIN                 President Raul Castro in pri-   met with dissidents dur-                                      seen the church’s rela-          the appropriate forum.
Associated Press                vate about the same topic.      ing their respective 1998                                     tionship with the Cuban          The dissident said Ortega
HAVANA (AP) — Pope              But in shying from meetings     and 2012 visits to Cuba,                                      state since 1981. Ortega         threatened to call security
Francis plans to meet with      with dissidents, the pope       prompting similar criticism.                                  has been fiercely criticized     and have him thrown out.
Cuba’s president and its        is hewing largely to the        Lombardi noted that a pos-                                    by dissidents in Cuba and        “There’s a very great ner-
priests, its young and its      Cuban Catholic Church’s         sible occasion for bringing                                   anti-Castro forces in Mi-        vousness in the Cuban
sick, its churchgoers and       strategy of advocating for      up Cuban’s human rights                                       ami for not confronting the      church about being seen
its seminarians as he travels   change within bounds laid       situation could be during                                     government as the church         to be in any way abet-
around the island starting      out by the communist state      Francis’ private meeting                                      has done in other places         ting the political opposi-
Saturday. But not with its      rather than pushing the         with Raul Castro, or while                                    around the world.                tion in Havana,” Ivereigh
dissidents.                     system to change as John        the Vatican secretary of                                      Despite the assertions of        said. “They have gone out
The absence on Francis’         Paul II did in Eastern Europe.  state, Cardinal Pietro Pa-                                    rights groups that there are     of their way — some say
agenda of any meeting           There is no one Cuban of-       rolin, meets with his Cuban                                   still dozens of political pris-  they may have gone too
with the political opposi-      ficials consider more out       counterpart.                                                  oners in Cuba, Ortega told       far in being supportive —
tion has sparked bitter cri-    of bounds than the coun-        “Often, these types of                                        reporters in June he wasn’t      but I think they’re playing
tiques from dissidents who      try’s dissidents, whom they     problems are dealt with in                                    aware of any, saying: “It’s      the long game and I think
say they feel let down by       call mercenaries paid by        conversations, not so much                                    really difficult to interpret    they know this is a process
an institution they believe     the U.S. government and         with public proclamations                                     who’s a political prisoner.”     of evolution rather than re-
should help push for great-     Cuban-American interest         but in personal, direct or                                    The next month, a dissident      gime change.”q
er freedom in Cuba.             groups in Miami.                private discussions,” Lom-
“He should exert more pres-     Vatican spokesman Fed-          bardi said. “The tradition of
sure,” said Antonio Rodiles,    erico Lombardi said this        the Holy See’s authority is to
head of the hardline group      week that Francis had not       deal with them with a dis-
Estado de SATS. “In many        accepted any invitations        cretion that can often be
cases political systems         to meet with dissidents,        more efficient than other,
have come under inter-          and well-known opposition       possibly more visible but
national pressure that has      members told The Associ-        less opportune ways.”
resulted in change, and         ated Press they have re-        The pope “will be well
that’s what needs to hap-       ceived no invitation to see     aware that his not meeting
pen with Cuba.”                 him.                            dissidents will be construed
Papal observers say it’s like-  Popes rarely meet with          in some quarters as kow-
ly Francis will speak strongly  political opposition figures    towing to the regime but
to Cubans about the need        during their foreign trips      he won’t care about that,”
for greater freedom in their    and neither St. John Paul       said Austen Ivereigh, au-
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