Page 28 - ARUBA BANK
P. 28
LOCAL Wednesday 16 May 2018
Aruba’s Tourism has increased with 0.7% during the first quarter of 2018.
Revenue per hotel room (REVPAR) increased with 12.4% compared to 2017.
ORANJESTAD -- Aruba wel- American continent de-
comed a total of 363.070 creased with 39.8% (-6.705
‘stay over’ visitors in the tourists/total 10.121 tourist)
first quarter of 2018. This is where Venezuela had a
0.7 % (+2.950 tourists) more decrease of 73.4% (-5.742
compared to 2017’s first tourists/total 2.078 tour-
quarter. If we exclude visi- ists) compared to last year
tors from Venezuela, we still April. Colombia decreased
see a 5.8% (+19.461 tour- with 39.1% (-1.214 tourists/
ists) increase which equals total 1.890 tourists) and Ar-
to a total of 353.715 visitors gentina had an increase of
to our island. These num- 6% (+138 tourists/total 2.455
bers indicate growth in key tourists).
markets for the island of
Aruba, like U.S., Canada, The Latin American conti-
Argentina, Brazil and Hol- nent brought 11.5% of the
land among others. For total tourism for the month
the month of April, Aruba of April to our island. For the
received a total of 88.115 first quarter, Latin Ameri-
stay-over visitors, which is ca brought 43.554 tourists
9.21% (-8.800) less com- to Aruba, which is 26.4%
pared to the same month Break’ or Holy Week was in ism proceeding from the and Canada increased (-15.607 tourists) less com-
last year. Excluding visitors March this year while last North American continent 7.2% (+282 tourists/total pared to this same period
from Venezuela, shows that year this took place in April. decreased with 0.7% (-506 4.211 tourists) compared to last year. For what is Europe
this is 3.4% (3058 tourist) less tourists/total 69.533 tour- the same month in 2017. it is noticed that the tour-
which is equal to 86.037 ‘Stay-Over’ Tourism ists) and brings 78.9% of the For the first quarter of 2018, ism decreased with 18.4%
to our island for the month Aruba is being represented total tourism to our desti- North America brought in (-1.322 tourists/total 5.866
of April 2018. It is also es- in 3 different continents. nation. In April, America 283.873 tourists for Aruba, tourists) compared to the
sential to consider that the Compared to April last decreased with 1.2% (-788 which is an increase of 7% same month last year.
high season around ‘Easter year, for 2018 the tour- tourists/total 65.322 tourists) (+18.617 tourists). The Latin Continued on Page 16