Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20201016
P. 30
A30 world news
Diabierna 16 OctOber 2020
Asia Today: SKorea reports 110 cases, half in Busan hospital
a surge in cases nationwide,
President Joko Widodo has
urged local administrations to
refrain from imposing lock-
down measures that could
cripple the region's largest
economy. Seven months into
the pandemic, the govern-
ment has been lambasted by
experts for prioritizing eco-
nomic recovery over public
health, which has resulted
in the outbreak showing
no sign of abating and has
strained healthcare systems.
The National Commission
on Human Rights on Thurs-
day urged the government to
evaluate its COVID-19 re-
sponse by prioritizing basic
A hospital president and the
director of the health com-
mission in the northern Chi-
nese city of Qingdao have
been fired after China's lat-
est coronavirus outbreak,
authorities said Thursday.
A brief notice on the Qing-
dao city government's offi-
cial microblog Thursday said
Health Commission Direc-
tor Sui Zhenhua and Deng
South Korea has report- the marquee — a sign of the Australia's prime minister in both cities decline. Un- Kai, president of Qingdao's
ed 110 new cases of the country's efforts to return to says his government is giving der the agreement, travelers thoracic hospital to which the
coronavirus, half of them normal as the pace of infec- priority to reopening air ser- from Hong Kong and Singa- cases have been linked, were
linked to a hospital in tions slows but also of the vices to Japan, Singapore and pore will not be restricted on placed under further investi-
Busan. The numbers re- roadblocks that remain. The South Korea. Prime Minister their travel purposes, Hong gation. No other details were
leased by the Korea Dis- return to movie theaters Scott Morrison said Thurs- Kong commerce minister given. Authorities ordered
ease Control and Preven- comes as India is registering day he had discussed reopen- Edward Yau said Thursday. testing of all 9 million people
tion Agency on Thursday the highest number of daily ing air routes with the lead- This means that tourists in the city after a total of 12
brought the national case- cases globally and is expected ers of all three countries. He from each city will be able cases, including those not
load to 24,988, including to soon top the list world- described Japan and South to visit the other. Both Hong displaying symptoms, were
439 deaths. At least 54 in- wide in terms of total num- Korea as "two countries that Kong and Singapore closed discovered over the weekend,
fections were reported in ber of infections, passing the have done particularly well" their borders earlier this year, accounting for China's first
a hospital for the elderly United States. But trends also in dealing with the pandem- banning short-term visitors local transmissions in about
in the southern port city suggest the spread is begin- ic. "There are a number of from entering as they fought two months.
of Busan. ning to slow. Nearly 10,000 countries we're looking at to to reduce coronavirus infec-
theaters closed in mid-March see what we can do probably tions. Under the air travel Sri Lanka's government has
More than 40 others came when the government im- next year. We're not going bubble, travelers will also announced fines and prison
from the densely populated posed restrictions to fight the to rush into this," Morrison not be subject to compulsory terms for those not wearing
Seoul metropolitan area, tied virus. said. Australia will allow trav- quarantine, provided they masks, maintaining social
to places including hospitals, elers from neighboring New have taken coronavirus tests distancing or failing to adhere
churches, schools and offices. They are among the last pub- Zealand to arrive without mutually recognized by both to other health guidelines as
The steady rise in infections lic places to reopen a hugely hotel quarantine from Friday. cities, with a negative test re- a new cluster of COVID-19
is a cause of concern in a symbolic move in a country New Zealand has eradicated sult. Additionally, travelers cases continues to cause a
country that has just lowered known the world over for the community transmission of are required to fly on dedi- steep rise in the number of
its social distancing measures, lavish productions pumped COVID-19, but it will con- cated flights which will only patients in the island nation.
allowing high-risk venues out by its Bollywood film in- tinue to insist travelers from serve air travel bubble travel- Health Minister Pavithra
like nightclubs and karaoke dustry. Movie theaters pose Australia quarantine for two ers between Hong Kong and Wanniarachchi signed a de-
bars to reopen and specta- some of the biggest infection weeks on arrival. Australia Singapore. cree on Thursday impos-
tors to return to professional risks since they put people reported only 12 new cases of Indonesia on Thursday re- ing penalties of up to six
sports. in a closed space, where the local transmission on Thurs- corded another jump in months in prison and fines
Health officials are planning virus can spread easily, for an day. The most populous coronavirus cases to overtake of up to $55 for violators. Sri
to test 160,000 employees at extended period of time. To states of New South Wales neighboring Philippines as Lanka had largely contained
hospitals, nursing homes and minimize the danger, Indian and Victoria reported six the country with the highest the spread of the coronavi-
welfare centers for senior cinemas have separated seats, each. Morrison said Austra- number of confirmed infec- rus after an initial outbreak
citizens in Seoul and nearby staggered show times and lia had one of the best health tions in Southeast Asia. The in March. No cases of local
areas as part of efforts to pre- are encouraging digital pay- and economic responses to government's COVID-19 transmission were reported
vent outbreaks. ments. Masks and tempera- the pandemic of any country task force announced that for two months until a clus-
ture checks are mandatory. in the world. Indonesia recorded 4,411 ter originated at a garment
In other developments in the India on Thursday reported new infections, taking its to- factory earlier this month.
Asia-Pacific region: Seven 680 new fatalities, its low- Hong Kong and Singapore tal to 349,160. That is higher So far 1,770 cases have been
months after screens went est daily increase in corona- say they have agreed to a than the Philippines' 348,698 reported this month, taking
dark, cinemas reopened virus deaths in nearly three bilateral air travel bubble, cases. Indonesia has reported the country's total number
Thursday in much of In- months. re-establishing travel links 12,268 deaths, also the high- of confirmed infections to
dia with mostly old titles on as coronavirus infections est in Southeast Asia. Despite 5,219, including 13 deaths.