P. 10

                   Wednesday 13 June 2018

            Northern light: Macedonia makes name change deal with Greece

             By ELENA BECATOROS                                                                                                 prime  ministers  "in  reach-
             JASMINA MIRONSKI                                                                                                   ing  this  historic  agreement
             Associated Press                                                                                                   between  their  countries,
             ATHENS,  Greece  (AP)  —                                                                                           which  contributes  to  the
             Greece  and  Macedonia                                                                                             transformation  of  the  en-
             reached an historic agree-                                                                                         tire region of South-East Eu-
             ment Tuesday to end a bit-                                                                                         rope."
             ter  27-year  name  dispute                                                                                        They  said  they  looked  for-
             that  had  kept  the  smaller                                                                                      ward to accession negotia-
             and  younger  country  out                                                                                         tions beginning with Skopje
             of  international  institutions                                                                                    in June.
             such  as  NATO,  the  two                                                                                          The  United  Nations  envoy
             countries'  prime  ministers                                                                                       who mediated the dispute
             announced.                                                                                                         for two decades congratu-
             Greece's Alexis Tsipras and                                                                                        lated  Tsipras  and  Zaev  for
             Macedonia's  Zoran  Zaev                                                                                           resolving their differences.
             said  the  former  Yugoslav                                                                                        Matthew  Nimetz  said  in
             republic's  new  name  for                                                                                         a  statement  he  had  "no
             both domestic and interna-                                                                                         doubt  this  agreement  will
             tional  purposes  would  be                                                                                        lead  to  a  period  of  en-
             Republic  of  North  Mace-                                                                                         hanced  relations  between
             donia. Macedonia will also                                                                                         the two neighboring coun-
             amend  its  constitution  to   In this photo released by Greek Prime Minister's office, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras speaks   tries  and  especially  be-
             reflect the change as part   during a televised address to the nation, in Athens, Tuesday, June 12, 2018.          tween their people."
             of the deal.                                                                                      Associated Press  U.N. Secretary-General An-
             The nationality of the coun-                                                                                       tonio  Guterres  praised  the
             try's  citizens  will  be  listed  compromise,  threatening  He  added  that  Macedo-  gotiations  on  joining  the  agreement  as  "a  demon-
             on  official  documents  in  to split Greece's governing  nia "cannot and will not be  EU.    However,  Tsipras  said,  stration of leadership to the
             English  as  "Macedonian/   coalition  and  provoking  a  able in the future to claim  this  will  be  contingent  on  wider  region  and  beyond"
             citizen  of  the  Republic  of  rift  between  Macedonia's  any  connection  with  the  Macedonia    completing  and hopes it will inspire oth-
             North  Macedonia,"  Greek  prime  minister  and  presi-  ancient  Greek  civilization  the constitutional changes.  ers  involved  in  drawn-out
             officials said.             dent.                        of Macedonia."               "In other words, if the consti-  conflicts  "to  work  towards
             NATO and European Union  And  main  opposition  par-     Speaking  at  a  news  con-  tutional amendment is not  negotiated       settlements
             officials   welcomed   the  ties in both countries reject-  ference  in  the  Macedo-  successfully   completed,  without    further   delay,"
             breakthrough, which NATO  ed the agreement.              nian  capital,  Skopje,  Zaev  then  the  invitation  to  join  spokesman  Stephane  Du-
             Secretary  General  Jens  Zaev  said  the  deal  would  described  the  deal  as  a  NATO will be automatically  jarric said.
             Stoltenberg   said   would  be  signed  this  weekend,  "historic  agreement  of  the  rescinded  and  the  acces-  However, both prime minis-
             help  consolidate  regional  and  a  voter  referendum  century."                     sion talks with the European  ters faced dissent at home.
             peace and stability.        would be held in the fall.   "We  have  been  solving  a  Union will not start," he said.  Greek   Defense   Minister
             Greece had long demand-     In a televised address, Tsip-  two-and-a-half   decade  The deal was welcomed by  Panos  Kammenos,  whose
             ed  that  its  northern  neigh-  ras  said  the  140  countries  dispute  ...  that  has  been  EU officials.      right-wing   Independent
             bor  change  or  modify  its  which   had   recognized  drowning  the  country,"  he  European  Council  Presi-    Greeks party is Tsipras' gov-
             name  to  avoid  any  claim  the  Balkan  state  simply  as  said, adding that the deal  dent Donald Tusk tweeted  erning  coalition  partner,
             to the territory and ancient  Macedonia  would  now  "will  strengthen  the  Mace-    his  "sincere  congratula-   said  he  would  oppose  an
             heritage  of  the  region  in  recognize it as Republic of  donian identity."         tions"  to  Tsipras  and  Zaev.  agreement in a parliamen-
             northern  Greece  named  North Macedonia.                On the timeline of the deal,  "I  am  keeping  my  fingers  tary  vote,  meaning  the
             Macedonia  —  birthplace  "This  achieves  a  clear  dis-  Tsipras  said  that  it  would  crossed. Thanks to you, the  left-wing prime minister will
             of  ancient  warrior  king  Al-  tinction  between  Greek  be  first  signed  by  the  two  impossible   is   becoming  need to seek support from
             exander the Great.          Macedonia and our north-     countries'  foreign  ministers  possible," he said.       political opponents.
             The current prime ministers'  ern  neighbors  and  puts  and then ratified by Mace-   EU foreign affairs chief Fed-  The  main  opposition  party
             attempts to end the dispute  an  end  to  the  irredentism  donia's parliament.       erica  Mogherini  and  com-  in Macedonia, the conser-
             have faced dissent in both  which  their  current  consti-  Greece  will  then  back  in-  missioner  Johannes  Hahn  vative  VMRO-DPMNE,  ac-
             countries,  leading  to  large  tutional  name  implies,"  he  vitations  for  Macedonia  issued  a  joint  statement  cused  Zaev  of  "capitulat-
             protests by opponents of a  said.                        to  join  NATO  and  start  ne-  congratulating   the   two  ing" to Greece.q
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