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U.S. NEWSFriday 9 October 2015

VW executive apologizes but says scandal not his fault 

MICHAEL BIESECKER              neer, suggested that such        The cars are safe to drive,   documents and data stor-       with diesel engines. That
                               a far-reaching cheating          the government says, but      age devices” that could        raised questions about
MATTHEW DALY                   strategy couldn’t be pulled      Horn suggested Volkswa-       identify those involved in     whether a “defeat device”
                               off without the complicity
Associated            Press    of high-ranking supervisors
                               across several parts of the
WASHINGTON (AP) — Volk-        company.
                               “What I’ve picked up here
swagen’s top U.S. execu-       and I hope you can relay
                               back to your board, the
tive offered deep apolo-       folks running Volkswagen
                               back in Germany, is that
gies yet sought to distance    the response so far is inad-
                               equate,” Collins said. “It’s
himself Thursday from the      a sign of arrogance. It’s a
                               sign of not admitting yet
emissions scandal envel-       the severity of your prob-
oping the world’s largest      For more than two hours,
                               Horn sat calmly, occasion-
automaker, asserting top       ally sipping from a cup of
                               water as news photog-
corporate officials had no     raphers’ camera shut-
                               ters clicked away. As the
knowledge of the cheat-        elected officials expressed
                               anger, disappointment
ing software installed in 11   and skepticism at the com-
                               pany where he has worked
million diesel cars.           for nearly half his life, the
                               51-year-old German ex-
Though he said he hadn’t       ecutive apologized but
                               provided little new infor-
been briefed on the pre-       mation.
                               More than a month after
liminary findings of the on-   the company first con-
                               fessed the emissions-rig-
going internal investiga-      ging to U.S. regulators, Horn
                               said it doesn’t yet have a
tion, Volkswagen of Amer-      detailed plan for fixing the
                               nearly 500,000 “clean die-
ica CEO Michael Horn told      sel” cars sold in the U.S. with
                               the suspect software since
a congressional subcom-        the 2009 model year. Such
                               a solution will likely take up
mittee that a tiny group       to two years, he said, add-
                               ing that each car might
of software developers in      require between 5 and 10
                               hours’ work by a mechan-
Germany was responsible        ic to meet clean air stan-
for the computer code

that enabled the cars to                                        Volkswagen of America CEO Michael Horn testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Oct.

trick U.S. government emis-                                     8, 2015, before the House Oversight and Investigations subcommittee hearing on Volkswagen’s

sions tests. Three lower-lev-                                   emissions-rigging scandal. Horn apologized Thursday as the emissions-rigging scandal engulfing

el managers have been                                           the world’s largest automaker deepened and members of Congress said the company violated

suspended.                                                      the public’s trust. 							                                  (AP Photo/Cliff Owen)

“To my understanding this                                       gen could compensate          the alleged manipulation       similar to that in earlier mod-
                                                                some owners, possibly by      and explain how it was car-    els is also in the new cars. By
was not a corporate de-                                         paying them for the lost      ried out, prosecutors said.    withdrawing the applica-
                                                                value of their vehicles. So   In the U.S., the Environmen-   tions for the 2016 models,
cision, this was something                                      far, the company has set      tal Protection Agency and      VW is leaving thousands
                                                                aside more than $7 billion    the Justice Department         of diesel vehicles strand-
individuals did,” Horn said,                                    to address the scandal,       are conducting a crimi-        ed at ports nationwide. It
                                                                which Horn said may not       nal investigation. VW also     was not immediately clear
adding that he felt person-                                     be enough.                    potentially faces billions in  what a newly revealed de-
                                                                Shortly before Horn began     fines for violating the Clean  vice found in the new VW
ally deceived.                                                  his testimony, German po-     Air Act, as well as a raft of  models does, or when the
                                                                lice and prosecutors raid-    state investigations and       company might resubmit
That explanation left mem-                                      ed VW’s global headquar-      class-action lawsuits filed    the applications needed
                                                                ters in Wolfsburg and other   on behalf of customers.        to sell the cars. Liz Purchia,
bers of the House panel                                         locations seeking mate-       Horn said VW plans to with-    an EPA spokeswoman,
                                                                rial that would help clarify  draw applications seeking      said VW recently gave the
investigating the scheme                                        who was responsible for       U.S. emissions certifications  agency information on an
                                                                the cheating. The searches    for its 2016 model Jettas,     “auxiliary emissions control
incredulous.                                                    were intended to “secure      Golfs, Passats and Beetles     device.”q

“I agree it’s very hard to

believe,” Horn conceded.

Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y.,

was among the lawmak-

ers who said he couldn’t

accept VW’s characteriza-

tion that “this was the work

of a couple of rogue en-

gineers.” Collins, an engi-
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