P. 27

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Wednesday 13 June 2018
                                                                                                                                  dOCTOR ON dUTY
                                                                                                                                         Dr.  Jansen
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 585 0939
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                          Dr. Tromp
                                                                      Marriott Surf Club           GREAT DEAL                             Tel. 584 7224
                                                                      2 BR Gold Garden View $6000  Reduced from U$595,000          EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      2 BR Gold  Ocean View $7000  to U$485,000
                                                                      2 BR Gold  Ocean side  $8000  Beautiful house 4 rooms,
                                                                      2 BR Gold  Ocean Front       apartment , pool, two blocks
                                                                      $14,000                      from Ritz and Marriott hotels,
                                                                      3 BR Gold  Ocean View $14,500  fully furnished. Renovated,   POLICE         100
                                                                      Call;630-1307                modern kitchen, 4 cars garage  ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                   whatsapp (507)67277101       NOORD             527-3200
                                                                      ________________________________209654  Ph 630 9882       STA. CRUZ         527-2900
                                                                                                                                SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                      T- Share Resales             ASSOCIATED REALTORS          POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                      Local experts 32 years       For Sale                     FIRE DEPT.        115
                                                                      experience                   House at soledad /Tanki      FIRE DEPT.        582-1108
                                                                      Want 2 sell yours now?       Leendert with 4 bedrooms, 2.5   HOSPITAL       527-4000
                                                                                                                                DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                                                      *Free appraisal              bathrooms, build-up 273 m2,   AMBULANCE        582-1234
                                                                      *Free Listing                land 974 m2 with 1 apartmant   IMSAN           524-8833
                                                                      *Free Marketing              and for $362,000.00          RED CROSS         582-2219
                                                                      *sure sale!                   Call Mito at 593 6318
                                                                      Call now :630-1307           _________________________________209600  Women in Difficulties
                                                                   ASSOCIATED REALTORS               PHARMACY
                                                                      _________________________________209654  For Sale         Oranjestad:
            Two babies of critically endangered white-belted ruffed lemurs                         spacious House in Ruby/noord   Oduber Tel. 582 1780
            sit on a branch at their enclosure at the Prague zoo, Czech Re-  Marriott Ocean Club   3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms,   San Nicolas
            public, Friday, June 8, 2018.                              1 BR Gold Ocean View $5000  pool, build-up 320 m2 and for    San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
                                                     Associated Press   1 BR Gold Ocean Front $8500  $446,000 including furnitures
                                                                       2 BR Gold Ocean View  $8500  and appliances
            Prague  zoo  says  it's  on  its                           2 BR Gold Ocean Front       Call Mito at 593 6318        INFORMATION   118
                                                                                                                                PROF. TAXI
            way to breeding rare lemurs                                Call :630-1307              _________________________________209600  TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
                                                                                                   ASSOCIATED REALTORS
                                                                                                                                SERVICE AUA   583-3232
                                                                                                   For Sale
                                                                      _________________________________209654                   A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            Associated Press             because they can become                                   Old style two story kunuku                       280-2828
            PRAGUE  (AP)  —  Prague's  pregnant  just  one  day  a                                 house on a hill with ocean view   CRuIse sHIP
            zoo  says  its  attempt  to  year  and  mothers  tend  to                              in Kamay/ noord for $278,000
            breed    critically   endan-  completely  neglect  their            Editor             Call Mito at 593 6318
            gered  white-belted  ruffed  babies.                       Caribbean Speed Printers N.V.  _________________________________209600
            lemurs is on the right track.  That was the case twice be-  Aruba Bank N.V. Acc. #332668
            David Vala, the zoo's chief  fore with Fania, the mother   Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V.    Town House For Sale              June 13
                                                                             Acc. #23951903
            primate curator, said Friday  of  the  three  babies  who   RBC Royal Bank Acc. #1330772  at 655 ft. from eagle Beach         Monarch
            that three lemurs born April  have yet to be named.                                    2 bedr, 2 bath                     Freedom of the seas
            22 have been doing well.     The zoo says there are only        Assistant Director     Price: $290.000              Aruba Airport   524-2424
            Vala said: "We haven't won  88  similar  lemurs  in  cap-         Xiomara Arends       anual tax $925               American Airlines 582-2700
            yet,  but  we  already  have  tivity.  Around  10,000  live                            Maintenance fee: $350        Avianca        588-0059
            the most difficult period be-  in  the  wild  in  their  native   Editor in Chief      per month                    Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            hind us."                    Madagascar,  down  by  80           Linda Reijnders       Call : 592 24431             Jet Blue       588-2244
            Vala said it was difficult to  percent in the last 21 years.  (  email:  Surinam   582-7896
            breed this lemur subspecies  q                                                         _________________________________209656  Venezolana   583-7674
                                                                                 Editor                                         Aruba Foundation
                                                                              Richard Brooks                                    For those Visually Incapasitated
                                                                                                                                Tel. 582-5051
                                                                                 Sales             House For Sale               AL-ANON group
                                                                                                   Pos Abow                     Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                             Linda Reijnders
                                                                         (  5 Min From Beach          Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
                                                                              Marijke Croes        3 Bedroom 2 Bath maid room   FUNDACIONS
                                                                             Mary-Ann Oduber       swimming Pool $350 K         Respetami
                                                                                                   esmeralda  4  Bedroom  3  Bath   Tel. 582-4433
                                                                                                   swimming Pool
                                                                              Rachelle Danje       425K Call:630-1307           Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                        (                              Tel. 524-8888
                                                                       Distribution and Collection                              Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                    Divi Village                 Tel. 583-8989
                                                                                                   2 Br Town House              QUOTA Club
                                                                            Social / Website       Wk 24 Room # 3402            Tel. 525-2672
                                                                                                   39 weeks remain expire 2034
                                                                             Jeancarlo Trinidad                                 Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                   Old contract $10,000         Foundation
                                                                                                   aruba divi Phoenix           Tel. 583-5400
                                                                              Weststraat 22
                                                                               T: 528-7800         studio wk 24 room # 662      Bloodbank Aruba
                                                                          E:   32 weeks remain $6500        Tel. 587-0002
                                                                          W:    Call:630-1307
                                                                              @arubatoday       Mobility Equipment Hire
                                                                                                                                Tel. 568-5165
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