P. 17

locAl           Wednesday 13 June 2018

            Hurricane Industry: Sectors for Success

            Turning the tide towards

            true regional resilience

            by ir. Damien Richardson
            Caribbean Billion Dollar Mountains
            Living among the green mountains
            Overwhelmed by the vast arrangement of colors
            Floating like leaves on trees
            Wrapped in royal apparel with tones of
            Purple, red, blue, orange, and yellow
            As we arise in spirit and mind
            We climb together in recreational mode
            to top of hurricane pinnacles
            We stand still admiring and surveying
            the many scenic horizons ahead.
            Realizing that: We can live;
            we can build an alternative future,
            we can be generationally resilient.
            Welcome to the Caribbean Mountains
            -ir. Damien Richardson

            From the moment we become of age you are aware of
            your surroundings, you then quickly realize that you are
            residing  in  a  hurricane zone. Hurricanes  are  an  integral
            part of the Caribbean lifestyle and experience from the
            time of its inception. From 1960 to present the Caribbean
            can say that there has been approximately 12 to 14 ma-
            jor hurricanes that has passed through the islands leaving
            in its wake a series of ravaging effects. Over an estimated
            2 million lives has been lost within this time, over $120 bil-
            lion has been spent on public and private damages that
            can be estimated, and not to mention the cost related
            to public and private organizational and public displace-
            ment expenses.

            In the foreword of the 1994 Pan American Health Organi-                                                     TOLL FREE 1 866 978 61 92
            zation article called “A World Safe from Natural Disasters                                                       + 297 699 29 79
            − The Journey of Latin America and the Caribbean” there
            is a representation of their priorities in combating life lost                                       FOLLOW US ON:        @arubaslife
            and property lose as a result of natural disasters. The fol-                                |
            lowing statement has a very hopeful tone of relevance
            for us as a nation of islands as we begin to gain an alter-  we  can  measure  and  get  new  innovations  towards  30, 2018, The president, Dr.
            native perspective on the next steps that we have to take   stats from.                medical    advancements,  Warren Smith, of the Carib-
            as a people. “A second purpose is to share the optimism   We as a Caribbean people  looking at the relevant and  bean Development Bank in
            and enthusiasm of disaster professionals at witnessing a   can  benefit  from  chang-  encouraging     announce-    one of his recent speeches
            slow but steady evolution in the Region − from the fatalis-  ing  our  focus  to  develop-  ments  in  the  logistic  and  represented  the  following
            tic acceptance of disasters to the determination to take   ing “experience models for  space race arenas: name-     towards  ways  to  triumph
            steps to avoid them whenever possible or minimize their   global  impact”.  Following  ly the work being done by  over  setbacks.  Dr.  Smith
            effects through long−term disaster reduction planning.”   are  some  inspirational  ap-  Elon Musk, there are many  urged regional leaders and
                                                                      proaches, that have been  relevant  and  hopeful  dy-     development  partners  to
            On average there are at least 100 conferences on hur-     identified:  the  Macworld  namics  playing  out  as  we  work  collaboratively  and
            ricanes preparedness within the Caribbean region. That    WWDC  (Worldwide  Devel-     speak.                       proactively  to  address  the
            is  equivalent  to  an  untold  quantity  of  public,  man  and   opment  Conference)  and  It  is  time  for  the  region  to  Region’s  vulnerabilities  by
            company-hours  being  invested  in  activities  that  seem-  their  many  proactive  proj-  become  rigorous  and  en-  building  resilience  in  tech-
            ingly can be used in a productive manner in relationship   ects,  the  Microsoft  power-  visage  a  strategy  of  no  nology,  agriculture,  and
            to developing scenarios towards turning the tide towards   ful  and  relevant  organiza-  tolerance   towards   lives  regional  airline  connectiv-
            developing  a  new  resilient  approach  for  the  Hurricane   tional  and  team  building  neither  lost;  or  making  ity. “Our Region has had to
            Industry. What makes the Hurricane Industry an Industry   “workshops”,  the  Samsung  room for any form of pub-     cope with countless natural
            is the fact that we can conclude together that we have    “launch”  videos  and  their  lic  property  damages.  It  is  disasters  and  other  shocks
            a  product  or  a  product  line  (category  one  to  five  hur-  community programs, look-  time to identify those minds  throughout  its  history.  And
            ricane types), we have a market (news broadcast agen-     ing at initiatives like how the  and  professional  experts  we  have  demonstrated
            cies, meteorological agencies, airline agencies, natural   National  Football  League  who  are  clearly  interested  repeatedly  our  ability  to
            disaster rapid response specialists, etc.), we have several   incorporated  MIT  in  the  in  turning  the  tide  towards  ‘bounce  back’  from  such
            types of business models that have come to life (consid-  NFL’s Next Generation Sta-   true resilience for the Carib-  disastrous events, However,
            ering the various institutions regional and global who are   tistical Sports Analysis Con-  bean region. In 2013 Shane  our  responses  have  been
            tasked with the preparation, execution and the assisting   ference  dealing  with  for  L.  Koyczan  said  it  best  largely  reactionary;  and
            with monetary injections and technical support, evacua-   example  real  time  player  when he said, “If your heart  the cost of responding has
            tion models, etc.), and finally there is a clear distribution   tracking  technologies,  de-  is  broken,  make  art  with  been rising steadily, under-
            model (dealing with good practices, disaster specialists,   veloping  new  mind  blow-  the  pieces.”  Let  us  make  mining  other  efforts  to  get
            national readiness protocols, etc.). So to put it in simple   ing  simple  to  use  presen-  art  together.  Recorded  in  onto  a  sustainable  devel-
            terms we have a well-oiled manufacturing operation that   tation  tools,  looking  at  the  the  Business  Insider  May  opment platform,” q
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