P. 8
Thursday 17 May 2018
The Latest: Pence reports pension plan, football tickets
WASHINGTON (AP) — The tional anthem. as $250,000 last year comes dent. Among his holdings, that "in 2016 expenses were
Latest on President Donald Pence also received three in a footnote to his financial he took in $25 million from incurred by one of Donald
Trump's financial disclosure tickets worth $15,000 to the disclosure report. his Mar-a-Lago resort in J. Trump's attorneys, Mi-
report (all times local): 2017 Super Bowl in Houston No mention was made of a Florida. chael Cohen. It says Trump
6:30 p.m. from Houston Texans owner $130,000 paid to porn star __ "fully reimbursed Mr. Cohen
Vice President Mike Pence Bob McNair. The vice presi- Stormy Daniels to keep her 1:50 p.m. in 2017."
has released his annual fi- dent also attended the In- quiet about an alleged af- President Donald Trump The Office of Government
nancial disclosure, report- dianapolis 500, receiving fair. A footnote in tiny type has filed a financial disclo- Ethics has also concluded
ing a pension plan from two tickets valued at $1,000 on page 45 of the 92 page sure report that reveals a that the payment to Co-
the state of Indiana worth from the Indianapolis Motor document says the presi- payment to his personal hen "meets the disclosure
between $500,000 and Speedway. dent "fully reimbursed" Co- attorney, Michael Cohen. requirement for a report-
$1 million and credit card Pence's wife, Karen Pence, hen for "expenses" ranging The value of the payment able liability." The disclosure
debt between $15,000 and reported royalties of from $100,001 to $250,000. ranged from $100,001 to was not included in Trump's
$50,000. $15,000 to $50,000 for her The report says Trump did $250,000. 2017 filing.
The report shows that oil children's book, "Marlon not have to disclose the Trump attorney Rudy Giu- __
company founder For- Bundo's Day in the Life of payment but is doing so liani revealed earlier this 12:09 a.m.
rest Lucas provided Pence the Vice President." "in the interest of transpar- month that Trump repaid President Donald Trump
with two tickets worth $774 __ ency." Cohen for a $130,000 hush has submitted his annual
to the Indianapolis Colts 2 p.m. The footnote appears in money payment to porn financial disclosure to the
game in October that President Donald Trump's a report giving the first ex- star Stormy Daniels. Daniels U.S. Office of Government
Pence walked out of in disclosure that he "reim- tended look at Trump's in- says she had an affair with Ethics and it's expected
protest of some NFL players bursed" personal attorney come from his properties the president. Trump denies to be made public in the
who knelt during the na- Michael Cohen for as much since he became presi- it. The mandatory filing says coming days.q
Senate backs effort to restore 'net neutrality' rules
WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen- has worked for the smallest consumer advocates that
ate Democrats, joined voices and the largest, but cable and phone giants
by three Republicans, he said internet service pro- will be free to block ac-
pushed through a measure viders are trying to change cess to services they don't
Wednesday intended to the rules to benefit their like or set up "fast lanes" for
revive Obama-era internet interests. Republicans said preferred services — in turn,
rules that ensured equal they were willing to work relegating everyone else
treatment for all web traf- with Democrats on enshrin- to "slow lanes." Tech com-
fic, though opposition in ing the principle of net neu- panies have been signal-
the House and the White trality in legislation. But they ing that the repeal of net
House seems insurmount- wanted to also ensure that neutrality could lead to
able. regulatory efforts didn't get significant financial conse-
Republicans on the short in the way of innovation quences. In its annual re-
end of the 52-47 vote de- and quickly evolving inter- port filed in January, Netflix
scribed the effort to rein- net services. said the repeal of net neu-
state "net neutrality" rules as Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., trality, and the possibility
"political theater" because Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of N.Y., accom- said the internet thrived that other "favorable laws"
the GOP-controlled House panied by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of Calif., left, long before the Obama may change, could result
is not expected to take up Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., second from left, Sen. Ed Markey, administration stepped in in "discriminatory or anti-
the issue and the Senate's D-Mass., and Rep. Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., right, and other with rules in 2015, and he competitive practices that
Democratic congressmen, speak at a news conference on
margin could not over- Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, May 16, 2018, after the predicted that when the could impede our growth,
come a presidential veto. Senate passes a resolution to reverse the FCC decision to end FCC repeal is in place, cause us to incur additional
Democrats, however, were net neutrality. consumers won't notice a expense or otherwise neg-
undeterred, saying their change in their service. atively affect our business."
push would energize young key of Massachusetts, who fic and favoring their own "That's what we're going Other businesses have
voters who are tech savvy sponsored the measure. sites and apps. Critics, in- back to: rules that were in echoed this statement. In
and value unfettered ac- At issue are rules that the cluding the Trump admin- place for two decades un- Spotify's pre-IPO filing in
cess to the internet. "This is Federal Communications istration, said overregula- der a light-touch regulatory February, the company
a defining vote. The most Commission repealed in tion was stifling innovation, approach that allowed the said laws limiting "internet
important vote we're going December that prevented and they backed the FCC's internet to explode and neutrality" could "decrease
to have in this generation providers such as AT&T, move, which is still set to prosper and grow," Thune user demand for our ser-
on the internet," said Dem- Comcast and Verizon from take effect next month. said. But the FCC's move vice and increase our cost
ocratic Sen. Edward Mar- interfering with internet traf- Markey said net neutrality has stirred fears among of doing business.q