P. 10

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Thursday 17 May 2018

                                                                                                                                         Dr.  Habibe
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 586 5100
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                      T- Share Resales             Marriott Surf Club
                                                                      Local Experts 32 years       2 Br Gold Garden View $6000
                                                                      experience                   2 Br Gold  Ocean View $7000     EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      Want 2 sell yours now?       2 Br Gold  Ocean side  $8000
                                                                      *Free appraisal              2 Br Gold  Ocean Front
                                                                      *Free Listing                $14,000
                                                                      *Free Marketing              3 Br Gold  Ocean View $14,500
                                                                      *sure sale!                  Call;630-1307                POLICE            100
                                                                      Call now :630-1307        ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                   ________________________________209563  STA. CRUZ      527-2900
            This undated photo provided by Christopher Austin in May 2018   _________________________________209563  Marriott Ocean Club  SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
            shows a prehensile tailed skink (Prasinohaema prehensicauda)                            1 Br Gold Ocean View $5000  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
            from the highlands of New Papua New Guinea.                                             1 Br Gold Ocean Front $8500  FIRE DEPT.       115
                                                     Associated Press                               2 Br Gold Ocean View  $8500  FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
                                                                                Editor              2 Br Gold Ocean Front       HOSPITAL          527-4000
            Science  Says:  Green-blooded                              Caribbean Speed Printers N.V.  $14,500                   DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
                                                                       Aruba Bank N.V. Acc. #332668
            lizards pose evolutionary puzzle                          Caribbean Mercantile Bank N.V.     Call :630-1307         IMSAN             524-8833
                                                                             Acc. #23951903
                                                                                                                                RED CROSS
                                                                      RBC Royal Bank Acc. #1330772  _________________________________209563
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            By SETH BORENSTEIN           maybe  being  green  and          Assistant Director      General Contractor                PHARMACY
            AP Science Writer            full of bile would make New          Xiomara Arends       & Upholstery
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For  Guinea lizards taste bad to            Editor in Chief       The best upholstery on the   Oranjestad:
            some lizards it's easy being  potential predators.                                     Island ,best price & goodservice  Trupiaal Tel. 583 8560
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas
            green. It's in their blood. Six  "I  actually  ate  several  liz-  Linda Reijnders     We can do all type of upholstery   Aloe Tel. 584 4606
            species  of  lizards  in  New  ards myself and they didn't   (  jobs
            Guinea  bleed  lime  green  taste bad," Austin said. He              Editor            Call us :002977460518 or visit
            thanks  to  evolution  gone  also fed plenty of them to           Richard Brooks       us Modanza 11b               INFORMATION   118
            weird.                       a  paradise  kingfisher  bird                             ________________________________209567  TAXI-TAS   587-5900
            It's  unusual,  but  there  are  with  no  ill  effects  except      Sales             La Cabana BRC                PROF. TAXI     588-0035
                                                                                                                                TAXI D.T.S.
            critters that bleed different  maybe a fatter bird.              Linda Reijnders       1 Br wk 18 room 110a $5500   SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            colors  of  the  rainbow  be-  Understanding bile is prob-   (  studio wk 18 room 110B $4500   A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850
            sides red. The New Guinea  ably  key.  Blood  cells  don't        Marijke Croes         aruba divi Phoenix                              280-2828
            lizards' blood — along with  last  forever.  After  they         Mary-Ann Oduber       studio wk 19 rFoom 762           CruIsE shIP
            their tongues, muscles and  break down, the iron is re-           Classifieds          31 weeks remain $6500
            bones — appear green be-     cycled  for  new  red  blood         Rachelle Danje       Call 630 1307
            cause  of  incredibly  large  cells,  but  toxins  are  also   (
            doses  of  a  green  bile  pig-  produced,  which  is  essen-  Distribution and Collection  _________________________________209563
            ment.  The  bile  levels  are  tially bile.                                            House For sale                         May 21
            higher  than  other  animals,  In  the  New  Guinea  lizards,  3 Bedroom, 3 Bath, full airco      Carnival sunshine
            including  people,  could  levels  of  a  green  bile  pig-                            In Noord 5 min from beach
            survive.                     ment  are  40  times  higher       Social / Website       $280K 4 Bedroom ,3 bath,
            Scientists  still  don't  know  than  what  would  be  tox-      Jeancarlo Trinidad    swimming pool In Esmeralda   Aruba Airport   524-2424
            why  this  happened,  but  ic  in  humans.  It's  green                                $440K 3 Bedroom, 2 bath in   American Airlines 582-2700
            evolution is providing some  enough  to  overwhelm  the           Weststraat 22        Tierra del sol               Avianca        588-0059
                                                                               T: 528-7800
                                                                                                                                Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            hints into this nearly 50-year  color of the red blood cells   E:  $575K                        Jet Blue       588-2244
            mystery.                     and turn everything green,       W:    Call:630-1307                Surinam        582-7896
            By  mapping  the  evolu-     Austin said.q                        @arubatoday          Johnnypaesch@      Venezolana     583-7674
            tionary  family  tree  of  New                                                         ________________________________209563  Aruba Foundation
            Guinea  lizards,  research-                                                            Resales in Aruba             For those Visually Incapasitated
            ers found that green blood                                                             only we have all Fixed       Tel. 582-5051
            developed  inside  the  am-                                                            T-share Weeks for rent or sale  AL-ANON group
            phibians  at  four  indepen-                                                           @ 70 % Off rack rates        Sabana Liber #8, Noord
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            dent points in history, likely                                                         From all resorts
            from a red-blooded ances-                                                              Call:630-1307                FUNDACIONS
            tor, according to a study in                                                        Respetami
            Wednesday's  journal  Sci-                                                                                          Tel. 582-4433
            ence Advances.                                                                         ________________________________209563  Centro Diabetic Arubano
            This isn't a random accident                                                           Divi Village                 Tel. 524-8888
            of  nature  but  suggests  this                                                        1 Br wk #18 room #5507
            trait  of  green  blood  gives                                                         23 weeks remain $5000        Narcotics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-8989
            the  lizards  an  evolutionary                                                         La Quinta Beach Resort
            advantage  of  some  kind,                                                             1 Br WK 16 room # 2203       QUOTA Club
            said  Christopher  Austin  of                                                          Ocean view life time ownership  Tel. 525-2672
            Louisiana State University.                                                            $3000 Call: 630-1307         Women in Difficulties
            "Evolution  can  do  amaz-                                                          Foundation
            ing  things  given  enough                                                             ________________________________209563  Tel. 583-5400
            time," Austin said. "The nat-                                                                                       Bloodbank Aruba
            ural  world  is  a  fascinating                                                                                     Tel. 587-0002
            place."                                                                                                             Mobility Equipment Hire
            Austin  first  thought  that                                                                                        Tel. 568-5165
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