Page 31 - DIARIO 21MAY15
P. 31

DIAHUEBS 21 MEI 2015                                                                                  DIARIO                                                                                                                                                                                              PAGINA 31

              Reforma fiscal ta crucial pa desaroyo economico

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Introduction  CIT  General expenditure tax  Import and Excise duties  Personal income and wage tax  Other taxes

Introduction  CIT    General expenditure tax  Import and Excise duties  Personal income and wage tax  Other taxes                                                                                     VAS corporate income tax returns

Corporate income tax and related laws                                                                                                                                                                 • VAS tax returns for corporate income tax as of 2015 for the tax year of
 1 Main points                        2 Beneficial policy                      3 Laws
                                                                                                                                                                                                      • VAS: payment simultaneously with filing tax return, cf. wage tax and BBO
 VAS system corporate income         Second round beneficial policy:          WB draft legislation was                                                                                              • On September 30, 2015 VAS corporate income tax returns should be filed
    tax                                Special Regimes                           completed in March 2014 (incl.
                                       Other adjustments related to the          Part of the beneficial policy)                                                                                        for 2014, postponement is possible until December 31, 2014 if the
     (in 2015 for taxable year 2014)                                                                                                                                                                    preliminary tax return is filed and paid on 30 September 2015
                                          beneficial policy (timeshare         The aim is to have completed the                                                                                      • As of 2016: May 31 preliminary (or final) tax return (with payment),
 Corporate income tax 25%                reserve, new IPC regime, including      WB legislation in June 2015. The                                                                                      November 30 definitive return
                                          hotels)                                 VAS system WB will then be                                                                                          • Preliminary tax return shall be equal to last return filed
     (1 january 2016)                  Introduction at the latest on 1           implemented for 2014.                                                                                               • Additional tax revenues in 2015:
                                          January 2016
 Rulingpolicy                                                                 Implementation program                                                                                                        • All entrepreneurs need to be completely up to date in 2014
                                                                                  legislation (IT Forms, Internal                                                                                             • All corporate income taxes in 2014 will be paid in 2015
     (1 january 2016)                                                             and external information) by                                                                                                • No intervention DIMP will be necessary
 Special regimes (0% of 10%):                                                                                                                                                                                          Belastingcommissie                                                                                                          16 maart 2015
                                                                               Start implementation project:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         7
     (1 january 2016)                                                             February 2015 (supporting BC).                                                                                      - Tax riba Entrada Corpora-
                                                                                  DIMP workgroup is installed.                                                                                        tivo; lo haci uso di VAS na                 eral; Tax riba importacion di
   • Captive insurance                                                                                                                                                                                2015 y procesa 2014, 1 di Jan-              producto, entrega di produc-
   • Smart Industry                                                            The Legislation Foundation                                                                                            uary 2016 lo cobra 25% riba                 tor y provesion riba servicio.
   • Export Regime                                                                (civil) is being worked on, we                                                                                      entrada corporativo, na unda                E taza ta depende riba entrada
   • Foundation equity funds,                                                     strive to have a concept ready by                                                                                   cu lo inclui algun ahustacion               y ta wordo tuma na considera-
                                                                                  March 1, 2015, this will be                                                                                         manera reserva di TimeShare,                cion e tarifa actual di importa-
      Private equity.                                                             introduced alongside the                                                                                            IPC regime nobo cu ta invclui               cion, lo reduci vrijstelling, lo
   • Investing, financing and                                                     corporate income tax                                                                                                hotels, mientras pa special re-             elimina BBO y invoerrechten,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      gime lo cobra di 0% pa 10%                  introduccion na January 2016
      renewable energy etc.                                                                                                                                                                           cu ta encera Captive Insur-                 di e draft di legislacion cu
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ance, Smart Industry, Export                mester ta cla fin di Mei 2015.
Belastingcommissie                                                                                    16 maart 2015                                                                                   regime, Fundacion di equity                 Implementacion di programa
                                                                                                                       6                                                                              funds, private equity, inver-               di legislacion door di DIMP,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      sion, financiamento di ener-                cuminsa implementa e pro-
Introduction  CIT    General expenditure tax  Import and Excise duties  Personal income and wage tax  Other taxes                                                                                     gia reusabel. e legislacion di              ceso 1 di Juni 2015 y ta re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      fundacion di e fondonan aki y               comenda pa instala un werk-
General expenditure tax                                                                                                                                                                               inversion lo wordo introduci                groep di ABB y riba termino
                                                                                                                                                                                                      conhuntamente cu e tax riba                 despues mester charge cam-
                                      Main points                                                                                                                                                     entrada corporativo.                        bernan cu ta huur, servicio di
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Casino y tax riba auto.
                                       Taxes on imports of goods, delivery by producer and provision of
Foto:                       services                                                                                                                                                    - Retribucion di (VAS) entrada              - Invoerrechten y accijns;
                                                                                                                                                                                                      corporativo di 2014 den 2015.               mester legislacion pa douane
Belastingcommissie                     Rates depending income and taking into account current import                                                                                                 Den e sistema di VAS e pago                 cu ta encera eliminacion di
                                          tariffs                                                                                                                                                     simultaneamente ta bay hunto                invoerrechten cu lo drenta na
                                                                                                                                                                                                      cu filemento di retribucion pa              vigor dia 1 di January 2016,
                                       Reduce exemptions, eliminate BBO and import duties, repair                                                                                                    2014 cu lo wordo paga dia 30                Douane y accijns mester ta
                                          issues included in Bonaire (eg. Mixed supplies / services,                                                                                                  September 2015. Desde 2016,                 den acordancia cu islanan
                                          completion o-g deduction ABB in services)                                                                                                                   Mei 31, preliminario of final-              BES, mientras accijns riba
                                                                                                                                                                                                      mente lo haya retribucion cu                biña (lo tin un presentacion
                                       Advantages: no / limited overlapping, simple, difficult to avoid,                                                                                             pago, mientras 30 di Novem-                 na Oktober 2015), posibel ac-
                                          easy to control                                                                                                                                             ber 30 lo haya e retribucion                cijns riba refresco, juice cu lo
                                                                                                                                                                                                      definitivo. Ppreliminario e                 wordo desaroya den e comi-
                                       Introduction as of January 1, 2016, draft legislation ready in April                                                                                          retribucion ta igual cu esun                sion, mientras belasting riba
                                          / May 2015                                                                                                                                                  cu ta file. E belasting riba                number di auto lo wordo pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      entrada na 2015 ta encera cu                cesa dehn accijns riba gaso-
                                       Implementation program legislation (IT Forms, Internal and                                                                                                    tur comerciante, entrepreneur               line cu lo drenta na vigor 1 di
                                          external information) by DIMP / Project Fiscal Affairs                                                                                                      mester ta completamente up-                 January 2016 of 2017.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      to-date na final di 2014, tur
                                       Start implementation process: June 1, 2015 (with support BC)                                                                                                  entrada corporativo di 2014                 - Inkomstenbelasting & Loon-
                                       Recommendation to install ABB work group                                                                                                                      lo mester wordo paga na 2015                belasting; e pago di loonbe-
                                       Also charged with ABB (possibly at a later stage):                                                                                                            no ta necesario intervencion                lasting lo sosode automatica-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      DIMP.                                       mente, mientras ta transferi e
                                               Rental rooms                                                                                                                                                                                      parti di doño di trabao cu ta
                                               Services Casinos                                                                                                                                      - Tax riba gastamento gen-                  e prima di sociale lasten, pa e
                                               Car tax

                                                                                                                                                                                 16 maart 2015

Segun ATIA den su nota a              di aangifte y pago wordo haci.          Segun e presentacion di e Be-
duna su opinion encuanto              Na e momentonan aki SIAD                lasting Commissie, aña pasa
reforma fiscal, cu segun e            tin un atraso di 5 aña riba win-        na Juni a inicia cu e proceso
entidad, esaki ta crucial pa          stbelasting y pa cobra esaki-           di reforma fiscal pa mehora
crecemento economico y cre-           nan. E otro islanan den Reino           entrada, stimulacion na con-
acion di empleo na Aruba, cu          pa varios aña ta haci uso di e          ciencia berde y ambiental y
ta nifica cu Aruba mester bay         sistema VAS cu resultadonan             pa crea tambe un tercer pilar
mehora su sistema di belast-          positivo. VAS lo contribui              economico cu ta servicio fi-
ing. Den esaki mester shift           positivamente pa hisa e efi-            nanciero, modernisa y simpli-
belasting directo pa indirecto        ciencia di e SIAD.                      fica leynan fiscal, minimalisa
y ta propone pa introduci e                                                   atraso y pago na esnan cu tin
sistema VAS (Voldoening op            Reforma fiscal                          cu haya bek.
Aangifte Systeem). E benifi-
co di e sistema aki gobierno
no mester warda riba emision
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