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P. 5
Tuesday 22 augusT 2017
A Magical Wedding: Geraldine and Chris Green Say “I DO”
By Angela Munzenhofer fornia, Pittsburgh, Boston adult pool sipping on Bal-
Special To Aruba Today and beyond. Chris and Ger- ashi Chill and frozen drinks,
EAGLE BEACH - Geraldine aldine were overwhelmed as 24 kids ran around hav-
Carroll was born in Buenos by the kindness shown to ing the time of their life.
Aires, Argentina where her them by their friends and Little did people know that
mother, Graciela Arbutti family. 3 weeks before, the cou-
is from. Her father, who Every person invited to the ple had no venue! After
passed away last February, wedding, held a special reaching out via email to
was Sheldon Robert Car- place in the couple’s heart. many restaurants, Angela
roll, born in Brighton Beach, But they thought that there Munzenhofer responded
Brooklyn. She moved to was no way so many peo- with “look no further, Your
Puerto Rico when she was 5 ple would fly to Aruba! Guardian angel is here,
years old. The guests all stayed at the photographer, planner and
Marriott Stellaris Resort in restaurant owner, please
Chris Green hails from Bos- Aruba, where Tom Brady call me”. The wedding was
ton, spent his youth in Nan- As Geraldine & Chris vow there love, this story of romance greeted the guests with a planned in just a few days
tucket and was raised by and an eternal commitment to each other is the beginning of delicious cocktail (insert and all the vendors came
an Italian/Irish mother and “Happily Ever After.” cut out of Tom Brady). The together in harmony to de-
his father who comes from aldine’s vision of an inti- ple since childhood. They wedding week began with liver a grand wedding cel-
an Irish/Greek family. mate wedding turned into are all from different plac- Happy Hour, in the Gover- ebration.
Geraldine always told her- a wedding destination in es, different backgrounds, nor’s Suite. People getting And THEN, the one ac-
self she would never get Aruba with 98 loved ones and yet the one thing that to know each other, figur- tivity that the bride had
married, it just wasn’t for who came together on this links them all together is ing out how they were all been looking forward to
her. Her life was fulfilled “One Happy Island”. their love and constant connected to the bride for months, the Jolly Pi-
with her family and friends, The RSVP’s were coming in support for Geraldine and and groom. rate snorkeling adventure,
spending time and travel- by the numbers as these Chris. Days were filled with laugh- was about to happen! The
ing with her sister Vanessa, were friends and family People flew in from as far ter, joy and water-sports bride and groom treated
her niece Bella and her who have known the cou- away as Puerto Rico, Cali- along with relaxing at the all their guests to experi-
nephew Ryan. Then she ence this most amazing
met Chris in Boston, and 5 excursion, as a thank you
years later it was all over for for taking the time to cel-
her! ebrate their wedding. The
Her friends couldn’t believe Jolly Pirates adventure was
that she said ‘Yes’ when truly memorable. All you
Chris proposed to her on could hear was laughter
Nantucket. It went against and fun! Guests jumped off
everything she had always the plank, with Chris and
said, so people knew Chris Geraldine jumping off first
was a special person! for the ceremonial plunge!
Chris is a man who loves They also snorkeled among
Geraldine in so many ways the coral reefs and the An-
but when he met her he tilla ship wreck. One of the
knew he met his soulmate. guests was heard saying, “I
Geraldine thought why didn’t know I could have
not elope and have an in- this much fun,” especially
timate wedding but they after swinging off the pirate
both knew they couldn’t rope swing.
do this without their friends
and family. Chris and Ger- Continued on Next Page