P. 11
Diabierna, 20 April 2018 AWEMainta 11
Embahador di Suecia cu bishita di cortesia na Aruba Tourism Authority RECIENTEMENTE
Oficina di Turismo a ricibi
bishita di Embahador di
Suecia -estableci na Hu-
landa- sr. Per Holmström.
El a wordo compaña pa
Director di Directie Bu-
itenlandse Betrekkingen,
sr. Edwin Abath.
Durante e encuentro ame-
no, a intercambia pensam-
ento y informacion refer-
ente di e importancia cu
e mercado Europeo tin
pa Aruba su turismo pero
tambe e desaroyo di e mer-
cado di Suecia y natural-
mente e desaroyo en gen-
eral di turismo.
By means of this publication Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA), manager and operator of Aeropuerto Internacional
Reina Beatrix, would like to invite all who are interested in the purchase of the following vehicle to submit a bid there for. Pa loke ta Suecia, esaki a
representa un mercado di
casi 6000 bishitante du-
rante 2017. P’e prome
kwartaal di 2018 a mira
un crecemento di 5.4%,
cu ta 125 bishitante mas
Ford Towtruck pa Aruba procedente di e
Model: F 550
Year 2008 pais aki. Importante di e
mercado di Europa en gen-
Interested parties can view the vehicle on April 30, 2018, at 09:00 hrs. meeting point “Main Gate”. eral, ta cu bishitantenan ta
Inquiries can be sent to until May 4, 2018.
keda average mas largo du-
The following conditions apply: rante nan estadia, 11 ano-
1. AS IS WHERE IS. chi, mientras cu bishitan-
2. Minimum Bid: Afl. 15,000.00
3. Cash upon delivery. tenan di Suecia ta keda un
4. All offers shall be final and unconditional and shall be valid for a period of two weeks after the final date to submit an average di 12 anochi.
5. AAA reserves the right to refuse the offer without any reason or take such other course of action, as AAA deems appro-
priate at AAA's sole and absolute discretion. Pa loke ta 2017, Europa a
6. Without prejudice to article 5 the best offer will be honored. crece cu 5% y pa loke ta
prome kwartaal di 2018,
Interested parties can submit their bid ultimately on May 11, 2018, 15:00 hrs. local time at AAA’s offices at the
Reception of the Aruba Airport Authority N.V. on the first floor of the Airport Tower Building. Offers submitted after tur mercado a crece y a
this date and hour will not be accepted. conduci na e hecho cu e
mercado Europeo den su
Interested parties should submit a proposal containing their name, copy of valid ID, email address, physical address and
telephone number. totalidad a crece cu 6%.
All proposals should be submitted in a closed envelope prior to the deadline indicated above at the following direction:
Attn: Airside Operations Unit Dentro di Europa, Sue-
Ford F 550 Tow Truck
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. cia t’e di 4 mercado mas
Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix fuerte pa Aruba. Ta bon
Sabana Berde 75, Aruba pa remarca, cu den e mer-
Aruba Airport Authority N.V. cado aki Aruba ta posicio-
April, 2018 na como un destino hip y
trendy, algo cu Embahador
Holmström tambe a con-
firma di locual el a percibi.