P. 22

                   Wednesday 13 June 2018
            Mickelson trying not to look ahead at another U.S. Open chance

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    was home Friday night."
            SOUTHAMPTON,  N.Y.  (AP)                                                                                            Mickelson  hasn't  had  a
            — Phil Mickelson is running                                                                                         chance  since  his  sixth  run-
            out of time.                                                                                                        ner-up finish in 2013 at Mer-
            Mickelson  doesn't  need  to                                                                                        ion, where he twice made
            be reminded that this is his                                                                                        bogey with a wedge in his
            27th  appearance  in  the                                                                                           hand over the last six holes.
            U.S.  Open,  more  than  any                                                                                        This is the longest stretch —
            of  the  156  players  at  Shin-                                                                                    three U.S. Opens — that he
            necock  Hills.  He  wouldn't                                                                                        has  failed  to  even  feature
            want  to  be  reminded  that                                                                                        on the weekend.
            65  players  —  including                                                                                           The oldest player to win the
            the  last  four  major  cham-                                                                                       U.S.  Open  was  Hale  Irwin,
            pions  —  were  not  even                                                                                           who was 45 when he won
            born  when  Mickelson  was                                                                                          at Medinah in 1990 — Mick-
            low amateur in his first U.S.                                                                                       elson's first major.
            Open in 1990 at Medinah.                                                                                            "That's the marvelous thing
            "I  just  can't  believe  that                                                                                      about  Phil  Mickelson.  You
            time  has  flown  by  so  fast,"                                                                                    don't put anything beyond
            he said Monday.                                                                                                     his  talents,"  said  David  Du-
            The desire hasn't changed,                                                                                          val,  who  has  competed
            only the emphasis.                                                                                                  against  Mickelson  since
            Mickelson didn't win a ma-                                                                                          college.  In  the  last  few
            jor until he was 33 and in his   This photo taken May 10, 2018, shows Phil Mickelson hitting from the 11th tee during the first round   weeks,  Mickelson  has  said
            12th  full  year  on  the  PGA   of the Players Championship golf tournament in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.             he doesn't want to get too
            Tour.  Back  then,  any  ma-                                                                       Associated Press  wrapped  up  in  how  the
            jor  would  have  sufficed.  A                                                                                      golf  course  sets  up,  other
            year after he won the 2004  courses.                      even,  I  could  have  won,"  delivered on four separate  than  he  think  it's  the  best
            Masters,  he  added  a  PGA  He  had  a  one-shot  lead  Mickelson said.               occasions  during  his  inter-  ever  for  a  U.S.  Open.  The
            Championship.  And  then  with  two  holes  to  play  in  This is not a time for Mickel-  views.                    fairways  are  slightly  wider,
            in 2013 at Muirfield, he sur-  2004  when  Retief  Goosen  son, who turns 48 on Satur-  "These  three  (courses)  pro-  which  should  help.  Most
            prised even himself by cap-  made a 12-foot birdie putt  day, to be looking behind.    vide me a great opportuni-   of  the  rough  around  the
            turing the British Open.     in the group behind him on  He doesn't want to look for-  ty to finish out this final leg,"  green  has  been  shaved
            One  to  go  for  the  career  the  par-5  16th,  and  then  ward, either.             he  said.  "Certainly,  with  down,  playing  to  another
            Grand  Slam,  the  one  that  Mickelson  put  his  tee  shot  Never mind that Mickelson  the  way  I've  been  playing  of his strength because he
            has vexed him the most.      in the bunker on the par-3  has played well on the next  this  year  and  at  the  con-  has such a wide variety of
            He  has  more  runner-up  17th,  blasted  out  to  5  feet  three U.S. Open courses —  sistent level, as well as at a  short-game  shots  instead
            finishes  in  the  U.S.  Open  and  took  all  the  air  out  of  Shinnecock  Hills,  Pebble  much higher level than I've  of just hacking out of thick
            than the other three majors  the  Hamptons  when  he  Beach  and  Winged  Foot.  played  the  last  few  years,  grass. "I feel as though the
            combined.  So  when  Mick-   three-putted  for  double  Or  that  with  a  victory  ear-  it gives me a great oppor-  luck of a courses has been
            elson  was  asked  if  he  had  bogey.                    lier this year at the Mexico  tunity. But the last thing I'm  taken out as much as pos-
            unfinished business at Shin-  In his first U.S. Open at Shin-  Championship that his con-  thinking about right now is  sible  to  where  skill  is  the
            necock  Hills,  he  paused  necock Hills in 1995, he was  fidence level is higher than  trying  to  win.  I'm  trying  to  primary  factor,"  Mickelson
            briefly before delivering an  one  shot  out  of  the  lead  the  four  previous  years  get myself in position for the  said. "I think we're going to
            obvious answer.              going  into  the  final  round,  when he didn't win at all.  weekend.  Because  when  have a great leaderboard
            "I can say that a few times  closed  with  a  74  and  fin-  Mickelson only cares about  you  try  to  go  out  and  win  and a great tournament."
            in this tournament," he said.  ished  four  shots  behind.  posting a score in the open-  a U.S. Open, you will lose it  All he cares about is being
            It helps that Mickelson has  More  than  a  tough  final  ing round Thursday that will  quick."                     part  of  that  leaderboard
            a  strong  history  at  Shin-  round was playing the par-  keep  him  in  the  mix,  and  Asked  if  he  had  ever  tried  on the weekend, and then
            necock  Hills,  which  he  re-  5 16th hole in 6 over for the  then repeating the process  to win a U.S. Open on Thurs-  take  his  chances  from
            fers to as one of his favorite  week. "If I played that hole  Friday.  It's  a  message  he  day, he replied, "Yes, and I  there.q
            Olympic skier Bode Miller's toddler daughter drowns in pool

                                                                      By BRIAN MELLEY              blonde,  blue-eyed,  chub-   ence a pain like this," Miller
                                                                       Associated Press            by-cheeked toddler.          said  in  the  post.  "Her  love,
                                                                      LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  The  In  a  video,  Emmy,  as  she  her light, her spirit will never
                                                                      19-month-old  daughter  of  was  known,  was  being  be forgotten.
                                                                      U.S. Olympic skier Bode Mill-  kissed on the check by her  Our little girl loved life and
                                                                      er  drowned  in  a  Southern  mother  Morgan,  a  profes-  lived  it  to  its  fullest  every
                                                                      California  swimming  pool,  sional   beach   volleyball  day."
                                                                      authorities said Monday.     player,  as  she  repeatedly  The death was under inves-
                                                                      Emeline  Miller  died  at  an  said, "Hi Dada."           tigation,  Orange  County
                                                                      Orange     County    hospi-  One  photo  showed  her  sheriff's spokeswoman Car-
                                                                      tal  Sunday,  the  day  after  covered  in  suds  in  a  tub  rie Braun said.
                                                                      paramedics  tried  unsuc-    and  another  showed  her  Paramedics were called to
                                                                      cessfully to revive her after  smiling  as  she  pushed  two  a home in the upscale en-
                                                                      the drowning incident.       baby  dolls  in  a  pink  stroll-  clave of Coto de Caza just
            In this Jan. 25, 2014 file photo, Bode Miller and his wife Morgan   "We  are  beyond  devas-  er  on  a  street  with  large  before 6:30 p.m. Saturday,
            smile at the men's World Cup downhill in Kitzbuehel, Austria.   tated,"  Miller  said  in  an  In-  homes in the background.  said Capt. Tony Bommarito
                                                     Associated Press  stagram  post  that  showed  "Never in a million years did  of the Orange County Fire
                                                                      several   photos   of   the  we think we would experi-    Authority.q
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