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PEOPLE & ARTSFriday 13 March 2015

A travel series serving food for thought in global hot spots

FRAZIER MOORE In this image provided by the Travel Channel, journalist Mariana Van Zeller, left, and chef Michael Belfast (for a gathering of
AP Television Writer Voltaggio, hosts of Travel Channel’s “Breaking Borders,” pose in front of an art piece showing a Catholic Republicans and
NEW YORK (AP) — In less dove in a bulletproof vest by graffiti artist Banksy in Bethlehem, Palestine. Protestant Nationalists),
skilled hands, this might Cairo (in the chaotic after-
have been little more than Associated Press math of the Arab Spring),
a food fight. Sarajevo and Cuba, as
The ambitious, border- Chef” winner and owner of er who lives with his family debate,” van Zeller ac- well as the divide between
line-explosive formula for Los Angeles’ ink restaurant) in the West Bank, a Palestin- knowledges. “But at the Arizona and Mexico. In
“Breaking Borders” lands prepares a mouthwater- ian bookstore owner, and end of the meal, when the Rwanda, where hundreds
a journalist and a chef in ing feast tailored to local an Israeli activist who ad- cameras were off, they of thousands of Tutsi were
a global hot spot, where tastes (while he faces such vocates separate states for all stood up and hugged slaughtered by the Hutu in
they host dinner for guests challenges as never having Israel and Palestine. each other, and hugged the early 1990s, a meal is
locked in conflict — and cooked a kosher meal be- Will this glorious feed and us. That’s when Michael shared by the two peoples.
hope newfound under- fore). Their guests (who or- some fine kosher wine help and I realized that so much And in Cambodia, a man
standing is an item on the dinarily would never share pave the way to a bit of could happen with this who once was close to sav-
menu. a smile, much less a meal) common ground? show.” The season’s itiner- age dictator Pol Pot breaks
“Breaking Borders” is a include a Jewish winemak- “There was a very heated ary also takes the pair to bread with a man whose
travelogue, cooking show father was killed by the Pol
and dining-table summit Pot-ruled Khmer Rouge.
all in one. And somehow it “The show is very much
works, with each compo- about going behind the
nent of its cultural, culinary headlines,” says van Zeller,
and political mission en- “so it was important to us
hancing the others, at least that these were conflicts
to judge from the first of its we’ve all heard about. And
13 episodes, airing Sunday though the conflicts are ob-
at 9 p.m. EDT on the Travel viously different, they have
Channel. one thing in common:
On this premiere, Peabody- There are people who are
winning journalist Mariana deeply affected. That’s
van Zeller and acclaimed what the show is about:
chef Michael Voltaggio their stories and their willing-
travel to Jerusalem and ness to share them with the
the West Bank where van other side.” But that hap-
Zeller (who is also chief in- pens only after the show’s
vestigative correspondent audience is acquainted
for Fusion) gives viewers with the region, the issues
a personal look at a won- at hand, the native cuisine
drous and troubled region, and, on a very human lev-
while Voltaggio (a “Top el, the people. q

Princess Cruises partners with

Oscar-winning composer

In this Sept. 16, 2009 file photo, composer Stephen Schwartz The first musical, “Magic acter meet-and-greets, nary and almost irresistible
poses in Santa Barbara, Calif. to Do,” will debut aboard menus and performances opportunity.”
the Crown Princess ship this on select sailings. Disney Others from the world of
Associated Press fall, celebrating Schwartz’s Magic itineraries include entertainment identified
“lifelong fascination with the Norwegian fjords that by Princess as part of the
BETH J. HARPAZ big name from Broadway magic” and combining inspired the hit movie. team producing the shows
AP Travel Editor and Hollywood. some of his most famous What’s different here, of include Don Frantz, associ-
NEW YORK (AP) — An Os- Schwartz, 67, is the com- songs with a new song writ- course, is that an estab- ate producer of “The Lion
car-winning composer of poser of “Wicked,” ‘’Pip- ten for the show, accord- lished composer is writing King” and “Beauty and
Broadway musicals, Ste- pin” and “Godspell.” He’s ing to Princess. a new musical to debut the Beast” on Broadway;
phen Schwartz, will create won Oscars for “Pocahon- It’s not unusual for cruise on a ship. Schwartz was Jeremy Railton, four-time
four musicals to debut on- tas” and “The Prince of lines to turn to established scheduled to appear Thurs- Emmy winner with design
board Princess cruise ships, Egypt” and Grammys for Broadway shows for on- day evening at an event credits for the 2002 Win-
the cruise line announced “Godspell,” ‘’Pocahontas” board entertainment. Roy- to discuss the deal. In a ter Olympics ceremonies;
Thursday. and “Wicked.” al Caribbean cruises offer statement, he said he was Ken Billington, Tony Award-
Princess Cruises called it a The new productions will full-length productions of “excited about the possibil- winning lighting designer;
“first-of-its-kind cruise indus- open over the next few Broadway musicals “Cats,” ity of using the enormous Mark Hartman, music di-
try partnership” with such a years. ‘’Chicago,” ‘’Saturday resources available with rector with Broadway cred-
Night Fever” and “Mamma Princess to create new and its including “Sondheim on
Mia!” Guests on Norwegian innovative theatrical en- Sondheim” and “Avenue
Breakaway can see the tertainment. Their onboard Q”; and Jennifer Paulson-
shows “Rock of Ages” and theaters are Broadway-cal- Lee, choreographer with
“Burn the Floor.” Disney iber venues with state-of- credits including “101 Dal-
Cruise Line, meanwhile, is the-art technical capabil- matians” and “Seussical.”
theming cruises on its hit ity, and coupled with their Princess Cruises operates
movie “Frozen” this summer access to first-rate perform- 18 ships and is owned by
with deck parties, char- ers, I see it as an extraordi- Carnival Corp.q
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