Page 3 - UTILITIES JAN 29,2015
P. 3
Thursday 29 January 2015

Aruba recognized as great example for the Caribbean:

US Vice President Spotlights Aruba’s PM at Energy Summit

Continued from Front direct result of inviting the
private sector to be part
The audience showed of investment opportuni-
great interest in Aruba’s ties that for governments
commitment to become sometimes are very hard to
100% sustainable by 2020 finance.
and the clear path that “It is possible, Mr. Vice Pres-
has been set to achieve ident, I believe in a phrase
this bold ambition. very well known to you
There are only few coun- “Yes we can” and in Aruba
tries in the world that have I believe that we and the
publicly made this 2020 other Caribbean nations
commitment, and Aruba’s can adopt the energy
aspirations are not just to and the optimism that you
be the first country to do have demonstrated today
so, but to set an example to move forward, and we
for other small and large can do it,” closed Prime
countries to follow. Minister Mike Eman.
PM Eman was very clear During the eloquent
to the audience that it is speech of Vice President
difficult for governments Biden, where he spoke
to do this alone, “We on behalf of US President
Barack Obama’s commit-

have opened the market
for private investment in
Aruba in the conversion
from  our conventional en-
ergy systems, which we
were spending so much of
our well hard earned dol-
lars that we could  invest
in the education of our
children and better pub-
lic health for our citizens.
It is because we set out a
goal that we want to have
a better quality of life for

our citizens and we en- ment to the Caribbean,
compassed within the big- he mentioned Aruba in
ger vision our sustainable a very positive light and
energy goals and opening complimented Aruba’s di-
the private sector to these rection by telling the audi-
investments made it pos- ence of Caribbean lead-
sible, the things that gov- ers and renewable energy
ernment couldn’t do, were stakeholders, that Aruba
suddenly possible.” is a country showing de-
Aruba has created Public monstrable progress that
Private Partnership (PPP) to has been achieved by
develop projects, includ- uniting  government, utili-
ing large windmill farms, ties and businesses behind
solar parks, and one of the a common strategy and
most modern waste-to-en- comprehensive action
ergy plants in Aruba, as a plan.  q
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