P. 14
Wednesday 13 June 2018
Tourism Increased With 1.6% During The First 5 Months Of 2018
Income Per Hotel Room (REVPAR) Increased With 11.9% Compared To 2017
ORANJESTAD — Aruba wel- is equal to 81.776 visitors to cruise ship tourists), in May
comed a total of 441.455 our island for the month of 2017 Aruba received
‘stay-over’ visitors for the May 2018. 51.756 visitors from 19 cruise
first 5 months of 2018. This is ships. This is 6 cruise ships
1.6% (+7.045 tourists) more Tourism ‘stay-over’ less than last year, from
compared to the same Aruba is being represented which 3 cruise ships had
season in 2017. If Venezue- in 3 different continents. to go to the so called ‘dry-
la visitors are excluded, you Compared to last year dock’ unexpected, which
can see an augmentation May, for 2018 visitors pro- contributed to the unex-
of 6.1% (+25.025 tourists) ceeding from the North pected cancellation and
which is a total of 410.466 American continent in- less cruise ship visitors dur-
visitors to our island. These creased with 8.7% (+5.026 ing the month of May. For
numbers indicate growth in tourists/total 63.003 tourists) the first 5 months of 2018, a
key markets for Aruba, like and brought in 73.7% of the total of 404.680 cruise ship
United States, Canada, Bra- total tourism to our destina- passengers visited Aruba
zil and Holland among oth- tion. In May, United States (an increase of 2.2% +8.780
ers. For the month of May, increased with 9.3% (+5.158 which is 7.3% (+23.643 tour- to May last year. Colombia more passengers) on a to-
Aruba received a total of tourists/total 60.545 tourists) ists) growth. decreased with 8.3% (-180 tal of 173 different cruise
85.430 stay-over visitors, and Canada decreased The Latin American con- tourists/total 1.982 tour- ships (an increase of 1.8%
which is 5.5% (+4.455) more with 5.1% (-132 tourists/total tinent visitors decreased ists) and Brazil increased +3 cruise ships more).
compared to the same 2.458 tourists) compared to with 7.4% (-944 tourists/to- with 11.8% (+111 tourists/
month last year. Exclud- the same month in 2017. For tal 11.895 tourists) where total 1.050 tourists). The Tourism Receipts / Central
ing Venezuela visitors you the first 5 months of 2018, Venezuela decreased with Latin American continent Bank of Aruba
can see that this is 7.3% North America brought 23.3% (-1.109 tourists/total brought in 13.9% of the to- In agreement with the
(5.564 tourists) more which 346.876 tourist to Aruba, 3.654 tourists) compared tal tourism for the month of Central Bank the so called
May to our island. For the ‘Tourism Receipts’, for the
first 5 months, Latin Amer- year 2017 contributed with
ica brought 55.449 tour- AWG 3.078.5 million in our
ists to Aruba, which is 23% economy, which is an in-
(-16.551 tourists) less than crease of 6.5% compared
the same period last year. to the same period in 2016.
From Europe it is to notice
that the tourism decrease Hotels/AHATA
with 5.5% (-409 tourists/total According to Aruba Hotel
6.965 tourists) compared and Tourism Association
to the same month last for the month of May 2018,
year. Holland increased the ‘Average Daily Rate’
with 15.8% (+460 tour- (ADR) increased with 11.1%
ists/total 3.364 tourists), compared to May 2017
and the United Kingdom this in numbers is US$200.68
decreased with 43.25% in 2017 compared to
(-1.251 tourists/total 1.643 US$222.94 for 2018. For the
tourists). This is primarily be- first 5 months of 2018, ADR
cause of a charter flight increased with 8.7% which
from Manchester-England in numbers is US$292.91.
to Aruba fell out for 2018. The income per available
Consequently this causes room, the so called RevPar
that there are less seats increased with 8.9% from
available towards our des- US$168.98 in May 2017 to
tination for the countries in US$184.06 in May 2018. For
the United Kingdom. Ger- the first 5 months of 2018
many increase with 70.1% the RevPar increased with
(+262 tourists/total 636 tour- 11.9%-US$262.29. The ‘Oc-
ists). The European conti- cupied Rooms Per Night’
nent represents 8.2% of the (ORN) decreased with 1.9%
tourism to Aruba for the in may 2018. For the first 5
month of May. For the first months of 2018 ORN in-
5 months, Europe brought creased with 2.8%.
32.350 tourists to Aruba,
which is 1.8% less (-599 tour- The first 4 months of 2018
ists) than the same period AHATA’s numbers are
last year. based on 14 properties in-
cluding Holiday Inn Resort
Cruise Tourism and the majority of hotels
During May 2018, 40.224 with exception of The Hilton
cruise ship passengers vis- Aruba Caribbean Resort
ited our destination on a & Casino. From May 2018
total of 13 different cruise and forward the numbers
ships. Compared to May are based on 13 proper-
last year, cruise tourism de- ties excluding Holiday Inn
creased with 22.3% (-11.532 Resort.q