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                                                                                                                       Wednesday 16 September

Celebrating Housekeeping Week at The Mill Resort

PALM BEACH - The hotel is      making sure they are al-
a living organism that can-    ways clean and ready for
not function properly with-    our dear guest.
out any of its organs. The     In honor of The Housekeep-
same as a big orchestra,       ing Week, The Mill Resort
every instrument should        Aruba hosted a fabulous
work properly to allow the     Breakfast Buffet at The New

                                                               We appreciate them for all     for them.                  years of dedication and
                                                               of the hard work that they     We welcome to the team     love to our hotel and staff.
                                                               do, and cannot empha-          Gwendolyne Correa as the   We take this opportunity to
                                                               size enough our gratitude      new Housekeeping Man-      invite the public to visit our
                                                               and love for them. With        ager and thank our lovely  brand-new renovated fa-
                                                               this being said we would       Juana (ex-Housekeeping     cilities and new restaurant
                                                               like to wish them a happy      Manager) for the many      ‘The Mill Restaurant.’q
                                                               Housekeeping Week and

beautiful music to flow and    Mill Restaurant for all of our  we hope that they enjoy
we as a hotel are able to      colleagues in the House-        this week and all of the sur-
offer the best of each one     keeping department.             prises that we have in store
of the people behind each
department to the beauti-
ful Tourism Industry in Aru-
We as a hotel are celebrat-
ing our 25th Anniversary this
On this occasion we wish
to congratulate every
housekeeping team in
Aruba and especially our
housekeeping depart-
ment, for maintaining our
hotel rooms and facilities,
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