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WORLD NEWSWednesday 16 September

Clashes at Jerusalem holy site for third straight day 

IAN DEITCH                       Palestinians chant slogans in solidarity with protesters at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Je-                              of firebombs from within
Associated Press                 rusalem’s Old City, during a demonstration in the West Bank town of al-Ram, north of Jerusalem,                             the sacred place, the third
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli         Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015. Israeli police clashed with Palestinian protesters Tuesday in a third straight                     holiest site in Islam. Police
police clashed with Pales-       day of unrest at Jerusalem’s most sensitive holy site.                                                                      have said that firecrackers
tinian protesters on Tues-                                                                                                                                   and firebombs thrown from
day in a third straight day                                                                                                       (AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed)  within the mosque have
of unrest at Jerusalem’s                                                                                                                                     caused fires. Nearby, more
most sensitive holy site.        Azzam Khatib, the director      ous development.” Police      Mosque, Omar Kiswani,                                         Palestinian protesters gath-
Police entered the Al-Aqsa       of the Waqf — the Islamic       denied the allegation and     blamed Israeli police for                                     ered and police used tear
mosque compound early            religious authority that over-  said officers only removed    the tensions and said the                                     gas and stun grenades to
in the morning to disperse       sees the compound — said        the barricade that protest-   gate used for visitors to ac-                                 disperse them. Later, po-
a group of protesters who        Israeli police entered deep     ers had set up at the en-     cess the site should be shut.                                 lice said a Palestinian at-
had holed up inside the          inside the mosque in what       trance.                       He did not comment on                                         tacked two young Jews in
mosque overnight, said           he called “a very danger-       The director of Al-Aqsa       the protesters’ alleged use                                   Jerusalem’s Old City, then
police spokeswoman Luba                                                                                                                                      ran away. He was later ar-
Samri.                                                                                                                                                       rested, police said.
The protesters threw rocks,                                                                                                                                  Late Tuesday, three Pales-
fireworks, concrete blocks                                                                                                                                   tinians were wounded in
and a firebomb at the of-                                                                                                                                    clashes between militants
ficers, she said, adding                                                                                                                                     from the Islamic Jihad
that two Palestinians were                                                                                                                                   group and Palestinian se-
arrested and five police of-                                                                                                                                 curity forces in the Jenin
ficers were slightly injured in                                                                                                                              refugee camp in the West
the violence.                                                                                                                                                Bank, doctors and security
A firebomb thrown at po-                                                                                                                                     officials said, speaking on
lice from within the mosque                                                                                                                                  condition of anonymity un-
ignited a rug and wooden                                                                                                                                     der regulations.
planks piled up by the pro-                                                                                                                                  Palestinian police raided
testers, Samri said. Mosque                                                                                                                                  the camp after militants
officials later extinguished                                                                                                                                 from Islamic Jihad opened
the fire and the police                                                                                                                                      fire during their own press
managed to restore calm                                                                                                                                      conference, in anger over
and open the site for visi-                                                                                                                                  the incidents at the Al-Aq-
tors, she added.                                                                                                                                             sa mosque in Jerusalem. q

Anti-corruption protesters rally outside Lebanon ministry

BEIRUT (AP) — Dozens of          The protesters chanted          dent. Lebanon has been        ing.                                                          Also Tuesday, activists
Lebanese activists held a        against corruption in state     without a president for over  “Why should people not                                        briefly closed a main road
protest on Tuesday outside       institutions.                   a year.                       doing their job get paid,                                     in downtown Beirut and
a Finance Ministry building       They said they are taking      “There are 128 lawmakers      while others are not getting                                  dumped trash outside the
in the country’s capital, af-    their protests to the Finance   and they have not been        their salaries,” she asked.                                   Environment Ministry after
ter failing to storm it — part   Ministry, asking that it stop   doing their job,” Neamat      Teachers and public sec-                                      a meeting with Environ-
of a recent series of anti-      paying salaries for lawmak-     Bader al-Deen, an activist    tor employees have been                                       ment Minister Mohammed
government rallies stem-         ers who have been unable        with a group called “We       demanding the parliament                                      Machnouk failed to make
ming from a trash collec-        to convene. The protesters      Want Accountability” told     approve a salary scale for                                    progress. The activists say
tion crisis.                     complain the parliament,        local TV channels during      over three years.                                             Machnouk rejected their
The protesters attempted         elected in 2009, is illegiti-   the protest.                  What started as protests                                      demands to resigns over
to enter the building earlier    mate.                           She estimated that millions   against trash piling in the                                   the trash crisis.
in the day, as employees         Members of parliament           of dollars went to the law-   streets because of govern-                                    “The garbage piling up on
were arriving. But security      have illegally extended         makers who have not con-      ment dysfunction is turn-                                     the streets is proof of his fail-
forces quickly prevented         their term twice and the        vened to review govern-       ing into Lebanon’s largest                                    ure,” said activist Hassan
them, closing the doors to       legislature remains dead-       ment policies, approve a      protest movement in years,                                    Katayesh, who has been
the protesters and other ar-     locked over an election         budget or elect a president   targeting an entire political                                 on hunger strike for nearly
riving staffers.                 law and choosing a presi-       because of political bicker-  class.                                                        two weeks.q
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