Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20201016
P. 28
A28 u.s. news
Diabierna 16 OctOber 2020
Former roommate of accused Capital One hacker sentenced
June. In imposing the four- rifles was loaded. Officials Prosecutors said Thomp-
year sentence, U.S. District also seized ammunition, son, a former Amazon soft-
Judge John Coughenour said high-capacity magazines, ware engineer who went
he was taking into account flare launchers, containers of by the online alias "erratic,"
Quan's age and health issues explosive powder, and two has a history of stalking and
that were diagnosed while he bump stocks, which Quan threatening to kill people and
was in prison. claimed to have purchased to get herself killed by po-
before the devices were out- lice. And police in Mountain
Quan was sharing a home lawed. View, California, said she also
with Paige Thompson in threatened to shoot up an un-
July 2019 when FBI agents Quan has a 1983 federal con- disclosed company while she
searched the home and dis- viction in Washington for be- was living with Quan.
covered a cache of weapons. ing a felon in possession of
Thompson was being inves- explosives and a 1991 federal Thompson's lawyers have
tigated for data theft. She has conviction in Texas for pos- denied those accusations and
been charged with wire fraud sessing an unregistered ma- have said she is not violent.
The former roommate of and computer fraud and chine gun. Those convictions Capital One said 140,000
a woman accused of hack- Park Quan, 67, was sentenced abuse and has pleaded not mean Quan is prohibited Social Security numbers and
ing Capital One banking Wednesday in U.S. District guilty. from possessing firearms. 80,000 bank account num-
company and at least 30 Court in Seattle after plead- During the search, Thomp- bers were obtained in the
other organizations has ing guilty to being a felon in The cache of weapons in- son, 33, was arrested and hack. The breach was among
been sentenced to four possession of guns, according cluded four semi-automatic charged with accessing per- the largest on record involv-
years in prison for ille- to U.S. Attorney Brian Mo- handguns, six semi-automat- sonal information of 106 mil- ing a major U.S. financial
gally possessing firearms, ran. ic rifles, and two additional lion Capital One credit card institution. Her trail was set
according to federal pros- Quan has been in custody rifles, Moran said. At least holders. for November but last week
ecutors. since his arrest and plea in one of the semi-automatic it was moved to Feb. 8, 2021.
Americans critical of Trump handling of virus
Less than three weeks The poll, which was taken a "I think that from the start white suburban voters or publicans.
from Election Day, ma- week after Trump disclosed to the finish that he came through his nomination of
jorities of Americans are his own COVID-19 diagno- through quite rapidly and Judge Amy Coney Barrett to And though the majority of
highly critical of President sis, also shows that 54% of he's back out there," said the Supreme Court seat that Republicans, 83%, approve
Donald Trump's handling Americans disapprove with Jim Gula, 71, a Republican opened after the death of Jus- of Trump's overall job perfor-
of both the coronavirus how the White House han- and Trump supporter from tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. mance, fewer, 70%, are sup-
pandemic and his own ill- dled the episode. Jacksonville, Florida. "And According to the poll, which portive of his handling of the
ness, according to a new I think that's a reflection on was largely conducted before pandemic. Republicans also
poll from The Associated The Rev. Joseph Wiseman, the overall people who have Barrett's Senate hearings this showed some skepticism of
Press-NORC Center for a 49-year-old registered Re- come down with a positive week, Americans were di- the White House's handling
Public Affairs Research. publican and Biden sup- test. vided over her confirmation. of Trump's diagnosis, with
porter from Wichita, Kansas, Thirty percent favored the just half saying they trusted
The survey also shows that is among them. Wiseman The pandemic upended confirmation, 35% opposed the information provided to
few Americans have high lev- said he was turned off by Trump's plans to spend 2020 and 34% said they held nei- the public "a great deal" or
els of trust in the information the president's "cavalier at- running on a strong eco- ther opinion. Republicans "quite a bit.
the White House has released titude" toward the pandemic nomic record, thrusting him were much more likely to
about Trump's health. Initial and what he saw as Trump's instead into the role of a support the confirmation The president continues to
accounts of the president's "disregard for the health and president governing through than Democrats. earn more praise for his han-
condition were murky and well-being" of people around crisis. He's repeatedly tried to dling of the economy: 49% of
contradictory, and the White him who were exposed to the downplay the impact of the Trump heads into Election Americans approve, and 51%
House is still refusing to say virus at White House events, virus, even after his own ill- Day with a 39% overall ap- disapprove. With unemploy-
when the president last test- as well as when the president ness, and has opposed some proval rating from Ameri- ment still high and the fate
ed negative for COVID-19 drove in a vehicle with Secret of the more stringent safety cans, on par with his approval of many businesses uncertain
before his infection became Service agents to greet sup- measures recommended by ratings over the course of due to the pandemic, 61% of
public. porters during his hospital his own administration. With his presidency. But there are Americans described the na-
Trump's illness and hospi- stay. early voting already under- other warning signs for him tion's economy as poor. But
talization has refocused the way in much of the country, in the AP-NORC poll. about two-thirds of Ameri-
critical final stretch of the Trump spent four days at a national polls show Biden Seventy-four percent of cans say their personal finan-
presidential campaign on the military hospital just outside leading Trump by a comfort- Americans say the country is cial situation is good, which
pandemic, which has killed Washington, where he was able margin, though many heading in the wrong direc- has remained consistent since
more than 216,000 people in treated with an aggressive battleground states remain tion, including half of Re- before the pandemic.
the United States this year. drug regimen. On Sunday, competitive. The president is
Democratic challenger Joe his doctor said he was no spending much of this week
Biden has sought to make the longer contagious, and he's campaigning in states that
election a referendum on the returned to the campaign should be comfortable terri-
Republican president's han- trail this week, holding rallies tory for him, including Iowa
dling of the virus, arguing in battleground states across and Georgia, which hasn't
that Trump has mismanaged the country. The president voted for a Democrat for
the pandemic and cost Amer- was eager to return to cam- president since 1992.
icans lives. paigning in part to send a
message to Americans that The race has remained rela-
The AP-NORC poll suggests they should not allow the tively stable for weeks, with
many Americans agree with virus to consume their lives. Trump unable to gain sig-
that sentiment, with 65% It's a message that has been nificant ground on Biden
saying Trump has not taken well-received by some of the through his efforts to re-
the coronavirus outbreak in president's supporters. focus on a "law and order"
the U.S. seriously enough. message aimed at rallying