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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 13 June 2018

            Ex-wife of man who killed 6

            in Arizona relieved he's dead

            By FELICIA FONSECA           Authorities   say   Dwight  Byron  Thomas,  72,  who
            FLAGSTAFF,  Ariz.  (AP)  —  Jones,     56,    remained  were  found  dead  inside
            Connie  Jones'  life  wasn't  bitter  about  his  divorce  their home. Police said the
            routine.  She  switched  up  years  after  they  split  and  couple  occasionally  met
            her  commute  to  work,  began confronting people  up with Jones to play tennis
            went  to  different  grocery  linked to the breakup and  at local parks.
            stores,  constantly  looked  shooting them. The shooting  Connie  Jones  and  Anglin
            over  her  shoulder,  and  deaths  happened  over  said they were on a cruise
            took  firearms  training  and  four  days  before  Dwight  and at their vacation home   Connie  Jones  speaks  about  her  ex-husband,  Dwight  Lamon
            defensive driving to protect  Jones ended his own life as  in  northern  Arizona  when   Jones, at a news conference Tuesday, June 12, 2018, in Flagstaff,
            herself and her son from an  police closed in on him at a  the killings happened.q     Ariz.                                   Associated Press
            ex-husband she said was a  Scottsdale  extended-stay
            maniac.                      hotel.
            Authorities  have  said  that  Connie   Jones'   current
            man, Dwight Lamon Jones,  husband  and  a  former
            is responsible for the recent  police   detective,   Rick
            deaths of six people in the  Anglin,  first  suspected  the
            Phoenix  area,  some  of  killings were committed by
            whom  had  links  to  Jones'  Dwight  Jones.  Anglin  said
            divorce.   Connie    Jones  he recognized the physical
            always feared she'd be the  offices   of   those   who
            one killed and said Tuesday  were  killed,  including  two
            she is grateful to be alive.  paralegals who worked for
            "I felt that I had a personal  the  same  firm  as  Connie
            terrorist,"   she   said.   "I  Jones'  divorce  attorney
            had  someone  who  was  and  a  forensic  psychiatrist
            specifically  targeting  me,  who testified in the divorce
            someone  who  had  time  case, and alerted police.
            and nothing else to do but  One     paralegal,   Veleria
            think about how to hurt me.  Sharp,  48,  had  worked
            His death, I think, is the best  at  the  firm  for  about  a
            thing that's come out of this  year, and the other, Laura
            ordeal."                     Anderson, 49, for 10 years,
            Jones  said  the  man  she  said  the  divorce  attorney,
            was  married  to  for  more  Elizabeth   Feldman.   The
            than  20  years  was  likable  psychiatrist,   Steven   Pitt,
            at  first  but  his  behavior  59,  testified  in  the  divorce
            became      more    erratic,  case  that  Dwight  Jones
            and he used the courts to  had  anxiety  and  mood
            further torture her after she  disorders, and he was at risk
            filed for divorce in 2009 and  of  using  violence  against
            after he was arrested on a  his wife, child and himself.
            domestic  violence  charge  Marriage          counselor
            at their home in Scottsdale,  Marshall   Levine,     72,
            Arizona.                     apparently was targeted in
                                         a case of mistaken identity,
                                         authorities said.
                                         Analysis  of  shell  casings
                                         found  outside  Pitt's  office,
                                         the  law  firm  and  Levine's
                                         office   confirmed     the
                                         victims were killed with the
                                         same gun, police said.
                                         Dwight  Jones  also  was
                                         linked  to  the  killings  of
                                         a  Fountain  Hills  couple,
                                         Mary  Simmons,  70,  and
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