Page 6 - AHATA
P. 6

                                                                                                           LOCAL Tuesday 22 augusT 2017

                     Continued           Guests arrived to the beau-
            The  staff  and  crew  on  the  tiful  sound  of  steel  pan
            boat were exceptional. The  music,  the  weather  was
            food was amazing, and the  perfect,  the  breeze  was
            music was fabulous. It was  flowing, and there wasn’t a
            everything  the  bride  and  cloud in the sky. The groom
            groom wanted, for people  stood there wondering if his
            to have fun, to get to know  bride  was  really  going  to
            each  other,  and  to  forget  show up, as he kept calling
            about all their worries. Most  her the “Runaway Bride”.
            importantly, for the both of  Reverend  Ruben  Trapen-
            them, seeing the kids have  burg presided over the cer-
            fun was the best!            emony, where all the guests
            The  welcome  reception  vowed  their  unconditional
            was hosted at Nos Clubhuis,  support  for  the  bride  and
            by  Chris’s  mother,  Marilyn  groom  as  they  embarked
            Berardi, and his stepfather,  on  their  lives  as  a  married
            Ed  Berardi.  It  was  the  per-  couple.
            fect setting for everyone to  Geraldine and Chris want-
            get to know each other.      ed to make sure their niec-
            The  view  was  spectacular,  es  and  nephews,  and  all
            the food was fantastic, the  the  kids  that  were  there,
            staff always had a smile on  understood  that  the  foun-
            their  face,  and  there  was  dation  of  their  relationship
            a lot of dancing going on!  was  based  on  knowing
            Nos  Clubhuis  was  the  per-  that they would never give
            fect  location  for  the  wel-  up on each other, no mat-
            come  reception,  because  ter how tough things could
            it defines exactly what Aru-  get.  That  this  commitment
            ba  represents  to  the  bride  was based on love, laugh-
            and  groom.  Beauty,  tran-  ter, respect for each other,   feel are flaws.            place.                       pulled this off.
            quility, and fun!            and fun!                     Xander  Van  der  Linden,  All  of  this  was  made  pos-  Guests  were  served  deli-
            The  wedding  day  took  That it’s ok to find your true   their  amazing  photogra-    sible by the amazing efforts  cious  hors  d’oeuvre  and
            place on Saturday, August  love, later in life, even if you   pher   documented   the  of  Angela  Munzenhofer  of  cocktails  under  the  most
            12th  on  Eagle  Beach,  be-  never thought it would hap-  beauty  of  that  moment  Bella  Aruba  Productions  beautiful      palapas    and
            tween  the  Foffotti  trees.  A  pen.  And  that  it’s  about   and there wasn’t a dry eye  alongside with Edwina Wer-  trees.  Everyone,  well,  al-
            place so beautiful, it is hard  knowing  that  they  will  be   to be found!           leman  and  Anne  Maduro.  most  everyone  abided  by
            to  describe.  The  couple  faithful  to  each  other  no   Following  the  ceremony,  It was truly a Herculean ef-  the  bride’s  very  strict  no
            was  blessed  to  have  the  matter  what,  that  there  is   the  guests  walked  a  few  fort as this was all arranged  shoes policy!
            most  amazing  Matron  of  no perfect formula to find-    feet  to  Passions  on  the  in  3  weeks.  Only  true  pro-  The evening was kicked off
            Honor, Vanessa Mayes and  ing  that  one  person  who     Beach, an amazing venue  fessionals  as  Angela,  Ed-     by  4  beautiful  and  amaz-
            Andy Angoff the best man.  loves you despite what you     were  the  reception  took  wina and Anne could have  ing  carnival  dancers  who
                                                                                                                                got the party started as ev-
                                                                                                                                eryone  danced  the  night
                                                                                                                                away  with  Aruba’s  2017
                                                                                                                                Road march.
                                                                                                                                Chris  and  Geraldine  were
                                                                                                                                overwhelmed  by  the  sup-
                                                                                                                                port and kindness shown to
                                                                                                                                them by the beautiful peo-
                                                                                                                                ple of Aruba. They wanted
                                                                                                                                their  guests  to  feel  loved,
                                                                                                                                welcomed and taken care
                                                                                                                                of. They noted that there is
                                                                                                                                no other island they would
                                                                                                                                have  ever  considered  ex-
                                                                                                                                cept Aruba!

                                                                                                                                Photography  by  Xander
                                                                                                                                Van der Linden q
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