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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 13 June 2018
            'Supergirl' Melissa Benoist is 'coming home' to Broadway

            By MARK KENNEDY                                                                                                     allegations  were  made
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  To  get                                                                                         against him. He has denied
            ready  to  play  legendary                                                                                          any wrongdoing.
            songwriter  Carole  King  on                                                                                        Benoist   calls   the   new
            Broadway,  Melissa  Benoist                                                                                         set   environment   "really
            had  to  learn  her  lines                                                                                          conducive to equality and
            and  complicated  stage                                                                                             everyone  has  a  say  and
            directions.  Lyrics,  not  so                                                                                       that is something that I felt
            much.                                                                                                               change  and  going  in  the
            The  actress,  who  stars  on                                                                                       right direction," she said.
            the  CW  series  "Supergirl,"                                                                                       She   added     that   the
            has  been  listening  to  King                                                                                      "Supergirl"  family  is  careful
            since  she  was  a  kid,  fed                                                                                       to  discuss  "what  we're
            a  steady  diet  of  classics                                                                                       saying to young girls, what
            such as "So Far Away" and                                                                                           effect it's going to have on
            "It's  Too  Late"  from  the                                                                                        them, what it means."
            landmark  album  "Tapestry"                                                                                         "So  the  fact  that  that's  a
            by her parents.                                                                                                     part  of  the  conversation
            "We would take road trips a                                                                                         every day makes me really
            lot  as  a  family  when  I  was                                                                                    happy," she said.
            a kid and each member of                                                                                            While  she's  hopeful  that
            the  family  got  to  pick  the                                                                                     "Supergirl" and Carole King
            music for an hour. My mom                                                                                           fans will come out and see
            always put on Carole King                                                                                           her  sing  at  the  Stephen
            or  Linda  Ronstadt  or  Joni                                                                                       Sondheim  Theatre,  Benoist
            Mitchell  but  mostly  Carole                                                                                       is a little worried about one
            King.  So  I  definitely  had  a                                                                                    person possibly showing up.
            relationship,"  said  Benoist.                                                                                      That would be Carole King
            "Needless  to  say  I  didn't                                                                                       herself.
            have any memorizing to do                                                                                           "I  wouldn't  want  to  know
            when  it  came  to  learning   In this June 10, 2018 file photo, Melissa Benoist introduces a performance by the cast of "Once on   until  afterward  because  I
            the songs."                  This Island" at the 72nd annual Tony Awards in New York.                               wouldn't be able to sing for
            Benoist will take all the help                                                                     Associated Press  her,"  said  Benoist.  "I  can't
            she can get as she makes                                                                                            imagine  singing  for  her  —
            her    Broadway      debut  wanted to come back to,"  Warner  Bros.  suspended  show  runner  of  "Supergirl,"  her  own  music,  especially.
            Tuesday  in  "Beautiful:  The  she  said.  "So  I  almost  feel  Andrew   Kreisberg,   an  after  sexual  harassment  But I hope I get to meet her.
            Carole King Musical," which  like  I'm  coming  home  in  a  executive  producer  and  and            misconduct  I would love that."q
            concentrates    on   King's  way."
            early years. The role Benoist  Benoist  actually  accepted
            is  stepping  into  earned  the  offer  of  spending  two
            Jessie   Mueller   a   Tony  months     on    Broadway
            Award.                       without  first  seeing  the
            "It's  like  a  roller-coaster  musical  she  was  joining.
            every day because I'll have  She  sought  advice  from
            moments  —  high  highs  Broadway  veteran  and
            where  I'm  like,  'I  got  this!'"  "Supergirl"  cast  member
            she said. "And then I have  Jeremy Jordan, and trusted
            other  moments  where  I'm  her ears.
            watching someone else do  "Who  else  could  you  say
            it because I've been trailing  yes  without  seeing  it  but
            backstage  or  I'm  looking  Carole  King?  You  KNOW
            at  the  script  and  I  think  the  music,"  said  Benoist,
            to  myself,  'Why  did  I  ever  laughing.  "I  would  never
            agree? Why did I ever put  forgive myself if I didn't say
            myself in this position?'"   yes."
            Benoist is closing a circle in  Producers  Paul  Blake  and
            a way. She grew up doing  Mike Bosner said in an email
            musical  theater  in  Denver  that  they  were  "absolutely
            and  sang  during  the  last  ecstatic" to invite Benoist to
            two  seasons  of  "Glee."  lead  their  show.  "Then  we
            She  got  the  offer  to  join  saw  her  first  performance
            "Beautiful"  while  finishing  and   were    completely
            up Season 3 of "Supergirl" in  blown  away!  She  lights  up
            Vancouver.                   the  stage  whenever  she
            "I  never  expected  to  be  walks on."
            wearing  a  cape  and  in  Benoist's stint on Broadway
            a  flying  rig  and  playing  a  is  limited  since  she's  due
            superhero. That was just not  to  return  to  film  Season  4
            on  my  radar.  But  I  never,  of  "Supergirl,"  but  Benoist
            at the same time, gave up  said she'll go back to a far
            the idea of theater. It was  different  set  environment
            always  something  that  I  than a year or so ago.
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